Omissions? William Henry Vanderbilt II (1870-1892) - Memorial Find a Grave Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt and his Newport Legacy Although Cornelius, the father had married at age 19, he was quite upset when his son William also wanted to get married at age 19 in 1840. For example, they had to open Biltmore to the public in 1930 to "increase area tourism" and "generate income to preserve the estate" (via Biltmore's Estate History). Young Vanderbilt was stricken with typhoid fever, which it is thought he contracted while on a Easter tour through the Western States. Please enter your email and password to sign in. William H. Vanderbilt, eldest son of Cornelius Vanderbilt, died at 10:15 o'clock last night at the home of his father, Fifty seventh Street and Fifth Avenue. Cornelius Vanderbilt III, Alfred Vanderbilt's older brother, was well-educated with three degrees from Yale and poised to take over the family railroad business from his father. Failed to remove flower. The youngest child of William Henry . According to NYC experts at 6sqft, the Vanderbilt family owned multiple GildedAgemansions on Fifth Avenue's millionaire row, including the massive three townhouses called the "Triple Palaces." They had 2 children. Learn about how to make the most of a memorial. Vanderbilt - Wikipedia [2], He was matriculated at Columbia College with the class of 1841 but did not graduate, according to official records. William Henry Vanderbilt III | Historica Wiki | Fandom Aside from focusing on the business, he was also a philanthropist who donated substantial resources to various organizations. His father and mother their five other children, and Dr. J. W. McLane were. How The Vanderbilt Family Lost Their Entire Fortune - In his will he divided his fortune more equitably than had his father, and he left substantial bequests to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the YMCA, and various churches and hospitals. Emily Vanderbilt Sloane - Emily Vanderbilt Sloane - Instead of helping out with the family's shipping business, Cornelius sent William to manage a family farm in Staten Island in 1840. A major turning point in their relationship occurred on the family trip to Europe on the steamship Vanderbilt in 1860, after which, the two became very close and Billy was given a greater role in business matters. Willie had lived there with his wife, Virginia Fair, until their separation, after which he lived primarily . William Henry "Billy" Vanderbilt (May 8, 1821 - December 8, 1885) was an American businessman and philanthropist. You have chosen this person to be their own family member. He left bequests to his still living siblings, to his own children and to others. Try again. The turn of the century, however, saw a push for more public services, as well as a global conflict that was cutting into trade tariffs, as described by Heritage and ThoughtCo. Are you sure that you want to delete this memorial? William Henry Vanderbilt II (1870-1892) "Bill" William H. Vanderbilt II, died at Yale, unmarried zoom_in1 images Father Cornelius Vanderbilt II (1843-1899) Mother Alice (Gwynne) Vanderbilt (1845-1934) Share Contributed by Mark Meredith on 03/10/2018 and last updated on 18/05/2020. He was also a frugal man who never had debts throughout his decades in business. or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. Young Vanderbilt was stricken with typhoid fever, which it is thought he contracted while on a Easter tour through the Western States. You are nearing the transfer limit for memorials managed by Find a Grave. William Henry Vanderbilt II (1870-1892) FamilySearch But it had no reality in my life." His estate was divided amongst his eight children and his wife, the bulk of the estate going to his eldest two sons, William Kissam Vanderbilt and Cornelius Vanderbilt II. In 1857 he convinced his father to make him receiver of the bankrupt Staten Island Railroad and a few years later startled his father by putting the line back on a sound financial footing. Vanderbilt later recouped Grant's other mortgaged war memorabilia, including the memorabilia given by Grant, and returned them to Ulysses S. Grant's wife, Julia Grant, after Grant's death in 1885. VAN DER BILT, Alice Claypoole GWYNNE, rnelius Neily VANDERBILT, Gladys Moore VANDERBILT, Reginald 'Reggie' Claypoole VANDERBILT, Alice Gwynne VANDERBILT, Alfred Gwynne VANDERBILT, Dec 21 1870 - Staten Island, Richmond, New York, Usa, Cornelius VANDERBILT, Alice Claypoole GWYNNE, ANDERBILT, Alice Gwynne VANDERBILT, Cornelius Neily VANDERBILT, Reginald Claypoole VANDERBILT, Gertrude VANDERBILT, Alfred Gwynne VANDERBILT, ynne VANDERBILT, Cornelius VANDERBILT, Reginald Claypoole VANDERBILT, Alfred Gwynne VANDERBILT, Gertrude VANDERBILT, Gladys Moore VANDERBILT, May 23 1892 - Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, Usa, ERBILT, Alice Gwynne VANDERBILT, Cornelius VANDERBILT, Gertrude V. Whitney VANDERBILT, Reginald Claypoole VANDERBILT, Gladys Moor VANDERBILT, Dec 21 1870 - Richmond