11 feb Covert Photography Show @ Taps Fort Worden Hospitality 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. If you'd like to post an event to our calendar, you can create a free account by clicking here. Tickets - Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival As the event expanded, the Chamber of Commerce took it over and created a standing Rhododendron Festival Committee to manage the myriad of details which continued to increase as the festival grew from an ad hoc parade to a week-long event with royalty coronations, carnival rides, trike races, bed races, pet, kiddie, and grand parades, golf tournament, arts & craft fair, pancake breakfast, and a cake walk. Fun items andlots of gift certificates -, Events & Fundraisers for Club Service Projects, A Calendar Listing of our Club Projects & Events. multiple categories We are happy to report we have filled all vendor spaces for this years Rhododendron Festival. . 360-452-8552 The Rhody Run works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. Jefferson Transit: Rhododendron Festival 2022 The city of Port Townsend is switching to the cloud as it looks to beef up the financial software systems integral to running the municipality. Parade begins3:30 pm: Lawrence St. from appx. See a free classic movie, with seating on straw bales, on the giant inflatable screen each night under the stars on Taylor Street. Running of the Balls - Rhododendron Festival Come meet the filmmakers and strike up a conversation. Local Events in Port Townsend | Port Townsend Fairs and Festivals View this issue. 25 players and volunteers of PTGC marched in this year's Rhody Festival Parade on May 21st. the 9-Hole Golf Course An important Open House for the public is scheduled on January 11th by the City's "Envision Port Townsend . Rhody Festival on the lookout for volunteers | Port Townsend Leader Log in Subscribe Subscribe Change of address Report a delivery issue Vacation stop Contact us E-Edition Port. Sat Apr 15 2023 at 11:00 am, American Legion, Marvin G Shields Memorial Post #26, 209 Monroe St,Port Townsend,WA,United States, Port Townsend, United States Rhody parade, Cake Picnic blooms Saturday. Port Townsend gets ready for return of Rhody Fest Parade goes from approximately Quincy St to Chetzemoka Park. By this time, the festival was one of the towns largest annual events. Calendar - Fort Worden Hospitality Rhody Run 5K $45 9:15AM PDT Registration ends May 17, 2023 at 8:00am PDT Sign Up FREE KIDS UNDER 5 $0 9:00AM PDT Registration ends May 18, 2023 at 8:00am PDT Sign Up Place 4907 Landes St, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Description New race location: Jefferson County Fairgrounds - 4907 Landes St, Port Townsend, WA 98368. All other parade entries will disperse up Madison Street. Opening of Port Townsend Farmers Market A goat parade, some fiddlers, farmers, some food and craft and bunch of new vendors launch this year's Farmers Market. We need more volunteers to make this happen. looking forward to seeing everyone! The 87th Rhododendron Festival will Stop and Smell the Rhodies again, with the same royalty that was selected for 2020 and 2021 when events were curtailed by COVID-19 pandemic health measures. Representatives from Jefferson County businesses and organizations warned of catastrophic financial impacts from the planned four-weekend closure of the Hood Canal Bridge during a special meeting , The city of Port Townsend is switching to the cloud as it looks to beef up the financial software systems integral to running the municipality. Rhododendron Festival Association | Hosted by Waypoint | Website by, Stay tuned for more Rhody Events by checking back here or at our. (view on map). At 10:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 17, a case of malicious . On Sunday, Chautauqua Week will offer New Old Time Chautauqua workshops at Littlefield Green and Building 204, a drawing for the PT Lottery tickets, and a Chautauqua Community Congress with presentations and dialogue from tribal leaders and local and state elected officials, followed by community discussion. Simply reset your password to regain access to your account. in & Assembly in front of City Hall on Water Street, in & Assembly at Van Buren & Lawrence Streets, 4:30 pm: on Lawrence St. from Harrison to Quincy, in & Assembly at Rec Center, Lawrence & Tyler. www.economicsofhappiness-pt.com, Jefferson County Fair, 360.385.1013, www.jeffcofairgrounds.com, Community Tree Lighting and Visit from Santa, Carolers saunter the streets of Port Townsend