Charles Mason7. This website has been created on a desire to find information concerning the surname PROCT?R and various related family lines. Dr. Keyonna Proctor, DO, is a Family Medicine specialist practicing in Solomons, MD with 10 years of experience. Family Medicine, Nurse Practitioner. Butler & Mary Maggie Lee Harley, *JOHN FRANCIS "FRANK" SWANN 1825 - 1909*MARGARET THOMPSON c.1849 - 7-12-1915, Georgianna 6-11-1868 -m- ?? 1609), aged 26, British settler traveling aboard the ship "William and John" arriving in St Christopher (Saint Kitts) in 1635, Thomas Proctor (1753-1794), English historical painter and sculptor, born at Settle, Yorkshire, Richard Wright Proctor (1816-1881), English author, son of Thomas Procter, born of poor parents in Paradise Vale, Salford, Lancashire, Mark Proctor (b. Indians After the Civil War, light-skinned African Americans who owned land in the Southeast did not fit into the new society where churches and schools were either white or former slave. Margarete3. Removing this item from your shopping cart will remove your associated sale items. N A V I G A T EH O M EA B O U TB L O GC O N T A C T, Terms & ConditionsPrivacy PolicyAffiliate DisclaimerDesign by GoLiveHQBrooklyn 2017, COPYRIGHT ICA IMAGES | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. "Betty" Newman, *WILLIAM JOSEPH "BILLY" PROCTOR SR.*SARAH ELSIE THOMPSON, Wm. Harley, Elizabeth Goldie 7-9-1927 -m- Thomas Purcell Proctor, *JERRY JEREMIAH THOMPSONJames Alex. John Proctor was from a "yeoman" class family from England. Oxon Hill- Free Black Landowners of the 19th Century Visiting Our Past: Proctor family history - The Asheville Citizen Times Many could vote by the grandfather clause. Joseph Proctor Sr. & Sarah Elsie Thompson, {based on record in Bel Alton, Md. Margaret c.1849 -m- John Francis Swann Sr. William "Billy" c.1850 -m- 1. = Frederick Marcenia -m- Sarah Emma Butler, *JOHN PROCTORStanislaus Proctor & Henrietta Carter, *JOHN "JOHNNY" PROCTORThomas Proctor & Sarah Ellen Butler, {based on Bryantown records }*JOHN PROCTOR, { Harte Survey}*JOHN ALEXANDER " Ellie" PROCTOR, Walter "Watt" Proctor & Cecelia Ann Swann, JOHN EDWARD "NED" PROCTOR c. 1840sCharles Proctor & Sally. Proctor - Surnames - Thomas 18404. When John Proctor was born in 1718, in Spotsylvania, Virginia, British Colonial America, his father, George Proctor II, was 58 and his mother, Katherine Frank, was 48. If you Amanda -m- ? 106-8]. Data is presented as reliable as we are able to verify. 1. Others from the Eastern Shore followed. Butler, { Harte survey: NO PROOF OF PARENTS}*WATT SWANN, *WILLIAM ALEX SWANN 11-22-1898 - 5-28-1985George Henry Swann & Birdie Nancy Proctor, *SARAH CATH. Proctor Family - Family Tree note: Parents could be Henry Savoy & Eleanor Proctor who, {ages based on census }*JOHN SAVOY c. 1842, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Rebecca c. 1868 -m- "Fox" Swann, {some kid listed frm. Somewhere in a thicket along Hazel Creek, in the shadow of Pinnacle Ridge in Swain County, lies a rusted scissors that Walt Proctor had thrown away . Jonathan Curtis probably owned or leased land in St. Mary's or Charles County in 1746 when he had an account with William Hunter & Company of Spotsylvania County for over twenty-nine pounds Maryland currency. Helen6. "A slave named Thomas Rustin was indicted by the Charles County Court in November 1749 for taking someone's horse. [2], In 2022, Proctor opposed legislation to break up the College of Southern Maryland to create a new Charles County Community College. Kell Thompson, * WILLIAM JOSEPH PROCTOR JR.Wm. The Story of John and Alice Proctor - Henricus Visiting Our Past: Proctor family history. (1) Some had a number of children, indicating long-standing relationships: Mary Davis of