County, New York, tats-Unis, May 23 1892 - Yale, Comt De Seneca, New York, tats-Unis. Fortune's Children: The Fall of the House of Vanderbilt By Arthur T. Vanderbilt II Vanderbilt: The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty By Anderson Cooper & Katherine Howe . Translation on Find a Grave is an ongoing project. William Henry "Billy" Vanderbilt (May 8, 1821 - December 8, 1885) was an American businessman and philanthropist. Despite this, William K. "Willie" Vanderbilt, the son of Billy Vanderbilt and grandson of the Commodore, was married to Alva Smith, a social-climbing force who was determined to be accepted into New York's high society. Young Vanderbilt was the owner of the forty-six-foot sloop yacht Ilderim, one of Burgess's last boats, which he had intended to put in commission this Summer. His father and mother their five other children, and Dr. J. W. McLane were at the bedside when the young man breathed his last. Use the links under See more to quickly search for other people with the same last name in the same cemetery, city, county, etc. The Vanderbilt organization bought the then bankrupt Long Island Railroad and William was put in charge to reorganize it. For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. Records from the Amsterdam Chamber of the West India Co. A Tour of New Netherland Death came very peacefully. Vanderbilt, Widow of Envoy to Paris, Gave Sloane Hospital", "Ms. Twombly Dies In Home Here at 9:41. Cooper started earning money as a model in his early teens. Try again later. Cornelius at the end of his life knew that by turning the organization over to William, it would be managed the same way he would have managed it. He also said that his ancestors grew up thinking that money would always be there and they didn't need to work for it, which is the opposite of his philosophy. He died on December 8, 1885 in New York City. [2] ng l con trai c ca Cornelius Vanderbilt, ng cng l ngi tha k ti sn v l mt nhn vt li lc trong i gia nh Vanderbilt. At one time during the afternoon he rallied, and his temperature went down to 100 1/2. Becoming a Find a Grave member is fast, easy and FREE. To make matters worse, when the Great Depression hit, the Vanderbilts had to find different ways to maintain their lifestyles and huge estates. Drag images here or select from your computer for William Henry Vanderbilt II memorial. Ownership of New York Central came with publicity and conflicts that Billy hated. He roomed in Durfee Hall, Moses Taylor being his roommate. At one time during the afternoon he rallied, and his temperature went down to 100 1/2. Although this did not fully cover the $150,000 debt, Vanderbilt accepted the memorabilia as payment and wiped out the $150,000 debt owed by Grant. William Henry Vanderbilt III (November 24, 1901 - April 14, 1981) was was Governor of Rhode Island and a member of the prominent United States Vanderbilt family. William greatly expanded the railroad operations including the New York Central System. Hij was een kleinzoon van William Henry Vanderbilt en James Watson Webb. Born Dec. 21, 1870 in this city, young Vanderbilt was little over twenty-one years ald at the time of his death. Manhattan, New York County (Manhattan), New York, USA. William Henry Vanderbilt - Wikipedia There was an error deleting this problem. William Henry Vanderbilt's final ledger entry at Henry Poole & Co is dated 1925 and is ordered from the Paris branch on the Rue Tronchet with a delivery address Harbor . The Vanderbilts: America's richest familybefore they lost it all As manager of this memorial you can add or update the memorial using the Edit button below. Ferdinand Ward, known as the Napoleon of Wall Street, had, unknowingly to both Grant and Vanderbilt, operated the company as a Ponzi scheme that resulted in financial ruin for many. By the late 20th century, barely 100 years after the Commodore had become the richest man in America and his son the richest man in the world, the Vanderbilt family fortune had dwindled into insignificance. Resend Activation Email. [citation needed] His youngest son George inherited his Staten Island mansion and farm, which became Miller Field airbase and parkland. Learn about how to make the most of a memorial. If you have questions, please contact [emailprotected]. His father and mother their five other children, and Dr. J. W. McLane were at the bedside when the young man breathed his last. A hemorrhage of the stomach occurred at 8:30P.M. Over time, the Commodore moved on to invest in steamships and then railroads, and before he knew it, he had built up the shipping and railroad empire New York Central and become the richest American. George and William were educated abroad in Switzerland and England, but always returned home to Biltmore for holidays and summer vacations. William Henry and Louisa Vanderbilt had eight children, consisting of: Note that Emily Thorn Vanderbilt lived to the centenarian age of 104, and Florence Vanderbilt Twombley lived to the advanced age of 98 years. ONCE