HE SHOULD READ ALOT OF BOOK!!! Trust and believe that if MS were offering me something new right now with full Windows and a stylus to follow up my 1520, I'd be all over it. MS was not in the position to deliver half-baked stuff at that time. There were other quarters where the % was higher, but sales were lower. Satya Nadella Height, Weight, Age, Body Statistics - Healthy Celeb This let users make either Apple or Google that strong hold in their needed mobile lives which in turn dug a whole way too deep for MS to get out of. If Microsoft cedes ground to Amazon, or more precisely fails to grow its share of this market, it could harm its ability to promote its own software products, not to mention see a key new revenue source stagnate. I bought a Zune, loved it! What really hurts is that people buy what they know. Why doesn't Microsoft modify Windows 10 to allow you to make phone calls? Satya had every intention of killing this platform and every step he made ensured it's demise. Also, while Nadella is generally considered to be well-liked internally, he can hardly be universally popular. Thank you, Brett. Some people say Windows Mobile / Phone was murdered, and my thought is that it wasn't, there were projects like Astoria and iOS Bridge which didn't had enough resources and marketing and didn't got attention in the Microsoft company as top priorities. Is he really a CEO ? 1. There have been leaks of Microsoft dual screen MINI TABLETS. Microsoft may have done better to keep a controlling share of Nokia and just let it run itself. "My response is very eastern: We're making great progress, but we should never be done."1 The "lost decade" Just 17 days after founder and technical whizz Bill Gates handed over the reins to Steve Ballmer in 2000, the stock market crashed. I had me and a lot of my extended family on WIndows devices. This is what happens in any company that has 80%+ market share in anything. Theyve probably got abackload of ideas they want to share. BS! I think abandoning Windows 10 mobile was a mistake, I realised when I was looking at the AR headsets they just released and I thought "but maybe they will abandon it in a year or two". But it that is true, why did they kill Groove? Microsoft partners earned an estimated $9.58 in revenue through services and software for every $1 that Microsoft generated in 2020a total of $984 billion, according to IDC. Leaders with intellectual stimulation traits motivate employees to rethink prior situations and problems in new ways. Microsoft crowned a new leader today, with Satya Nadella taking over the reins from exiting CEO Steve Ballmer. I really do enjoy windows 10 as the best OS for computers. Brazil, France, Canada, UK, India, and Thailand were the countries where more than 40% of their respective populations were using Windows phones. HDM would never make a Windows powered device. But it is possible to enforce some sanity in the transition from licensed software tosubscription services. Windows Phone was great for a small amount of time but it failed all in all. Windowsphone was not about phone. Windows is a mess. All rights reserved. he likes a phone that has support from the company who makes it. So is leaving some software out from,10 like gestures beta lol. I had a chance to speak with developers on many occasions to urge them to do the relatively little work it required to create a Windows compatible app. Updates? Satya Nadella needs no introduction. "We didn't get . The single OS may be from different ecosystems, like Apple of MS but other than that all devices would communicate, access data, and integrate relativly seamlessly. Satya Narayana Nadella ( ting Telugu: , / ndl /; sinh ngy 19 thng 8 nm 1967) l mt gim c iu hnh kinh doanh ngi M gc n . I will say I diddefend the guy from time to time but now, after buying into the hardware and software game from Microsoft and then finding out later, they scrap it anyways. I know a lot of people want to blame Nadella, but that fault is on Balmer. Despite more than doubling its revenue in the period, Surface lost tens of million of dollars in the past quarter. At this point in history, with cutthroat competition from every side, theres little room for anything resembling dilettantism. This has enabled Nadella Satya to build diverse revenue source and profit mix. They are still abandoning consumers, see Groove Music Pass. Then what? While such a device MIGHT appeal to business, no consumer is interested in running Win32 stuff on an 8 touch screen. Weaknesses are the areas, capabilities or skills in which Nadella Satya lacks. Even in AR and AI MS is posed to fail! I believe so. MS will be next IBM and after short time success in B2B market, they will slowly be lost like IBM does. Those budget phone buyers were never going to drive app development. All to be left again, while they "retrench" themselves in another category. What's the world coming to,Trump's president and Microsoft thinks 3 steps backward is the way forward.Gave up on VR when I stopped buying desktops over 10 years ago,was fun,but only for 15 mins.Gaming laptops were just too good for the money,now phones are way too easy to do everything on.Can't go backwards,anyone got some sort of Ubuntu running on a 950xl?Sideways is better than backwards. Satya Nadella - Forbes I get that MS makes lots of money from providing software and services that only enterprises can buy. Satya Nadella, Buddhism and Modern Leadership. In addition, HP footed the bill and GOT the HP Elite x3 "modified and certified" TO RUN ON VERIZON for a fall release!!! 