Xeriscaping is key for water conservation: Native plants (plants specifically adapted to your region, climate, and soil type) require much less water than turfgrass, and many dont need any additional water. Theres the regular mowing with (probably) a gas lawnmower, plus all the time you spend maintaining a huge patch of grass. But, unfortunately, out west, thats not practical or sustainable, and the more people who move out west, the less sustainable it becomes. Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. On the other hand, xeriscaping provides a limitless number of styles that are a lot more appealing aesthetically compared to the turf alternative. The population of the US accounts for approximately 4.25% of the world's total population.. Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. I have a side strip of yard which is on the street. In addition to that, weeds only grow in the spring. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Sign up for our newsletter. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. 4. Picking a native desert blooming plant suits in better with the landscape. They completed the job on budget and on time. Requiring less water, a xeriscape takes advantage of native, drought-hardy plants, along with hardscaping and decorative elements. Essentially, a xeriscape is a rock-based landscape that is designed to be drought-tolerant. I was always out there cleaning up the leaf litter or be fined by the HOA. Reasons include lower water bills, more available water for other needed areas and people, less time and work needed for maintenance, making gardening simple and stress-free, and less need for lawn mowing (saves energy). After the first year, ease of maintenance is one of the primary benefits of xeriscaping. Decent Essays. Its a gorgeous, low-maintenance landscape design that will make you feel great about your environmental impact and the money left in your wallet. When it comes to the benefits of xeriscaping, it is about the practical considerations of maintenance requirements, aesthetics, and expense. This means xeriscaped landscapes need little or no water beyond what the natural climate provides.Xeriscaping has been embraced in dry regions of the western United States. The real success of xersicape is on the focus on details and other landscape alternative. 2023 Gardening Know How, Future US LLC, Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. Share this: They can enjoy the space provided by the yard in front, Proper landscaping can transform your property into an aesthetically compelling space, whether you reside in a serene neighborhood or a bustling city. This means xeriscaped landscapes need little or no water beyond what the natural climate provides. Advantages & Disadvantages of water management techniques. The initial investment may be a bit high but, once established, a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant garden can save gardeners a substantial amount of money. doesnt have to be as intimidating as it sounds. The term xeriscape was coined in 1978 by the Denver Water Department. Xeriscaping- Advantages vs. , the main advantage to xeriscaping is that xeriscapes are very low-maintenance. Save Money The amount of work depends on what youre starting with, but its a lot of work either way. Visible confirmation of system uniformity; Larger area of coverage; Long product life (often over 10 years) Used for germination, fertigation, chemigation and frost control; Short irrigation intervals; Lower maintenance costs Disadvantages. There are many advantages to xeriscaping. | License #1082102, Find Out About a Deadly New Beetle Thats Attacking California Trees, 4817 Palm Avenue, Suite I, La Mesa, CA 91942, Reducing your environmental footprint and impact as much as possible, Decreasing the amount of time needed for landscaping work by you over the long haul, Cutting back significantly on your water bill and water consumption, The amount of work needed in the early stages of your landscape installation will be significant, Your property will have a much more sparse aesthetic that it probably had before, The lack of green, green grass may turn off potential buyers if you eventually choose to move. During this time they were primarily used to play sports on, but the industrial revolution made it possible for nearly everyone to have a lawn of their own. Highest fuel and labor costs. Xeriscaping refers to landscaping in ways that do not require supplemental irrigation.It is promoted in areas that do not have easily accessible supplies of fresh water.The word Xeriscaping was coined by combining xeros (Greek for "dry") with landscape.Plants whose natural requirements are appropriate to the local climate are emphasized, and care is taken to avoid losing water to evaporation . The diversity of plants jostling for space and light, the pollinators busy at work in the beautiful flowers, a lazy lizard, sunning their cold blood on a rock. The initial investment may be a bit high