From 4th April 2022 you must complete a tax check to renew a taxi, private hire, taxi operator or scrap metal licence, or to apply for the same type of licence with a different licensing authority. Please complete the External Identity Check consent form if this applies. If you want to Current, dual licence applicants will also need to complete the Derby City Practical Driving Test, please see, if you are not a United Kingdom (UK) national and have not lived within the UK for at least five years, you will need to obtain a certificate of Good Conduct from the relevant national embassy. Family members or carers can help or complete the form on the badge holder's behalf (this can be declared in the form), but it must be the badge holder who is logged in to the Self account. Service Details Organisation:. Failure to renew on time may result in your licence not being renewed and a new licence application being made. You must upload all pages of your DBS certificate, and all 13 pages of your medical certificate. Download a, a check on the applicants immigration status, including their Right to Work. Blue Badge | Leicester City Your vehicle must be less than 15 years old and you will need the following documents as you will be required to upload them during the application process. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Do not send the fee with your application - if your application is successful we will contact you to collect the fee. Drivers must complete an enhanced criminal record check through the Council to apply for a hackney carriage or private hire drivers licence. A link to the online service to complete a tax check has been added. {{ ctx.dataset.extra_metas.explore.download_count | number }}, {{ ctx.dataset.metas.metadata_processed|formatMeta:'datetime' }} (, {{ ctx.dataset.metas.data_processed|formatMeta:'datetime' }} (. If youre applying for different types of licence (for example, a private hire driver licence and a private hire vehicle operator licence) you must complete a tax check for each one. Applicants musthave consent from any third parties (such as doctors) whose information is used to support an application, before it is submitted to us. Taxi licences | City Of Wolverhampton Council Taxi licences Home Licences Taxi licences Contact Licensing Services Downloads City Centre Taxi Rank Locations Vehicle Licence. This page was last updated on 17 August 2022 . Download and complete all parts of the application form for grant of a Hackney Carriage drivers badge or a Private Hire drivers badge and return to the Licensing Authority via the Customer Services point in the main reception area of the council offices. Contact details: fill in our Customer Services online contact form and send us the details of your enquiry; call 0116 305 0002 (Monday - Thursday 8.30am to 5pm, Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm) Decide on what kind of eSignature to create. Your existing licence may be extended until a final decision whether to grant your licence application has been made (including a decision on appeal). Complete the LCC driver licence application. Visit the Leicester City Council website for further information about the Blue Badge scheme for drivers . View a list of the documents we accept. The online application process requires the badge holder (over 16s only) to be logged in with a Leicestershire County Council Self account. 478 KB), : Guidance notes for taxi and private hire drivers, : Driver conditions (published 1st December 2018). News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. From 4 April 2022, the rules are changing if youre applying for a licence for a: If youre an individual, company or any type of partnership you must complete a tax check if youre: You will not need to complete a tax check and you should follow the confirm your tax responsibilities guidance if you have: A tax check confirms that youre registered for tax, if necessary. - Download the hackney carriages rule book- Download theprivate hire rule book- Download theprivate hire operators rule book.- Download the hackney carriage and private hire regulatory guidelines. Some page elements may not display correctly or not display at all! Download a list of, successful completion of the Councils course in Safeguarding Awareness. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Corporation Street Licences & permits. Tax conditionality check. A new badge costs 10. Stephen Fitzpatrick, the head of the British aerospace manufacturer that produces the aircraft, Vertical Aerospace, said the flying taxis would be ideal for Brazils biggest city and will transform how we travel around high population density cities that are clogged with traffic. We are currently experiencing problems accessing our systems which means Gloucester City Council are unable to send out renewal applications. Our basic estimate at the moment is that the operating cost here for this aircraft will be the equivalent of $1 per passenger over a 25-mile trip, Slattery told the FT. We think we can get the cost of this down to the equivalent of an Uber ride, equivalent to downtown Manhattan to JFK.. Designed by Jadu. The test costs 45 and can be booked by calling 01452 396396. Leicestershire County Council Copyright 