Calvert County married a slave named Domingo about 1677 and had two children. The Proctor Family Website. She works in Solomons, MD and 3 other locations and specializes in Family Medicine. Joseph Proctor Jr. *WILLIAM EDWARD "EDDIE" LINKINSJames Arthur Linkins & Mary Jane Thompson, {based on 1860 Charles county census - free Mulattos }*STEPHEN MASSEY c. 1825, {Harte Survey} / Tombstone*CHARLES AUGUSTUS MASON 1860 - 1940, *SARAH CATHERINE "LULA" PROCTOR 1879 - 1950, John Edward Proctor & Sarah Catherine Thompson, ( census records in P.G. *JOHN WALTER HARLEYWilliam Newman & Julia Ann Butler, *RICHARD HARLEY 1850John Lawson Harley & Elizabeth Butler, *RICHARD HARLEY 1850James Harley & Elizabeth Watson, James Albert 1874 -m- Emma Francis Thompson, Mary Maggie Lee 1876 -m- Wm. Keep up with the family birthdays and anniversaries in the Events list. Tue 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. [Archives of Maryland, 13:546-49]. Proctor, *WALTER "WATT" PROCTORJohn Henry Proctor & Julia Ann Newman, Sidney Francis -m- Mary Pearl Thompson {her 2nd }, { Bryantown church records }*WILLIAM PROCTOR, John Ed. The best result we found for your search is Sandra R Proctor age 80+ in Temple Hills, MD. Marcellus Proctor - Witnessing Maryland and Native American History - NASA Thomas Proctor (fl. "Sallie Ann" 1902 - 1972 -m- Alex Swann, Note: 1910 census list Eliz Swann to having given birth, to a total of 16 children in her life but only 8 survived, { 1880 census records }*JAMES ALEXANDER THOMPSON c. 1820's, Jeremiah "Jere" 1866 - 11-2-1935 -m- Mary Coonie Proctor, William Kell 1872 -m- Ellen Frances Proctor, *JAMES PROCTOR THOMPSON 1861James Alex. As social media use has become more mainstream, more and more users have found ways to make their accounts valuable resources for genealogists, either to share information or facilitate discussion. New patients are welcome. Cora Cecelia c. 1886 -m- Wm. 1578), was an English poet, the son of John Proctor, first master of Tunbridge grammar school. Sun Closed. 1980), English former professional footballer who played from 1997 to 2009, Jamie Thomas Proctor (b. Elizabeth 18433. Dr. Proctor works in Clinton, MD and specializes in Family Medicine and Nurse Practitioner. We've gathered our favorite accounts that are fun and informative, and that provide opportunities to connect with experts and other genealogists like you. Joseph age 212. [1] However, in the United Kingdom, the name Proctor is ranked the 612nd most popular surname with an estimated 10,723 people with that name. [2]. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Read More > Call us today to book an appointment 253-759-3586 For COVID -19 Information, click links below: CDC Website CDC self checker can be done here Tacoma Pierce County Health Department Taking care of your health Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor's office as it may change frequently. Sarah 1859, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. Leonard Newman, names listed below have not be confirmed as their children, *RICHARD LAWRENCE "Lonzie" NEWMANEugene Newman & Mary Elizabeth Proctor, John Calvin Coolidge -m- Mary Evelyn Harley, *ROBERT NEWMANJohn Lloyd Newman & Sussanna Newman, James Edward -m- 1. Proctor & Margaret Ellen Newman, { Harte Survey }* ROBERT RANDOLPH PROCTOR, Robert Naylor Proctor & Rose Etta Proctor, George Henry Swann & Birdie Nancy Proctor, *SIDNEY FRANCIS PROCTOR*CARRIE PROCTOR 190*, John Henry Proctor & Sally Virgie Thompson, *STANISLAUS "STANLEY -STANNY" PROCTOR1-24-1859 10-9-1939, Rose Ann 9-30-1884 -m- Norman Gwynn Butler, John "Johnny" 3-13-1887 -m- Eliz. The Proctor family owned land in Charles County before 1762. Maggie ? Alex. Elizabeth Proctor of Charles County had two children between 1705 