but, once established, a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant garden can save gardeners a substantial amount of money. The point is, if you xeriscape your yard, you wont have to water nearly as often as you would a regular lawn. It is a process of using various drought-resistant plants that are arranged in an efficient way to conserve water. Let's take a closer look. by In an era plagued by low rain, it's a huge advantage to reduce your water usage as much as 50% (depending on where you live)! Environmental benefits: Human activity can raise the heat index in urban or densely populated areas. (Marys viewpoint) For gardeners, xeriscaping is a smart way to adapt to the challenges of our changing climate, but xeriscaping doesnt have to consist boulders, gravel, and cactus. Advantages of Drought Tolerant Landscaping. Closer plant spacings or adequate water the first few years will help. (Marys viewpoint) For gardeners, xeriscaping is a smart way to adapt to the challenges of our changing climate, but xeriscaping doesnt have to consist boulders, gravel, and cactus. The money savings transcend the water bill since almost every xeriscaping product is less costly compared to green shrubbery and rolls of sod. There are several key advantages and disadvantages of each type of lawn. Your guests will certainly tell that it isnt an actual lawn. On the other hand, most people havent heard of the term and are clueless about what it really means. The great thing is thatxeriscaping for beginnersdoesnt have to be as intimidating as it sounds. And thats fine too! Xeriscaping is by no means zero-scaping. Xeriscaping Done in hot and dry places Uses less water Uses drought adapted plants Most regions in the west do this Cuts water usage by 50-75% Denver, Colorado , was one of the first urban areas to support xeriscaping Helps during drought Has environmental and financial benefits Doesn't require fertilizing, mowing, and weeding . The only maintenance you really have to worry about is keeping the weeds away. And it can cost you more in money than you will recoup by years of less water use. A lovely and healthy environment is what we aim for. Top Ten Advantages of Xeriscaping. Users don't want to wait around for pages to load or buttons that don't work, especially if they're in buying mode. Helps conserve water. Aside from the few positive thoughts about xeriscaping mentioned earlier, more benefits await those who try to apply it in their own gardens. Saves time 6. Gardening is a hobby thats gaining a lot of popularity nowadays since many have decided to work from home to avoid illnesses and for practicality, too. The most important advantage that xeriscaping provides is the reduced impact your area will have on the environment. Exotic. Their waxy skin reduces water lost to evaporation.Cacti are far from the only plants appropriate for xeriscaping. I have used them for landscape design, and they have transformed my yard into a garden retreat. Desert flowers and cacti are the ideal options for a xeriscaped front lawn. The process results in a very colorful and attractive landscape while decreasing the use of water by up to 60 percent or higher. The term is said to be coined . Project: Xeriscaping Research Project Project Objective In this project you will research and write an essay on xeriscaping and its advantages and disadvantages. Comment below and let us know. This one is subjective due to beauty being in the eye of the beholder and all that. The pros of xeriscaping include: Reducing your environmental footprint and impact as much as possible Decreasing the amount of time needed for landscaping work by you over the long haul Cutting back significantly on your water bill and water consumption The potential cons of xeriscaping include: Cacti have evolved many physical adaptations that conserve water. Unlike physical stores where there are usually long queues and delays in the selection of products, online stores give shoppers the chance to select the products of their choice with ease. Commercial and residential landscaping services are best done by experts. Backyard Boss is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed Promotes biodiversity 7. This is essential in an era plagued by low rain and snow fall. They Juniper Landscape Company has been fantastic. Xeriscaping is a unique landscaping technique. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Advantages lower water bills more water available for other uses and other people less time and work needed for maintenance can be lazy during the hot dry months little or no lawn mowing xeriscape plants along with proper bed design tends to take full advantage of rainfall What makes a lawn a xeriscape? Backed by a total satisfaction guarantee and amazing customer support. More efficient irrigation is also achieved when types of plants with similar water needs are grouped together. And that will save you money. Most (not all) water-wise plants thrive in full sun. Natural Beauty Wunderdog Magazine: Celebrating the Stories and Triumphs of Rescue Dogs, Creating the Ultimate Home Cinema System with Smart Home Installation, The Benefits of Attending Gardening Workshops and Craft Courses, Organic Towels: A Luxurious and Sustainable Choice for Your Bathroom. Switch to GreenPower today. Well-tilled seedbed. If you watch birds around a diverse garden, youll see them spending hours perching, preening, feeding, and resting. It keeps roots cool in summer, insulates soil in winter, retains soil moisture, protects against weeds, and prevents erosion. Owning a large garden is both a privilege and a responsibility for property owners. Xeriscaping requires finding native plants, installing a new irrigation system, and uprooting plants and trees, which is costly and time-consuming. Here are plenty more advantages of xeriscaping: Aesthetically clean When designed and planned carefully, a xeriscaped landscape may look beautifully unique. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. Their large, round stems have thickened to store large amounts of water. Xeriscapes must be designed more carefully than other landscapes. It is a wise decision to save it for the environment but it also cuts your costs while gardening. In California, some homeowners are saving more than 120 gallons of water each day. The first and most obvious benefit of a xeriscape is that it requires very little water. Traditional lawns also use more water than xeriscaping. advantages and disadvantages of xeriscaping. Outsourcing adds more value to your business as it helps you reach your business goals and objectives. I know we are all exhausted due to the demands of filming and the logistics of the project with so many people involved. Answer (1 of 3): There are many pros to xeriscape landscaping and I'd say there are way more pro's than cons. As mentioned before, any plant can be used for xeriscaping, so you have a wide range of plants to choose from. You will save a lot of time from constant lawn watering, mowing, and weeding. Extends the life of water resources infrastructure 8. by | Nov 28, 2021 | alcohol bottle gun sprayer | research paper on climate change pdf | Nov 28, 2021 | alcohol bottle gun sprayer | research paper on climate change pdf Theyre a great place to have a picnic, lounge about in the sun, or for children or dogs to play. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Xeriscaping is a landscaping approach that focuses on water conservation by using alternative landscaping features such as rocks, gravel, perennials, and cacti to decorate lawns in areas where water scarcity is a problem. Pressure Cleaning and Others Things You Can Do Before Moving In, Lights for Your Garden and Landscaping Views, Listing All the Needed Project Before You Start It. Sometimes, you will have to pull the weed and trim the plants once a year. A third major cause of failure of xeriscapes is improper design. Once your plants are planted, and theyve had some time to establish themselves, the necessary maintenance begins to fall away. I must say that Juniper Landscape Company exceeded my expectations, completing the job in a timely fashion and for a fair price which we negotiated ahead of time, and which did not change even though there were difficulties with the terrain around my home in Stonebridge Estates (Scripps Ranch). These plants require less water and care since they grow naturally in the climate. This can hurt rather than help native wildlife and you may not like what you get. Hence, the advantages of this type of landscaping include: Reducing the water bill by cutting back on the usage and consumption of water. Southwestern cities and towns, including Las Vegas, NV; Aurora, CO; and Los Angeles, CA, offer rebates (cash for grass programs) to encourage you to rip out your sod and replace it with a low-water landscape. 1. Depending on the size of your yard, that could end up being a whole lot of landscape fabric. Versatility in applying for nearly any location. I hired Juniper Landscape Company. Xeriscaping cuts back on energy use so fewer fossil fuels are burned, more water is stored for future use, and fewer pollutants enter your watershed. So if you have a bunch of plants that are going to grow tall, its likely theyll shade out other plants around them. Xeriscaping is an idea that started in Colorado in an effort to save water. "The word Xeriscape comes from two words - "xeros", a Greek word meaning dry, and the word "scape" which means scene. You may have heard of xeriscaping, the low maintenance, water-wise method for landscape design. Some people think it is zero-scaping of landscaping with no use of water, while others disapprove of it, thinking that it involves the use of only barren, rocky landscapes and cacti. Success brings with it many advantages: Independence. Xeriscaping started in the 1970s. Sure, it takes a bit of work to put together, but thats true of any garden. Use of mulch and landscape fabric helps control weed growth. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. With less use of the air conditioner and heater, you will see savings in your power bill. Xeriscaping has been embraced in dry regions of the western United States. If you are busy or physically limited, watering, pruning and weeding can be daunting. Xeriscaping offers a limitless amount of design plans, which may look more aesthetically pleasing than most normal gardens. Project Outline Follow the plan below to help you stay on-task and have a more successful experience. How Big of a Shed Can You Build Without Permission? Convenience: This is the greatest benefit of online shopping and its most significant allure. Colorado Revised Statutes 37-60-126, amended multiple times between 2005 and 2021, gives rights to residents living in HOAs. Once this happens, the garden takes care of itself, and all you have to do is enjoy it. Thus, it is vital that every person in the community preserve this natural resource. Because it incorporates different rock features, you can achieve more three-dimensional features. The soil serves as a guide, determining whether the plants can retain and efficiently distribute water. Xeriscaping can reduce a homeowner's water usage by 60%. At the very least, someone will skin their knee. Not with Backyard Boss on your team, anyway. Background Read the background information about your project. Savings on electricity bills - Insulation helps maintain a pleasant indoor temperature which means you won't be needing artificial heating and cooling as often. Expense: When considering xeriscaping advantages, consider the expense over the long term. Gives you access to financial incentives, 7. Timeliness considerations. Disadvantages. That being saidusing less water is a noble plan, but lets avoid the all-or-nothing solutions! Whatever decision you make, we invite you to leverage our skills and expertise to get the yard you want. The most important environmental aspect of xeriscaping is choosing vegetation that is appropriate for the climate. A lot of people opt for turf landscaping since it helps them save money and save water. Requires little fertilization. Xeriscaping is the practice of designing landscapes to reduce or eliminate the need for irrigation, Biology, Ecology, Health, Experiential Learning, Geography, Human Geography. Incorporating the natural habitat into your landscaping or planting native plants protects the environment. Additionally, if you want to set up irrigation, you should do so beforehand as installing it after your xeriscape can be a hassle. This is essential in an era plagued by low rain and snow fall. Many homeowners choose to xeriscape because gardening brings them joy and they love spending time in a soothing space filled with flowers, butterflies, and beautiful stones. That way, once theyre established, the majority of the maintenance falls away. Like most things in life, though, there are both pros and cons associated with xeriscaping. The amount of work needed in the early stages of your landscape installation will be significant, If not done properly, replacing lawn with xeriscaping can cause more heat to radiate into a house. Your email address will not be published. During the hot and dry summer months, water can become scarce so it is critical that everyone in the community conserve this natural resource. Rock cover also decreases your need for chemical treatments theres no need to fertilize your boulders, and youd look pretty silly spraying your gravel with herbicide! 1. Aerating, fertilizing, and mowing is just the tip of the iceberg for lawn maintenance. The idea is to choose native plants that have already adapted to your specific climate. Should You Prune Hydrangeas in the Spring. Xeriscaping has reduced both the daytime and nighttime temperatures in dry regions. Helps conserve water. During the dry and hot summer months, water can become scarce. Less winter wind erosion from roughened surface. The only maintenance you really have to worry about is keeping the weeds away. Xeriscaping will save water and requires less maintenance than a lush green yard filled with non-native flowers, plants and shrubs. However, there are certainly some downsides to this type of landscaping too. Xeriscaping Reduces the Use of Natural Resources. Does Putting Sugar on Your Lawn Really Kill Weeds? Additionally, the ground itself in xeriscaping is generally rougher, utilizing gravel, wood chips, and other chunky, hard materials that are efficient in retaining water or able to guide its . Besides the watering, theres also all the fertilizing. Native plants used in xeriscapes are specially adapted to your region, so you wont need to apply fertilizer or harmful pesticides. If a big lawn is necessary for your lifestyle, then xeriscaping isnt for you. Many local governments offer rebates and bill reductions for homeowners who choose to xeriscape. Consider well before taking out a backyard that focuses on native plants to replace with a landscape that focuses on low-water plants.