2023, log in to the admissions portal to check your decision, Blue Badge application form for individuals, Blue Badge application form for organisations, address or name changes you must let us know, You are not able to upload electronic copies of your photo or other required documents (see below), Your benefit type has changed since your current Blue Badge was issued. Blue Badge parking scheme | Leicestershire County Council If your three-yearly DBS check also needs to be completed,our approved partner TaxiPlus will notify you 12 weeks before your licence is due to expire. Once you have been set up, you will receive an email with the web link and your username and password to log on to complete the electronic application and make payment to submit the form for processing. Leicestershire County Council Copyright 2023, First red route to be introduced in Leicestershire, log in to the admissions portal to check your decision. endobj If you are still unable to access the service and complete a tax check in those 5 days, you: The licensing authority will check that the service was unavailable before deciding whether to grant or refuse your licence application. You will need to register and login to use this service. Blue Badge | Leicester City The Bristol-based Vertical Aerospace was founded in 2016 and promises to pioneer a new era in vertical transport. Alternatively, you can also download a medical form below. Licensing Act 2003 fees and annual charges Gambling premises licensing application fees Gaming machine licensing fees Taxi licensing fees and charges Other licences Refund policy Taxi. : Guidance notes for taxi and private hire drivers, First published: 26/01/2022 Private hire / hackney carriage / dual DRIVER application. Temporary licences are no longer issued so, failure to apply in good time may mean you are without a licence and unable to work while your application is being processed. If we revoke anexisting licence or refusea new or renewal application we will automatically record this on NR3. From 1 February 2020, all applications for a new licenceor licence renewalwe receive will automatically bechecked onNR3. Read our privacy notice which tells you how we use your data. Taxi licensing: Driver application guidance | Newcastle City Council Digital photos of people should be in .jpg .jpeg or .jpe format. We need a valid email address to ensure you get all the reminders, information and links you need. Pay a taxi licensing fee Pay for new badges or plates, a knowledge test resit, a DBS renewal, or to transfer to a different licence. The data held onNR3will help licensing authorities fulfil their statutory duty to be satisfied that a person is a fit and proper person to hold a licence. The rules are changing for applications for: From 4 April 2022, licensing authorities must carry out checks on applications from individuals, companies and any type of partnership to make sure they are aware of their tax responsibilities or have completed a tax check: As an existing licence holder you will receive a renewal reminder approximately three months before your licence expires. If you are over 65 years of age youll need to renew your licence every year. Inner-City Development in Megacities Between Degradation and Renewal MxXlw..]fusn`>8ri*S!96@EP)t>/H>{P bi'M4;9Rl!GG ]D ^/H,W @4MY.k D).nfsJ!mi&1q$^?6MXa )"pmk93"U+2t:T4~\|lx$[ [~B)^-MqJ6 H{#RtDd To assist the Licensing Authority in confirming your status all applications must be supported by the following: 2. Apply for or renew a driver licence (hackney carriage or private hire Apply for a hackney carriage and/or private hire driver licence If one is needed, please see our latest guidance on applying for a DBS check for how to complete this process. Then just confirm the request and wait for the car to arrive. In heavily populated regions, neither cars nor public transport can cope with demand. The Private Hire vehicle renewal fee is 240. Your licence will not be issued on the day of submitting your renewal. The Blue Badge is issued to you as an individual, not a vehicle. Choose My Signature. You have rejected additional cookies. Licensing public register. It will be printed on the back of the new badge. Please allow up to 10 working days for your renewal application to be processed. Business waste. You can request it for yourself or someone else. The council is the Controller of the information we hold about you and as such makes the decision about how your information is used. Well be looking to Asia after So Paulo, Avolons chief commercial officer, Paul Geaney, told Reuters. 3"*W 4f.4N/.