18 Other Top Book Recommends From Satya Nadella. I looked into that and once again it would require rewriting and they wonder why, other than marketshare, developers stayed away they couldn't provide stability. Anything you think Ive missed? The next step is to move to that model for Windows-powered consumer devices. Nadella needs to find a way to increase tablet sales, a device class that I suspect uses Windows Store apps on a larger per-unit scale than other form factors. I feel angry and betrayed for ever having stuck up for Windows Phone against the people around me with iPhones and Android phones. I'm not worried about the hardware though. Very cheap, but fun to use! Recent statements made by high executives confirm the rumors were true. I can honestly say that it is not stress free and definitely not stable. As Microsoftenters the Nadella era, its a sprawling company with some tremendously successful divisions and some fundamental challenges. (See Gene Wilder in The Producers.). He laid out his vision for . and then, MS release a half baked piece of garbage that they called a smart phone. I recently went back to an iPhone 8, and will now likely never go back to Windows on a pocket device. And when there is no mobile for Windows anymore, who needs UWP apps? They could have moved the new Insider fork to just the X3 and kept a core group of loyalists happy while testbeding the tech. I just know that I have very little faith or trust in Microsoft keeping their word anymore. Here are the three traits that Nadella looks for in a leader: 1) Provide clarity In times of crisis or chaos, the people who are often looked up to, are those who are able to offer clarity and. (Hint: Thats not likely to involve spinning off Bing, which has an important role to playat the core of other products.). I'm not bitter or angry - that takes too much energy - just a little heartbroken because I have to give up something I love. Considering phones are what will power VR/AR, especially as they get more and more powerful, the desktop is not where mixed reality will reside in the long term, so Microsoft has set itself up for failure there as well. At the end of a surprisingly eventful, exciting presentation of Windows 11, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella came on the video feed to deliver some closing remarks. Thank you for speaking the truth about Ballmer & Satya pushing things Ballmer already implemented or on his product roadmap. And theres progress in the cloud as well. are consumers. Does anyone knows the name of the weed he smokes? After moving to the United States, he completed (1990) a masters degree in computer science at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and went to work at Sun Microsystems, Inc., as a member of its technology staff. While working full-time at Microsoft, Nadella also earned (1997) a masters degree in business administration from the University of Chicago. It be a hobby you grew out of because u won't have a phone you need to babysit all the time like window mobile 10. Now I'm left with an unfinished project and what future? But music is a different beast and the spotify deal enables MS to focus on their long term goal (OneCore etc.). I keep having to reboot the Galaxy S7. If Microsoft doesn't have a consumer precense then employees would need to keep track of two ecosystems instead of one meaning more work and complexity. All I know is that I now sit here with an Lumia 950 XL phone that will loose apps support faster than water runs down the strain. And then they decide to abandon it because they never had the vision of a competeing third ecosystem. It's about time Nadella and Microsoft showed some loyalty to us and themselves as well.. Not only will they earn respect but it'll also be a rallying point.. Game of Thrones should have taught the lesson by now, even a ******* can become king, and loyalty is key to that. Maybe what MS really needs is a complete corporate leadership flush out. I still use my Xbox for games primarily and entertainment at home (Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, etc. Nadella doesn't agree! What are the best Satya Nadella quotes from Hit Refresh?How do these statements succinctly capture the book's message? Best bet as of right now. enjoy Windows 10 (solid, great OS), if that's your main computer OS, find another option for a phone or mobile device. That's all MS can do now anyways. Nadella is an Indian-American business executive. All business end-users are consumers. - Project Management is too focused on internal delivery rather than considering all the interests of external stakeholders. Green mushroom for you windows mobile fanatic. Nadella transformed Microsoft from a stodgy tech giant to a new force in software. You'll likely follow phone news less and less. The Surface division had a rocky start but seems to have recovered after those initial stumbles. There had to be many outside influences to help with marketing that. I don't have any advice, but I think I have a pretty good idea of what's on the new boss's to-do list. I haven't seen it today either. 