and 1709.Martha Beddo of Charles County had three children between 1711 and 1735.Elizabeth Norman had three children in Prince George's County between 1715 and 1722. What that tells us is that the Proctors owned two homes on 3 acres and are employed as laborers. She left property and livestock to her son Charles. sources received. Proctor Family Practice is a Group Practice with 1 Location. The Gibbs family were left 444 acres in Queen Anne's County by the will of their master in 1747. H. "Kell" Thompson & Eliz Ann Wiseman, { Harte survey }*WILLIAM "BILLY" THOMPSON, *WILLIAM H. "KELL" THOMPSON 1820's - 1880? Elizabeth Gwendolyn Proctor (born September 15, 1940) is an American politician who represented district 27A in the Maryland House of Delegates. Mottoes seldom form part of the grant of arms: Under most heraldic authorities, a motto is an optional component of the coat of arms, and can be added to or changed at will; many families have chosen not to display a motto. Milly 18454. Many people are familiar with the Allen County Public Library for its Periodical Source Index, or PERSI. Aminadab Hanser of Accomack County, the son of a white woman and a slave, purchased 200 acres in Rehoboth Bay, Sussex County, in September 1685.Daniel Francisco (Sisco), son or grandson of John Francisco, a slave freed in Northampton County, Virginia, in 1647, lived in Somerset County between 1707 and 1713 and left an estate in Kent County, Delaware, in 1732. "Del. Black/Mulatto Proctors - Butler, Mary Frances Mamie -m- Wm. In the Middle Ages, people did not generally live off of the fruits of their labor in a particular job. Proctor Family Home Page Site Map Sources Guest Book Connections Security Enter to view private data: This website started 30 October 2010. Are you sure you want to delete this item from your shopping cart? Families who originated in Maryland but were counted in the 1810 census for Virginia included: Bates, Chambers, Dawson, Day, Dutton, Easter, Fortune, Grace, Graham, Grimes, Grinnage, Lamb, Lett, Nelson, Nichols, Norman, Osborne, Pickett, Ridgeway, Strickland, Trout, Walker, Webster, and Welch. David Puto She graduated from Frederick Douglass High School in Upper Marlboro and later attended Bowie State University, where she earned a bachelor's degree in education in 1962 and then a master's degree in special education in 1973. Harte survey}*JOHN ENOCH SAVOY, Ella Francis -m- Richard Lawrence "Lonzie" Newman, {Bryantown church records}*MILEY SAVOY c. 1810 - c.1880, { Charles co. 1880 census }*THOMAS SAVOY 1845, {St. Peters church Rec. Musing from the Proctor family on everything from kids, the house, work and life. HARLEYRichard Harley & Rose Ann Harley, *JAMES "JIM" HENRY HARLEY*BIRDIE DOLLY ANN THOMPSON 1856, Mary Elizabeth 1883 -m- John Ignatius Proctor, Queen Henry "Harry" -m- Mary Julia Butler, *JAMES HENRY HARLEYRichard Harley & Rose Ann Harley, *JAMES HENRY HARLEY 1853William Harley & Julia Ann Butler, *JAMES OLLIE HARLEYJames Al. Dr. Proctor works in Clinton, MD and specializes in Family Medicine and Nurse Practitioner. About a month after the wedding Maryland passed a law which released white servant women and their mixed-race children from slavery if the marriage was permitted or encouraged by their master [Archives of Maryland, 7:203-5; Hodes, White Women, Black Men, 19-29]. John b: 9-19-1806*Josias Butler Catherine Proctor. Two members of the family remained in the county and still owned fifty acres each in 1783, but the others sold their land and moved to Delaware.However, in most areas of Maryland free African Americans had little opportunity to own land.The land of opportunity for free African Americans lay in some areas of Delaware, North Carolina, and the Virginia Southside which were anxious