`tB Electric air taxis to make their debut in Brazil's most congested city This article is more than 1 year old A Dublin-based company is promising zero-emission journeys across traffic-choked So . Create your eSignature and click Ok. Press Done. You have accepted additional cookies. LEICESTER It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. As long as your contact details are up to date, we will send you a renewal notice at least four weeks before your licence is due to expire. Its going to be an absolute disrupter. Few cities are crying out for such a revolution more than So Paulo, a sprawling metropolis with more than 12 million inhabitants and choked by a fleet of 8.6m vehicles. Derby City Council You must tell us if you areconvicted of an offence while you hold a licence. Diamond Advance Tests, The Blue Lamp Trust or Green Penny, must pass a Private Hire Knowledge Test (applicants for private hire only), undertake safeguarding awareness training, must pass a topographical knowledge test for Gloucester City and the surrounding area, Download and complete all parts of the application form for grant of a Hackney Carriage drivers badge or a Private Hire drivers badge and return to the Licensing Authority via the Customer Services point in the main reception area of the council offices. The misuse of Blue Badges affects genuinely disabled people who are using the scheme correctly. Upload a scan or photo of ONE of the following dated within the last 12 months showing your address: a housing benefit (or other type of benefit) award letter, a pensions letter from the Pensions Service, a letter from Social Services or another local authority service confirming residence, the front of a utility bill (gas, electric, water, telephone). Download the Guidance Notes for completion of medical form for a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Drivers Licence or a Private Hire Drivers Licence, 5. Aberdeen City . Commercial information. Number of Blue Badges issued annually by Type (New or renewal application) and Eligibility criteria.The data will be updated quarterly. As from 1 July 2017 taxi licensing has changed, please seeFrequently Asked Questions for queries about training and fees. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. not a vehicle. Renew a private hire or taxicab licence - Liverpool City Council Here is more information about how to enable it in your browser: Need some help using My Account or want to give us some feedback. Please allow up to 10 working days for your renewal application to be processed. This guidance is for anyone looking to apply for a hackney carriage or private hire driver licence. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, confirm your tax responsibilities guidance, Confirm a tax check for taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence applications, Confirm your tax responsibilities when applying for a taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence, New tax checks on licence renewal applications, Confirm an applicant's tax responsibilities for taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence applications, applying for the same type of licence you previously held, that ceased to be valid less than a year ago, applying for the same type of licence you already hold with another licensing authority, never held a licence of the same type before, had a licence of the same type that ceased to be valid a year or more before making this application, 28 days after the licensing authority asked for your tax check code, how you pay tax on the income you earn from your licensed trade, should tell the licensing authority you have been unable to complete one. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Can you therefore be aware of your renewal date and least 14 days prior to your expiry dateif your vehicle, drivers or operators licence renewal is due, confirming that you wish to renew attaching the necessary supporting documents. Rich Brazilians look down on crime and traffic. If applicants cannot provide the correct identity documents to satisfy route one of the DBS process they will need to give consent to the Council to conduct an external identity check at an extra charge. You have certain rights over the information we hold about you. DBS check and DVLA mandate- you will receive an email three months before your licence expires with details on how to obtain a new DBS check and DVLA mandate. National Offer Day for primary to secondary schools transfer for autumn 2023:log in to the admissions portal to check your decision. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Images of documents should show the full page, including your name and address where relevant so we know that the document refers to you, and text must be clearly readable. Safeguarding awareness trainingcertificate, Safeguarding training is now available at Cheltenham and applicants should email. They are subject to roadside checks by council officers and the police. If you do not, it will cause delays in your renewal being processed. It is your responsibility to ensure your licence has been renewed before it expires. Learn more about how we use cookies. Whether a hackney carriage, private hire or dual licenced taxi driver your renewal form will be emailedto you four to six weeks prior to your licence expiry date. We now operate theDerby Penalty Point Scheme. Once you have completed the legal application form, you will then receive another email with a link to upload scans or clear photos of your DBS certificate, medical, LSP2 and driving licence proof documents. A rendering of Vertical Aerospace's VA-X4 aircraft is seen in this image obtained by Reuters. Apply for a new private hire drivers licence. Sign up for an account to manage your service requests and accounts with us. We have a duty to issue licences to fit and proper persons. The following JSON object is a standardized description of your dataset's schema. Supplying the council. (pdf dC!