A RAILROAD BUILDER Husband of Former Eliza Osgood Vanderbilt Early Forsook Medicine for Finance", "G. W. Vanderbilt Dies Suddenly. Use the links under See more to quickly search for other people with the same last name in the same cemetery, city, county, etc. William was rewarded for his accomplishments in rebuilding the Long Island Railroad, and became essentially the driving force behind the railroad business of the Vanderbilts. In contrast to the Commodore and Billy Vanderbilt, the third and fourth generations grew up ridiculously lavishly and spent their fortunes like crazy. William Henry had doubled the inheritance by the time of his death, just nine years later. He was noted as an excellent horseman, a first class cross country rider, and an expert polo player. Photos larger than 8Mb will be reduced. George Washington Vanderbilt II, born in 1862, was the youngest of William Henry Vanderbilt's children. The Vanderbilts also spent quite a bit of money on philanthropy and exploring their personal interests, especially the Vanderbilts of later generations. In 1841, Billy married Maria Louisa Kissam (18211896), daughter of the Reverend Samuel Kissam and Margaret Hamilton Adams. Florida, in 1904, breaking the one-mile record previously held by Henry Ford. William Henry Vanderbilt - Wikipedia ESTATE NEAR $100,000,000 $300,000,000 Left by His Father in Eight Shares Believed to be Over Billion Total Now", "MRS. HENRY WHITE DIES IN LENOX AT 94; Daughter of W.H. They do not pay. He was brought to his father's house May 6, as his sickness was recognized as serious from the beginning. History, Archaeology & Art illuminate a Life on the Hudson, Bert's Maps Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. TWOMBLY, CAPITALIST, DEAD; Brother-in-Law of W. K. Vanderbilt Never Recovered from Shock of His Son's Death. William Henry Vanderbilt, (born May 8, 1821, New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.died Dec. 8, 1885, New York, N.Y.), American railroad magnate and philanthropist who nearly doubled the Vanderbilt family fortune established and in large part bequeathed to him by his father, Cornelius. Jan arrived in New Amsterdam with just the clothes that he wore and with no means to pay for his immigration, so he became indentured for three years before he finally finished his contract at 16 years old. A collector's 16th-, 17th- & 18th-century maps of northeast America. . Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried. There are no volunteers for this cemetery. Augustus Saint-Gaudens | William Henry II and Cornelius Vanderbilt III William Henry Vanderbilt - Children To use this feature, use a newer browser. William Henry Vanderbilt II. He was the son of Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt and Ellen Elsi William Henry Vanderbilt III - Alchetron, the free social encyclopedia While Cornelius was still concentrating on steamship lines, William became interested in railroads. His occupations were occupation, occupation, occupation, occupation and occupation. Gloria Vanderbilt is a noted artist, designer and author. Gloria's son, Anderson Cooper, is a Peabody Award-winning journalist, author, and television producer and personality. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. It was only upon his death that Cornelius gave his son William the ultimate compliment for being a proven manager by turning over the entire Vanderbilt organization to William so that he could manage it as he saw fit. The Vanderbilt organization at that point essentially became a railroad operation. The vase was over 9 feet tall and was mounted in bronze. Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. Billy shared his portion with his children and, on his death in 1885, proved ol' Commodore right when he split the bulk of the inheritance between his two oldest sonsCornelius II and William. Please enter your email and password to sign in. He was the favorite grandson of William H. Vanderbilt, who left him a legacy of $1,000,000, the income to come to him as soon as he attained his majority, and the disposal of the principal to pass into his hands when he became thirty years old. William Henry Vanderbilt, II (1870 - 1892) - Genealogy - geni family tree He roomed in Durfee Hall, Moses Taylor being his roommate. Today, Biltmore Estate is a tourist attraction where visitors can see the original collections of George and Edith. J. He was able to grow the business even bigger than it already was, and according to Real Estates in NY, William was able to double the Vanderbilt fortune from $100 million to $200 million before he retired in 1883. He had, in essence, been disinherited. Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried. He was a member of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity and one of the most popular men in his class. Are you adding a grave photo that will fulfill this request? From St. Paul's he went to Yale in 1889, becoming a member of the class of 93. Subscribe to NNI's e-Marcurius and DAGNN-L toreceive information about New Netherland-related events, activities, conferences, and research. [1], His father Cornelius frequently berated and criticized him, calling his eldest son a "blockhead" and a "blatherskite". The son of Cornelius Vanderbilt succumbs to typhoid fever. By supporting NNI you help increase awareness of the 17th century Dutch colony of New Netherland and its legacy in America. William K. Vanderbilt II - known to family and friends as Willie K. - loved the oceans and the natural world. For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. To view a photo in more detail or edit captions for photos you added, click the photo to open the photo viewer. Vanderbilt II, Arthur T: Fortune's Children. More. Part of a New York farming family of modest means, Cornelius "the Commodore Vanderbilt was 16 when he borrowed $100 from his mother in exchange for plowing eight acres of soil, according to Emily Vanderbilt Sloane s-a nscut la 17 septembrie 1874 din Emily Thorn Vanderbilt (1852-1946) i motenitorul W. & J. Sloane William Douglas Sloane (1844-1915). "It was really fascinating to start to think of them as human beings and not just historical characters or people I'd read about," he said (via Town & Country Magazine). . "The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt. Failed to remove flower. Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. She also started her own fashion empire and partnered with manufacturer Mohan Murjani to sell jeans specifically for women with her signature on the back pocket. William Henry Vanderbilt, the Commodore's successor (who estimated he earned $19.73 a minute) left a fortune worth $200 million - around $50 billion in today's terms - when he died in 1885. Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. - This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 04:11. In other words when he was 49 years old he became a multimillionaire, and probably one of the richest men in the United States. William Henry Vanderbilt was the oldest son of Cornelius Vanderbilt [1794-1877], the American entrepreneur of both shipping and rail transportation during the 19th century. Broadcast journalist Anderson Cooper is the child of Gloria Laura Vanderbilt with her fourth husband, Wyatt Emory Cooper. The golden period of the Vanderbilt family was the time when Cornelius and William Henry Vanderbilt were alive. William Henry Vanderbilt (May 8, 1821 December 8, 1885) was an American businessman and philanthropist. George traveled to Asheville, North Carolina, and was entranced by the location. Daughter of W. H. Vanderbilt Was Last Surviving Grandchild of Commodore Vanderbilt", "H. M'K. We have tried again and again to get the different roads to give them up; but they will run them and, of course, as long as they run them we must do the same." Please enter your email address and we will send you an email with a reset password code. The year was 1810, and the $100 (equivalent to a little over $2,100 today, per theOfficial Data Foundation)was spent on a boat that he used to start his own transport and freight business. Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. William Henry Vanderbilt, I (1821-1885 . You may not upload any more photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 20 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 5 photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 30 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 15 photos to this memorial. He inherited nearly $100 million from his father, railroad mogul and family patriarch "The Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt upon his death in 1877 and had increased it to almost $194 million at his death less than nine years later. [citation needed]. Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. He was noted as an excellent horseman, a first class cross country rider, and an expert polo player. Updates? His son, William "Billy" Vanderbilt, would continue to donate to Vanderbilt University and even left gifts in his will to organizations like the YMCA and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (via Britannica). Please enter your email address and we will send you an email with a reset password code. Three of Billy Vanderbilt's sons were particularly known for contributing to philanthropic or cultural causes. Perhaps it's not that surprising, then, that the future Vanderbilts were unprepared to handle the family fortune. Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. William Henry "Billy" Vanderbilt (May 8, 1821 - December 8, 1885) was an American businessman and philanthropist. He was in delicate health at the time and very susceptible to all malarial influences. [citation needed]. The Gilded Age was when many of the infamously wealthy families got their start, from the Rockefellers to the Carnegies to the Vanderbilts (via ThoughtCo). cemeteries found in New Dorp, Richmond County (Staten Island), New York, USA will be saved to your photo volunteer list. This is a carousel with slides. William was eventually given a role in his father's railroad business, where he further boosted its success. I knew they had all these houses and they were museums now. She spent millions of her husband's inheritance building a huge mansion on Fifth Avenue's millionaire row, one of the largest homes there at the time. Billy took the advice to heart and doubled the family fortune before his death in 1885, but his own descendants would dwindle it all away in just a few decades. Connect to 890 Vanderbilt profiles on Geni, Source:, Cornelius VANDERBILT II, Alice Claypoole VANDERBILT. He then went to St. Paul's school, Concord, N. H., where he took a great interest in rowing, being stroke of the school crew. While Billy wasn't as ambitious as his father, he was obsessed with preserving his wealth and would nitpick over expenses. Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of William Vanderbilt (91806842)? This record is part of the Catalog of American Portraits, a research archive of the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. William H. Vanderbilt, eldest son of Cornelius Vanderbilt, died at 10:15 o'clock last night at the home of his father, Fifty seventh Street and Fifth Avenue. On his discharge, he returned to racing in a major way. Learn more about managing a memorial . The 'Curse' That Destroyed This American Dynasty Manhattan, New York County (Manhattan), New York, USA. 21 Dec 1870. Born Dec. 21, 1870 in this city, young Vanderbilt was little over twenty-one years ald at the time of his death. Papers of Hans Bontemantel Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate, or jump to a slide with the slide dots. American railroad magnate and philanthropist William Henry Vanderbilt was at first deemed unfit for the business world by his father, Cornelius Vanderbilt. William Henry Vanderbilt was the fourth child and first son of Cornelius Vanderbilt's 13 children. As a result Cornelius, the father, was disappointed that his son was seemingly worthless in helping him run the family's thriving shipping and railroad businesses. The Golden Era, and Grand Destruction, of Cornelius Vanderbilt II's New He was the eldest son of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, an heir to his fortune and a prominent member of the Vanderbilt family. Seemed to be Recovering from Operation for Appendicitis When Heart Failed", "From farmland to air field to parkland in New Dorp", Appletons' Cyclopdia of American Biography, The last will and testament of the late William H. Vanderbilt, James Watson Webb II - James Watson Webb II - Incidentally, we may benefit humanity, but the aim is to earn a dividend. After that, he spent most of his time and money on sports and cultural causes, including yacht-racing, art-collecting, and operating the Metropolitan Opera. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. He had also a large allowance from his father, so large, in fact, that in his sophomore year he gave $5,000 for the new gymnasium at Yale. Even Billy, who ended up being the primary inheritor of the Vanderbilt fortune, wasn't allowed to get experience within the railroad empire until he was in his forties. Despite being the third-eldest son, Alfred was thought to be the one who would best handle the family fortune. Family members linked to this person will appear here. Photos larger than 8Mb will be reduced. He eventually married a Norwegian woman in his early 20s, and together, they settled on a farm. William Henry Vanderbilt II. William Henry "Billy" Vanderbilt (Mey 8, 1821 - December 8, 1885) wis an American businessman an philanthropist. William Henry 'Billy' Vanderbilt (May 8, 1821 - December 8, 1885) was an American businessman and philanthropist. According to Britannica, Cornelius Vanderbilt II (not to be confused with the Commodore's second son), who was most prominently in charge of the family investments and businesses, donated huge amounts to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Yale University, Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons. When Cornelius passed away in 1877, the entire company was turned over to William. Billy longed to show his father that he was not, in fact, a blatherskite, but never dared stand up to the Commodore. In the years following, Cornelius worked toward expanding his business and by 1812, he pivoted his focus toward steamboats. Are you sure that you want to delete this memorial? William H. Vanderbilt, eldest son of Cornelius Vanderbilt, died at 10:15 o'clock last night at the home of his father, Fifty seventh Street and Fifth Avenue. The Commodore was known to have made one big donation in 1873: a $1 million gift to Nashville, Tennessee's, Central University, which would then be founded as Vanderbilt University, as explained byBritannica. But even as they were spending it, the Vanderbilts were still raking it in. railroad developer, financier Born: 5/8/1821 Birthplace: New Brunswick, N.J. The word "van" was added, which means "from" in Dutch.