framed by festival window displays and fabulous holiday shopping with unique gift items culminating with the lighting of the community tree and a visit from Santa. American Legion, Marvin G Shields Memorial Post #26, 209 Monroe St,Port Townsend,WA,United States, Port Townsend, United States. The popularity of the festival was such that it was becoming too important to be left to well-meaning volunteers and needed year round attention. Advance "Running of the Balls" tickets are available at the Port Townsend Farmers Market on Saturdays and Safeway on select dates. Terry Hummel Obituary (1943 - 2021) - Boise, ID - Idaho Statesman . Rhody parade, Cake Picnic blooms Saturday - Peninsula Daily News The annual Goat Parade will start promptly at 9 am with kids cloven, and not, making their way down a Tyler Street filled with over 50 vendors. Congratulations to our 2022 Best of Show! Left on Jackson to Chetzemoka Park. Email Us! This item is available in full to subscribers. Rhododendron Festival 2013 by Port Townsend Leader - Issuu Port Townsend, WA current weather 45.7 Clouds Join us at the Rhody Run in May for a great race. Its Rhododendron, not Rhodydenron reads a Leader headline about a month before the 1950 Rhody Fest. We have recently launched a new and improved website. Wooden Boat Foundation, 360.385.3628 ext 103, www.woodenboat.org, Workshops and public performances for for singers from across the nation and beyond. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. 2022 Rhododendron Festival Route Deviation. The annual Goat Parade will start promptly at 9 am with kids cloven, and not, making their way down a Tyler Street filled with over 50 vendors. At 12:55 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, a construction site . To fill that void, the New Old Time Chautauqua will enliven town on its 40th anniversary, set to gather at Fort Worden, Pope Marine Park, and Uptown from May 20-May 22. Floats will continue on Water Street up to Adams and wait until the last float arrives after the parade. Below are selected reports. This item is available in full to subscribers. 2022 Rhody Festival Update Our community Rhododendron Festival is in dire need of more volunteers. More photos coming soon! Rhododendron Festival Association | Port Townsend WA Best supports the legacy of Rhody Fest, saying it embodies the beauty, tenacity, and spirit of Port Townsend and Jefferson County., The Grand Parade will also include the grand marshals, who will head up the parade with a banner reading, 2022 Grand Marshal Honoring Our Local Healthcare Heroes and Angels.. Dont miss Blues in the Clubs in downtown and uptown Port Townsend! It's Time for Rhody!! - KPTZ 91.9 FM Radio Port Townsend Port Townsend Rhododendron Festival | USA Today Attend, Share & Influence! Events & Festivals | Enjoy Port Townsend http://extension.wsu.edu/jefferson/agriculture/farm-tour/, Attempts to marry art and transportation produce hilarious results as kooky, ingenious contraptions try to race the course and strive for mediocrity. Port Townsend Rhododendron Festival 2016: Results & photos . PORT TOWNSEND KIWANIS Rhody volunteers have been thrilled with the generosity of sponsors, businesses, and individuals not only in a dollar donation, but the enthusiasm and general awe that our Rhody parade has come back to town. Rhody Festival 2018 1 Getaway Guide 2022. At the beginning of each month, we send an email of Port Townsend's "Don't Miss" events. Advance Running of the Balls tickets are available at the Port Townsend Farmers Market on Saturdays and Safeway on select dates. Races begin at 6:00 pm on Water St. from Madison to Monroe, May 19th Pet Parade Roan Mountain Rhododendron Festival 75th Rhododendron Festival 2022 dates: June 18 and 19, 2022. 360.385.3102, www.centrum.org, Centrums Festival of American Fiddle Tunes, One of Americas grandest celebrations of traditional music. The town turns magical for the week. Setup begins at noon, with the race at 12:30 p.m on Rhody Grand Parade day. 2013 Port Townsend Rhody Festival Parade - YouTube Quincy to Jackson. A survey conducted by Port Townsends Main Street Program revealed that the Rhododendron Festival was the annual event the community favored the most. Photo by Patrick J . Everything is green and blooming and the whole town is sunburnt. Rhody festival; Thing; Voter's Guide . Experience farm tours, live music, educational demonstrations and kids activities. organizations like Rotary, Kiwanis, Soroptimists, the Elks, and the Chamber, to help carry the logistical load of putting on the event. Maybe it has changed in some ways due to COVID-19, but the enthusiasm and goodwill is transparent.. You can also check our Events page for upcoming and ongoing local happenings. Rhody Festival 2022 Schedule Mon May 16 2022 at 12:00 pm Location WA-20, Port Townsend, WA 98368, United States | Port Townsend, WA Advertisement description will be updated soon, like years before but with more events coming back bigger and better for everyone! 