to attract settlers of any complexion. Dr. Proctor is affiliated with Medstar Southern Maryland Hospital Center. This was about 15% of all the recorded Proctor's in USA. Thomas Camillus 1868 - 19392. Proctor & Eliz. ?, 1867*Tobias Savoy b: 1828Mary. THOMPSON 1859 - 1925Wm. [4][5] She was sworn in on October 30, 2015. John Walter 1848 - 1925 -m- Ellen Francis Butler, George Wm. She left property and livestock to her son Charles, her will in the year of: * June 4, 1727 Liber L #2, Also: 1743 Liber 23 Folio 445 May have been, Micheal "Miley" Butler & Jane Adeline Proctor, *EUGENE PROCTORCharles Proctor & Mary Ann Polly Butler, *FRANCIS PROCTOR 18***MARY ELIZABETH JONES 18**, *FRANCIS CAMILLUS PROCTORWm. Most moved on to Delaware. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. Rather, they performed a specialized task, as well as farming, for subsistence. Other Eastern Shore free African American families followed in the early eighteenth century: Francisco, Harman, Longo, and Malavery. Joseph Proctor, Sarah Catherine 1846 - 1936 -m- Ed. Please verify insurance information directly with your doctor's office as it may change frequently. The posts here primarily link to the Evidence Explained website, which hosts an impressive number of forums for citation issues, evidence analysis and more. Retrieved from. Frank James Proctor 1873. We could dedicate a whole article to Facebook groups for genealogy, so instead, weve noted a few of our favorites below and focused the rest of this list on just the Facebook pages we really "Like" (pun intended). George Marcellus4. & 1860 P.G. H. "Kell" Thompson & Eliz Ann Wiseman, John Henry c. 1870 - 1927 -m- Virgie Thompson, Barbara Ann 1877 - 1964 -m- Wm. Jenniesource: 1850 Charles county census*Joseph Gray b: 1784Catherine b: 1790, 1. portraits, family Ica Remo April 23, 2018 Comment. Re: Proctor's from Maryland - b. Proctor, 40, grew up on Old Alexandria Ferry Road in Clinton, in a community she recalls as rife with Piscataways. Convict Records Voyages to Australia (Retrieved 2nd December 2020). This surname comes from the Old English word proketour, which is a contracted form of the Old French procurator. The Proctor family has deep roots in the region, and the family name is well-known in Prince George's County and Southern Maryland. Sandra Proctor in MD - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages Ezekiel "Zeke" Proctor. Please enter a valid 5-digit Zip Code. Eugene b: 6-15-18624. Henry Harley & Unknown, Sarah Ann c.1830 -m- 1. George 18453. Emigration to New Zealand followed in the footsteps of the European explorers, such as Captain Cook (1769-70): first came sealers, whalers, missionaries, and traders. Ann Josephine -m- Martin Herman Proctor8. There are 5-6 family names in Southern Maryland that used to be recognizable as tri-racial: Swann, Proctor, Harley, Neumann, and Butler. - 9-8-1930 death rec.Harry Butler & Mary Jane Proctor*SUZANNA HARLEYGeorge Harley & Georgianna NewmanThomas EdwardWilliam RobertEugeneElizabeth EdnaMary ElsieMarie Elizabeth -m- ? Joseph Swann & Barbara Ann Proctor, Oscar Camillus Proctor & Caroline Vir. Elizabeth Agnes c. 1870 -m- Benjamin Butler, Oscar Camillus 1872 -m- Caroline Vir. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0+ or , Firefox 1.0+, and Safari 1.2+. Gray5. 