&oIf_ 1Qb:|N.nWjGBnOJ$?^S ]>tSgAwE~6j# x DBS Enhanced Disclosure Application Form. Some of our council tax and benefits online forms and systems will be unavailable from Thursday 2 March at 6:00pm until Saturday 4 March at 5:00pm. Check if there are any problems with this service. %PDF-1.5 Please note: We are no longer including an application form in your renewal pack. Renew your Blue Badge | Leicestershire County Council SPTaxi - Passageiro - Apps on Google Play ]Gh&djms9 _6 2u1e6@,S5 \)"g__oMUZd %~VLAU/"jhKh70F*fUC8SjS"pBWiO~[0.E7KU` ai/5H]6 *i M5z). In order for reminders and renewal instructions to reach you, you must let us know if your contact details change. You can book safeguarding and disability awareness training online. Preparing documents for upload When you're ready, click the button below, then click. 1 0 obj You will need to complete the main Blue Badge application if: Do not use the badge if it has expired as you may be fined. Download the Driver application form (PDF, 155.2 KB) Were going to democratise air travel, Dmhnal Slattery, chief executive of the group that will provide the aircraft to Gol, claimed in an interview with the Financial Times. Glenfield This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you start the check. Last updated: 1/04/2022, Download this document When you have completed and submitted the renewal application form we emailed to you, you must then complete the LCC driver licence legal application form below. This can now be done online. The Licensing Team is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy when you use our services. Please note that fee for an enhanced DBS check is 65.20 and made online at the time of submitting the electronic application. Upload a scan or photo of ONE of the following as proof of identity: civil partnership/dissolution certificate. you must complete a tax check to renew a taxi, private hire, taxi operator or scrap metal licence, or to apply for the same type of licence with a different licensing authority. Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Knowledge test pass certificate. Complete a tax check for a taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence English Cymraeg You must complete a tax check to renew a taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence, or to apply for the. Some public registers are published online and are updated at least every three months. 'J?. EZp^QY|8{H/ Whether a hackney carriage, private hire or dual licenced taxi driver your renewal form will be emailed to you four to six weeks prior to your licence expiry date. If you would like to apply for an exemption please complete theExemption application form. We will contact you about where and when tocollect your licence once you have: Please note: We cannot issue your new licenceif you do not bringyour original passport and right to work documents with you. We no longer issue temporary licences, so if your renewal application is delayed because we cannot get in touch with you, you will not be able to work if your current licence expires while your new one is being processed. Taxi licensing: Driver application guidance. The next scheduled meetings are listed below. It will ask questions about how you pay any tax that may be due on income you earn from your licensed trade. Customise how you view our website using the options below. Digital images of documents - photos or scans - should be in .jpg .jpeg .jpe or .png format. Before you complete part 2 and apply for a taxi or private hire licence, you need to: Book and attend safeguarding and disability awareness training and attend refresher training every 3 years. LE3 8ST. Information for taxi operators | Leicestershire County Council They will ask you to try to access the service for 5 days in a row. To arrange your knowledge test you can either book an appointment when submitting your application by completing the appropriate booking form or phone 01452 396 396 (make sure you have your payment receipt number to hand as you'll need this to book the appointment). Applicants who since the age of 18 have lived outside of the UK. The VA-X4 will transform the way people travel, its website claims. The 5 days start the first time you try accessing the service after the licensing authority asked you to. MOWT - Taxi Driver's Badge and Licence The medical must be completed on the Gloucester City Council approved form unless prior agreement is sought. : Hackney Carriage Byelaws (2018). This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. When we use information about you we have to comply with data protection legislation by making sure you understand how we and our third party providers use your information and what your rights are over the personal data we hold. In the unlikely event that you may need to make a complaint about a licensed driver you cancontact us. You are advised to read the Penalty Point Scheme before you apply. The application fee must be paid in full when you submit your application and this can be done online or by phone. You can use one tax check code for more than one licence application, as long as all the applications are for the same type of