1-360-385-2900. 12 feb Afternoon Games at the Fort Fort Worden Hospitality 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Route is Lawrence at Harrison to Monroe. 8 amJim Caldwell Memorial Rhody OpenPT Golf Course 12:30pmSunrise Rotary Running of the Balls, Monroe Street GRAND PARADEParade begins at 1 pm: Uptown to Downtown 37 pmRhody Run RegistrationArts Bldg., JeffCo Fairgrounds 47 pmSpaghetti Feed at the Elks Lodge, MAY 22nd Port Townsend, WA 98368 1-360-385-2900 . This years theme is a little bit tongue-in-cheek after the 2020 COVID-19 cancellation and stand-alone August 2021 parade of the same theme Stop and Smell the Rhodys Again.. Port Townsend Victorian Heritage Festival. View this issue. Contact Liz Quayle: 360-774-0504 (voicemail) or email porttownsendkiwanis@gmail.com Join us for: Food Concessions Fabulous goodies bags Dash plaques Poker Walk Vendors Lots of awards! For all, its a chance to learn new tunes and styles, and to take playing and performing to a new level. It's a celebration for all who currently live in Port Townsend and Jefferson County, as well as those who have ever lived here. Wooden Boat Foundation, 360.385.3628, www.woodenboat.org, Choose from over 90 independent, foreign, narrative and documentary films, while mingling with new friends and a celebrity or two. Grand marshals this year are any and all local medical staff from administrators to doctors and EMS staff. ptorcafest.com, Its in the spirit of tradition, exploration, and the lawless self-reliance of the gold rush that Race to Alaska was born. 9 amJim Caldwell Memorial Rhody OpenPT Golf Course 9 amRhody Run BeginsJeffCo Fairgrounds To keep the Rhody Tradition going and help as a volunteer, go to rhodyfestival.org. 2:00 pm Rhododendron Festival Rhody Fest 3:30 pm - 2:00 pm (22) Uptown/Downtown Port Townsend Event Organized By: Rhody Festival Event Details. Port Townsend, WA 98368, Questions? Click here to see your options for becoming a subscriber. Centrum, 360.385.3102, www.centrum.org, This is a week-long, total-immersion experience that passes down the skills, sounds, stories, laughter, and heartache of the authentic bearers of the blues tradition. May 21st Rhody Grand Parade Port Townsend, WA - Festivals, Events, Art Shows, Film Festivals If you're a print subscriber, but do not yet have an online account, click here to create one. Become a Rhody Festival Sponsor! Parade goes from approximately Quincy St to Chetzemoka Park. Rhody 2019. Entertainment Jefferson County. * Having trouble? PORT TOWNSEND The finale of the Port Townsend Rhododendron Festival and the Chautauqua Week will offer a robust variety of activities this weekend. may, 2022. If you did not have an account on our previous website, but are a current print subscriber, click here to set up your website account. City of Port Townsend approves $50k software upgrade History [ edit] Port Townsend's own Rhododendron Festival float will carry Queen Jenessah Seebergoss, Princess Hailey Hirschel and Princess Brigitte Palmer while the Boeing Bluebills serve as grand marshals. Award presented by Rhody Princesses Brigitte and Hailey | photo by Jill Buhler Reinstra. 20may(may 20)3:30 pm . Only World War II has ever stopped Rhody. Have wildly inspiring travel news delivered to your inbox. The 87th Rhododendron Festival is coming up in May, but organizers said theyre in need of volunteers to help make the event possible. Initially the American Legion Post served as the permanent organization to oversee the festival. No comments on this item Jack is first name and Mandanka is last name. At 12:55 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, a construction site . The Rhododendron Festival is celebrated in Port Townsend, WA every year during the. May 20th Kiddies Parade and Bed Races/Hair & Beard Contest Port Townsend City Council looks at roundabout project $10,000 if youfinishfirst, aset of steak knives if youre second. Rhododendron Festival | Roan Mountain TN * Having trouble? Kiddies Parade Organizers were able to return after 2020s cancellation with a festival