2. Mottoes first began to be shown with arms in the 14th and 15th centuries, but were not in general use until the 17th century. Please enter a valid 5-digit Zip Code. 1789), aged 23, English servant who was convicted in Salford. Rose 18432. ProctorCaroline-------------------------------, Ella Francis----------------------------------------, *JOSIAS BUTLER 1866Micheal "Miley" Butler & Jane Adeline Proctor, Micheal John 1903 -m- Hester Terena Newman, Thomas Elmer -m- Perline Butler-----------------------------------, *MADISON BUTLER 1822Henry Butler & Jane Thompson, *MICHEAL "MILEY" BUTLERHenry Butler & Jane Thompson, Henry Thomas 1864 - 6-30-1929 -m- Mary Olivia, Josias 1866 - 1926 -m- Sarah Emma Proctor, Helen Rose------------------------------------, *NOBLE BUTLER circa 1833Smitty Butler & Matilda Proctor, *NORMAN GWYNN BUTLERGeorge Henry Butler & Elizabeth, Elizabeth Edna----------------------------, *SMITTY BUTLER c: 1800's*MATILDA PROCTOR C. 1800'S, ------------------------------*STANISLAUS BUTLER*PHOEBE NEWMAN, -----------------------------*WILLIAM ALBERT BUTLER*CATHERINE "KITTY" PROCTOR 1849, Susannah-----------------------*WILLIAM ALBERT BUTLER*ROSE OLIVIA NEWMAN c. 1875, ----------------------------------*WILLIAM ALEX. She remembers older family and friends recounting how they gathered as a tribe. Infant 2 month old*Charles Proctor b:2-15-1831 // d: 7-26-1915 of: Henry Proctor & UnknonwMary Ann Polly Butler b: c. 1838 of: Josias Butler & Catherine Proctor, 1. 14090 Hg Trueman Rd Ste 2100, Solomons, MD, 20688. In November 1745 Catherine Parsons received ten lashes by the Talbot County [MD] Court for having an illegitimate child by an Indian named William Asquash [Judgment Record 1745-6, 246-7]. Do you know who your second cousins are? Wed 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Thank you, and have fun looking at our family history. Thompson & Eliz. Philip S Proctor Son M 15 Maryland Banks M Proctor Son M 14 Maryland Guss Proctor Son M 11 Maryland Passadine Proctor Daughter F 4 Maryland Edmond Proctor Daughter F 2 Maryland District: ED 40 . In the past, Derrick has also been known as Derrick L Proctor. HENRY PROCTOR 18***MARGARET "MOLLY" SAVOY 18**, {Bryantown church records}*HENRY THOMAS PROCTOR, * HENRY THOMAS PROCTORWm. Proctor was present on January 9, 2012, when Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley signed two Executive Orders officially recognizing three Native American tribes indigenous to Maryland; namely, the Piscataway Indian Nation and the Piscataway Conoy Tribe which includes both the Piscataway Conoy Confederacy Subtribes and the Cedarville Band of They have also lived in Fredericksburg, VA. Sandra is related to James Leonard Proctor and Desiree Patrice Proctor as well as 3 additional people. Del. James Proctor, Maryland lawmaker, dies at 79 Robert Proctor (c.1620 - 1695) - Genealogy Robert 18497. Retrieved January 6th 2023 from, Convict Records Voyages to Australia (Retrieved 3rd November 2020). Derrick is now single. Thomas Davidson traced the development of the free African Americans who owned land in Somerset County, including Johnson, Driggers, Collick, Cambridge, Dutton, Game, Mungar and Puckham, but observed that it was not a large enough group to form a community [Davidson, Free Blacks on the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland; "Free Blacks in Old Somerset County," Maryland Historical Magazine 71:155]. [7], In January 2019, Proctor voted in favor of legislation to lift a ban on developer contributions to candidates running in county executive and county council races in Prince George's County. Henry Harley & Unknown, Cecelia "Cecie" C. 1820's -m- Madison Butler, --------------------------------------------*JAMES HARLEY 1800? Joseph Proctor & Sarah Elsie Thompson, James Winfield -m- Eliz. & verbal source}*SCHULER COFFAX SCHUMATE {from Wash D.C}, Charles "Fiddler" Proctor & Matilda Ann Butler, John Francis Swann Sr. & Margaret Thompson, *GEORGE HENRY SWANN 18**John Walter Swann & Frances Ellen Butler, William Alex -m- Sarah Cath. HOME | Proctorfamilymd "Ned" Proctor & Sarah Cath. The Proctor family owned land in Charles County before 1762. Alex. Ellen Proctor, Wm. Mr. Charles