licence (for example, they are all for taxi driver licences but with different licensing authorities). Blue Badge Service Type: Transport Website: Blue Badge information. We use cookies to help us improve the website. Please download a, successful completion of the Derby City Knowledge test. 3. stream Apply for a disabled person's bus pass | Leicestershire County Council Liverpool Standard Part 2 Certificate- we no longer give a temporary licence to drivers who have not completed this course. The process will ask for payment at the end so please have payment card details ready. Notification of convictions and pending prosecutions. Drivers are licensed for the protection and safety of the travelling public. If you complete the application form on the camera device, the photo can be taken at the time of application or uploaded from the device gallery. Renew your Hackney Carriage or Private Hire driver's licence The skies over Latin Americas largest city are set to witness a futuristic aerospace revolution after the Brazilian budget airline Gol struck a deal that could see it ferry commuters around So Paulo in hundreds of low-cost zero-emission electric air taxis. Concessionary travel is available for disabled people to travel for free or at a reduced rate on local bus services in Leicester, Leicestershire and throughout England. Download, successful completion of a practical driving test aimed specifically at taxi driving. You can read about each category and allow or deny some or all of them. Please viewLicensing Team Privacy Noticesfor further information. Taxi licences | City Of Wolverhampton Council More about JSON schema. You can use your pass at off-peak times for free travel: Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 11pm; Weekends: All day; Bank holidays; Leicester Park & Ride services Creating an account saves you time with auto-completion of your contact information when completing forms and the ability to view a history of your requests and accounts. Details of the, Trading Standards and environmental health, Changes for taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence applications from April 2022, DBS On-line Update Service guidance notes, Third Party Disclosure and Barring Certificates, Storage, Handling, Retention, Disposal of DBS Certification, Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Information Sheet for Drivers, Derby City Practical Driving Test Guidance, Hackney Carriage Driver Licence Conditions, Terms of Reference for the Taxi Licensing Trade Meetings, Taxi issues not dealt with by the Licensing Team, National Register of Refusals and Revocations (NR3) policy, an enhanced criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and subscription to the Online Update Service. You will need to submit the online renewal application form before your licence expiry date. Gloucester City Council uses personal information to provide services to its customers and, may share your personal data where the law allows . Opening times and contact information | Leicestershire County Council As from 1 July 2017 we will use the Derby Penalty Point Scheme when assessing a persons suitability to be granted a licence or to continue to hold a licence. The process will ask for payment at the end so please have payment card details ready. Legislation requires that Blue Badge applicants upload a recent 'passport style' digital photo to the online application form - taken within the last 4 weeks. ?G|%tK Phone 0113 378 1570 Email. endobj If you have any queries on how we handle your personal information, you can contact us: Data ProtectionGloucester City CouncilPO Box 2017PershoreWR10 9BJ. Applications cannot be accepted until the correct fee is paid; a copy of the payment receipt must be provided on application to demonstrate the correct fee had been paid. Documents that are not clear or are incomplete cannot be used and may delay your application process. The information recordedwill be limited to: Information will be retained for 25 years. Download form to notify a pending prosecution or conviction, Apply for a hackney carriage and/or private hire driver licence, Common Standards for Licensing Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers in Gloucestershire, hackney carriage and private hire regulatory guidelines, Guidance notes for new applicants for a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Drivers badge, Medical Form for application for a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Drivers Licence or a Private Hire Drivers Licence, Guidance Notes for completion of medical form for a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Drivers Licence or a Private Hire Drivers Licence, Apply for replacement plates, badge or stickers, Apply to change name or address of licence holder, have held a full DVLA, driving licence for at least 12 continuous months, immediately prior to the date of application, have no more than 3 current penalty points on their DVLA licence, not have any current and relevant criminal convictions and provide a satisfactory enhanced DBS check (, have successfully completed the Driving Assessment for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicleswhich can be taken with any of the following providers.