last August, but this years Rhody Fest is quickly approaching. Port Townsend celebrates rhodies, Chautauqua this weekend www.olympicmusicfestival.org, This festival is the most education-packed and inspiring wooden boat event in the world. Rhododendron Festival | The Rhododendron Festival is celebrated 1-360-385-2900. Ages 16 years2wheel bikes also allowed (with training wheels only) but must be 12 bikes or less! Email Us! Dubbed the "Paris of the Pacific Northwest" by Sunset Magazine, Port Townsend has garnered a national reputation as one of the coolest small towns in America. R2AK is the first of its kind and North Americas longest human and wind powered race, and currently the largest cash prize for a race of its kind. We have recently launched a new and improved website . 2022 Rhody Festival Parade Fun for All . On Sunday will be the Jefferson Healthcare Rhody Run, the second day of the Jim Caldwell Memorial Rhody Open and the opening of Sather Park to the public on Morgan Hill from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to view newly planted Pacific Rhododendrons. See them at https://www.peninsuladailynews.com/entertainment/stop-and-smell-the-rhodies-again. Registration at 5:15 pm & Judging 5:30 pm, Check-in & Assembly at Water & Monroe Streets, Sunrise Rotary Running of the Balls, Monroe Street, Parade begins at 1 pm: Uptown to Downtown. Getaway Guide 2022. TicketsWooden Boat Festival September 9-11, 2022Purchase your tickets to the Wooden Boat Festival by August 15th and be entered into a drawing to win a free two-hour sail on La Vie en Rose at Wooden Boat Festivala $575 value! A weeklong gathering featuring hundreds of musicians living and learningwiththe masters of fiddle traditions. 201 rhododendron festival focus, 5 20 15, c1 c10 - Issuu If you did not have an account on our previous website, but are a current print subscriber, click here to set up your website account. The Sunrise Rotary Running of the Balls is 12:30 p.m. Saturday, May 2 by the Legion and the Elks Lodge Spaghetti Feed will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, May 21. E.g. Scenes of the 2021 Rhododendron Festival Parade in August. Tickets are sold on parade day at the top of the course at Monroe and Lawrence streets from 10:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. The regatta is sponsored by the Northwest Maritime Center/Wooden Boat Foundation and the Port Townsend Sailing Association. Our hats off to those volunteers who faced the covid years of 2020 and 2021 supporting the Rhododendron Festival and our reigning Queen Jenessah Seebergoss, Princess Hailey Hirschel and Princess Brigette Palmer. View this issue. In addition to . Port Townsend, WA 30 Overcast Wind: 0.0 mph, N Get the full forecast Friday, March 3, 2023 News Business Education Health Law Sports Real Estate Submit your news Arts & Entertainment Lifestyle. Enjoy a peaceful slumber near scenic nature. Jefferson County Farmers Market, 360.379.9098,http://jcfmarkets.org/, Enjoy the Pet Parade, Bed Races, Grand Parade on Saturday, downtown carnival and the Rhody Run. 10 am 1pm Sather Park open to public to view newly planted Pacific Rhododendrons, Our community Rhododendron Festival is in dire need of more volunteers. Held annually at Fort Worden State Park, and produced by Centrum. Traveling to the Olympic Peninsula? Updated: 5/12/22. Time. Olympic Peninsula Steam, 360.385.6753, www.brass-screw.org, Celebrate Orca Awareness Month in the finest location in the continental US to view orcas, humpbacks, gray whales, fin whales, and minke whale. Eight theatres include the dazzling Starlight Room (crystal chandeliers, food and bar), restored 1907 Rose and Rosebud Theatres. If you missed getting into this years festival we will be having the Fall-o-Dendron Festival Oct. 8th, 2022. With over a dozen Jefferson County farms participating in the tour youll meet many of the people that are part of our countys thriving food and fiber systems. All floats will travel to Washington together. Folks can also get in contact with organizers through the Rhody Festivals Facebook page, or by sending an email to rhodyfest@gmail.com. Below are selected reports. Cathartic elationif you can simply complete the course. Rhododendron Festival, 360.301.0783, www.RhodyFestival.org, Brass Screw Confederacy and Steampunk Hootenanny, An action-packed weekend bringing together a body of steampunks, Neo-Victorians, and sympathizers set in the Victorian seaport of Port Townsend to celebrate humanitys progress towards a more convivial world.