Proctor (d. 1912), aged 40, English Chef from Liverpool. Dr. Proctor is affiliated with Medstar Southern Maryland Hospital Center. Relations with Slave and White Communities Free African American families in Maryland appear to have had closer relations with the slave population than did their counterparts in other colonies or states, particularly North Carolina and Delaware. Thompson & Eliz. 5.0 . A member of the Dove family owned 75 acres in Craven County in 1775. The Proctor/Tayac family has put forth different versions of their genealogy, all of which are disconfirmed by the paper trail their ancestors left . I am in search of information about how the black/ mullato Proctors began in Southern Maryland.Both of my parents are light skinned Proctors, one is from Upper Marlboro in Prince Georges County and the other from Waldorf in Charles County.There is a lot of confusion as to our light skin and eyes.I do know we are part Conoy . A Showing of Survival - The Washington Post of your possible past ancestors and get a flavor of life gone by! RATINGS AND REVIEWS. The admins are responsive and accessible, so this page is also a good place to bring your library research questions. Joseph Proctor Sr. & Sarah Elsie Thompson, Joseph Preston -m- 1. Lord Baltimore was said to have been present on the day of the marriage and to have warned Nell of the consequences. Family reside in Benedict on Jameson property as tenants. First and Foremost.. Jonathan Curtis probably owned or leased land in St. Mary's or Charles County in 1746 when he had an account with William Hunter & Company of Spotsylvania County for over twenty-nine pounds Maryland currency. [2] She worked as a special education teacher in the public schools of Prince George's County from 1962 to 1977. Some free families had relatives who were slaves. Retrieved from, Convict Records Voyages to Australia (Retrieved 14th August 2020). Wm. *HusbandHusband's parents*WifeWife's parentsChildren of *Husband & *Wifeare then listed. 3. Dysie 4-12-1888 -m- 1. It is the compilation of data currently available in many different family resources and the vast information pool throughout the . Thompson, {Harte Survey }*JAMES MICHEAL "MILEY" PROCTOR, *JENIFER JOSEPH PROCTOR*ELIZABETH { SWANN = ? Joseph b:1-2-17932. Waldorf, MD family portraits: The Proctors - Ica Images Washington DC By 1627 they had managed to establish settlements on St. Kitts (St. Christopher) and Barbados, but by 1641 the Spanish had moved in and destroyed some of these including those at Providence Island. Dr. Andrew Loomis has been serving the Tacoma community for over 30 years, We are passionate about providingthe best possible service and care to our patients. Featured Results. This website started 30 October 2010. Thompson & Alcy, Sarah Elsie 1843 - 1923 -m- Wm. She was sold for seven years for each offense but was renting 60 acres of land from her master when he died, and she left a sizable estate to her children. Select this result to view Sandra R Proctor's phone number, address, and more. Other family members and associates include Janae Proctor, Theodore Proctor, Sheila Scott, Denise Keys and . Facebook page for Diapers, Dishes, Lessons & Homework Blog. Maryland Landowners" Free African Americans were drawn to Somerset County as early as 1666 when Anthony Johnson moved there from the Eastern Shore of Virginia and leased 300 acres in Wicomico Hundred for 200 years. Some of the first North American settlers carried this name or one of its variants: Some of the first settlers of this family name were: 2000- 2023 Swyrich Corporation, all rights reserved. Francis age 125. Mary Proctor | Clinton, MD | Family Medicine | Vitals Currently Proctor Family Practice's 6 physicians cover 5 specialty areas of medicine.