2023 ZDNET, A Red Ventures company. PLEASE SET UP A "SURVEY" with both Are you upset that Satya Nadella is abandoning Windows Mobile? I think you only make money if you are number 1 so hence the Spotify alliance. Microsoft's (MSFT) CEO Satya Nadella on Q3 2022 Results - SeekingAlpha Probably then he would pay attention and his bottom line would change Amd that of his short term investors. There are many, I can type endlessly about what Microsoft could do to repair bridges. I'm worried about the state of the software. Which they were supposed to use to build the best mobile platform. Admitting apparently isn't keeping him from doing over and over again. I moved to Android after sitting tight with Windows Phone/Mobile through the 920, 930 and 950XL being pulled along solely by promises of "things to come". The influx of new customers has also led to evolution of consumer preferences and tastes. Europe is a 500 million people big market so I don't think that's a small market at all. - Growing Protectionism - Nadella Satya should hedge the risk against growing protectionism ranging from storing data into international market to diversifying risk by operating into countries at different economic cycle. the Dell's, HP, Asus, Acers,Lenovo's WILL engage because they will have the opportunity to break open (in the long run) a market that is now in the hands of a duopoly (Apple and Samsung). It is all masterful sleight of hand to distract attention away from weakness in enterprise spending, the genesis of Microsoft's core business. I mean for now they are great systems if you use OneDrive and windows 10 pc. I know it's nothing like an apology or anything like that but it at least helps to feel that our voices ate being heard. Not every one of your products and services will be a cash cow. So when people use a device that fits their need it will be apple or android and that will affect their options/choices in the enterprise. With great sadness, I powered off my Idol 4s for the last time last night and shortly aftert powered on my Note 8. As an OS company, I don't understand how MS seems to have failed to grasp is that "consumer" = "enterprise." They were too far behind and too many people in the market hated MS anyway and werent willing to give them a shot at anything. It is going to be about man with machines." It had features that the iPhone couldn't simply do until the iPhone 3 came out. Right now the average Joe might see AI as Siri, Google now, and Alexa. I was expecting the unveiling of a Surface Phone this fall. Once, they held conferences announcing new operating systems and individuals went to the conference. And partial credit goes to Windows Central, WinBeta too. Nadella's greatest weakness may be his lack of consumer market experience. Although Microsoft have no obligation to me, their practices over Phone and Groove have me very cautious. Consumers and business want a third choice or at the very least they want to be able to decide. Speaking at the Nov. 18 MIT AI and Work of the Future Congress, the Microsoft CEO envisioned a near future where jobs are "enriched by productivity.". MS its late but not completely out of race. Satya seems to have loyalty issues, with users, with developers and with Microsoft former employees. Pretty logic to me. - Lack of Work force diversity I believe that Nadella Satya is not diverse enough given that most of its growth so far is in its domestic market. Building strategies based on consumer oriented product development and marketing approach. The article and lots of the comment said WP fail because lack of dev/app, people must realize W10 also use the same dam UWP. time to get rid all my microsoft service. If they did that thenthe OS could be loaded on to a phone. They should have kept it going until they had something else to offer verus, "whelp we're pulling the plug, go give your money to someone else and we hope you'll like whatever we bring out in the future, IF we decide to bring it out." However, with OneCore/CShell, where Windows 10 can scale up or down, depending on form factor, a developer, developing UWP apps for Windows 10 desktops/laptops, simply will add the extra lines of code necessary for Windows 10 to scale down to a smaller form factor, such as might be presented by a phablet/voice enabled device (or even the rumoured Andromeda device). Give me a call when you hit 51% anywhere consumer market based. no not old desktops. - Diverse Product Portfolio of Nadella Satya The products and brand portfolio of Nadella Satya is enabling it to target various segments in the domestic market at the same time. Yes, I am a disgruntled Microsoft phone owner who paid a premium price for a premium phone and is getting shafted by Microsoft once again. The promise of one core finally, seemless intergaion with a mobile experience that should have been prefferable on this platform for at least first party apps along with developer interest of intergrating the same code across multiple platforms. If the PC market sees continued weakness akin to what happened in 2013, PC unit volume could decline until key partner OEMs bow out. Please forget about Win32 antiques. On a MacBook, I like the simplicity of garageband. Running a server in Windows Azure is already effectively Windows Server by subscription. Google assitant works pretty flawlessly responding to "OK google", unlike the inconsistentcy of "hey cortana" on my Idol. Thatmemorable momentwas first uploaded to YouTube in 2006, more than eight years ago. The X3 is a great device and could have easily been positioned as the transitional testbed for WoA/CShell/OneCore. " Our ambitions are bold and so must be our desire to change and evolve our culture. My #1 'Forever Dividend' Stock [sponsor] I buy more books than I can finish. They get Fat, Dumb, and Happy and the executives spend all their time in-fighting for their personal goals and spend much more time and money trying to LOCK their consumers into their product than expanding the products flexibility and usefulness. I'm much less up on news now because the lack of live tiles which would update automagically thruout the day.