Sometimes your engine will still not start when electrical and fuel systems are operating properly. Does it sound like glow plugs need to be replaced? SO NOW, whatcha need to do is. Also, check to see if fuel lines or primary/secondary fuel filters are clogged. Determine whether the fuel control lever is stuck. Thanks for any advice. White smoke and difficult starts are often signs of degraded diesel fuel. It recently quit working and we started trouble shooting it. You may want to check your battery and alternator. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It did look a bit dirty but I wouldn't think it would stop it from starting. You typically don't see black smoke from fuel with water in it, usually you get no smoke because the injection pump and injectors won't inject water. However, if you want to try to fix the problem yourself, there are a few things that you can do. Typically, people are surprised to learn that the problem is on the primary side of the circuit. Bobby Ford Kubota is your source for sales, parts and service. Your dealer can tell you where this and what the procedure is. Well check the items mentioned this morning and all looked good. If there is a problem with your fuel system, you will need to take it to a mechanic and have them take a look at it. Its Elk Groves first annexation since Laguna West in 2003 and potentially one of its biggest will turn over but not catch to run. Of course, if it is having some problem, the Kubota 3-cylinder diesel engine will not start. 3. key stop solenoid will click when start switch is turned on. So, if you lack proper knowledge, consider reaching out to an expert. Kubota Tractor Don't Start? / Simple Trouble Shooting - YouTube Diesel Tractor Starts But Wont Stay Running: Fix-It Guide, How To Propagate Red Chokeberries: The Complete Guide, How To Prune a Red Chokeberry Bush: 5 Easy Steps. No smoke=no fuel obviously. If you think that there is a problem with the fuel system, you should take it to a mechanic and have them take a look at it. Specific to BX and Standard L-Series. Usually, you will need to add the cleaner to the fuel tank and then run the engine for a few minutes. pump.. Please post the transmission type, e.g. If the safety switch is not working properly, it can prevent the engine from starting. Try jump starting directly on the starter. There could be many reasons for this issue, which we have discussed in this article. In order to do this, you will need jump-leads and a 12-volt battery. Thriving Yard is an affiliate for companies including Amazon Associates and earns a commission on qualifying purchases. Then, the primary wire will have less ability to connect the battery to the starters cranking mechanism fully. all safety switches work. Electrical issues are among the most common reasons for engines not starting. If you try to start your tractor and it just clicks, this is usually a sign that the battery is dead. Thanks for reading! If the filter is clean you could have an obstruction between the air filter and the engine intake. How Do You Use a Wheel Stud Installer Tool? If found dirty, clean them using a special cleaner and a brush. If it is dirty or clogged, get it cleaned from a workshop. but I didn't see the sensor. In this case, you will need to clean the connections, which equates to adding a mixture of baking soda and water on top of the build-up and scrubbing off the corrosion. Try disconnecting the wires and see if the tractor still shuts off. After that, see if it is clogged by carbon buildup. With the old battery (tractor battery) out of the equation, she started right up with no problems.. Great that you found the problem. eManualOnline provides descriptive, affordable and convenient service and repair manuals for cars, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, and more. SOLVED: kubota troubleshooting Tractor won't start, I - Fixya Kubota 3-cylinder diesel engine not working? Kubota tractors are known to be reliable and high-quality products. If something happened to the middle cyl. Starter selonoid clicks, the engine turns over once or twice and then the selonoid just keeps clicking and the engine does not turn over. I pulled the battery from my truck and using jumper cables I though I could the tractor started, it would then charge the battery. If youre having this problem, dont worry! If you take care of your Kubota tractor, it will last for many years. Kubota Tractor Don't Start? Fuel breaks down more quickly in humid conditions or hot-cold cycles. So, you will have to check all the wires and make sure they are not damaged or burnt. This is usually a pretty simple process, but if youre not sure how to do it, you can always take it to a mechanic and have them do it for you. This is probably because the battery is dead or there are issues with the battery cables, such as caked on dirt or corrosion. Then, you can figure out the correct approach for getting your tractor up and running again. You can find this cleaner at most auto parts stores. What causes a Kubota L35 tractor that won't turnover at all? - JustAnswer If its the former, there could be something clogged in the line. leaks that drop the fuel available at start, glow plugs and cranking rpm. LOL. If the starter of your Kubota 3-cylinder diesel engine has gone bad, replacing it is the only solution. These are just some of the ways that you can fix a Kubota tractor that wont start. Batteries do their best work and last for a longer time when you maintain their state of charge. JavaScript is disabled. 2023 Car, Truck and Vehicle How To Guides - Vehicle Freak, ACDelco Gold 48AGM 36 Month Warranty AGM BCI Group 48 Battery. Inspect the filter for any tears that may be causing debris from getting inside the engine. If the starter does not crank the motor over, gently tap the starter housing with a hammer. Blockages caused by trapped air can also impact the pumps ability to inject fuel into the engine. Faulty electrical parts including the safety switch, battery, ignition coil, and battery can cause your mower not to start. One of the most common problems that Kubota tractor owners face is that their tractor wont start, it just clicks. You can find replacement fuel filters at most auto parts stores. If it does start you can shut it down with the manual cutoff lever. A small amount of petroleum jelly can prevent future build-up as well. To test circuits, fuses and switches use a multimeter tester you can get one here: , you check continuity of circuitssimple example: if you have a standard fuse you put the test wires on either end if fuse is blown it wont show on your meter, if its good needle will go up showing that current can flow through it(Continuity) if your multi-meter doesn't have a dedicated continuity test mode, you can still perform a continuity test. In some cases, this will start your tractor but not completely solve the problem. You might hear a click as you turn the key, but that's it. However, this can vary depending on the model of the tractor. If you think that the starter solenoid is the problem, you should take it to a mechanic and have them take a look at it. Sometimes owners complain that their tractors are running smoothly and the operation feels a little rough or jerky. Kubota is a leading company that designs and produces top-quality solutions for farming. 900 hours. I replaced the switch watch that video here: The switch I got was for a 2013 L3800 Kubota TD-060-53902 yours may have a different number I did see some online but I would check your local Kubota dealer first. If there is not enough fuel or air flowing through the engine, fuel starvation is the result. Keep in mind that a fusible link most commonly blows only when battery cables are hooked up backward. Tractor blowing black smoke and doesnt have power, What do do when your diesel tractor is running rough, Tractor keeps stalling? It would be better to check the wires with a multimeter. If it still doesnt start, then you will need to take it to a mechanic and have them take a look at it. If you have 12V then have someone turn the key on while you listen to see if it starts. How To Start A Diesel Tractor That Has Been Sitting? The battery needed a jump start but the engine only turns over and won't actually start. Make sure that they are clean and free of any dirt or debris. One of those is a common issue of the tractor shutting off suddenly while in use. There are many different models of Kubota tractors, so you can find one that is right for your needs. A starter solenoid typically draws around 30 amps. New starter installed. Use a cleaning tool to remove dirt and grime from the battery posts and the cable ends. JavaScript is disabled. Sometimes fixing this problem is as simple as cleaning or replacing the battery cables. Apparently engine shutdown is accomplished by shutting off the injectors, by the Electronic Control Module. Furthermore, they also improve the soils quality, making them a must-have piece of equipment for every farmer. However, most of the time, the solenoid is not at the core of the problem. Updated April 10, 2022 AutoDrive Curse for the Huron County 16x. I went to get on the tractor today to move some rock I had delivered and she turns over but doesn't want to start. I just searched L3800 injection pump to SEE what kinda set-up you have.. Checked power (13.4 volts coming to the starter) Tried hot wiring the starter (give the S-terminal 12v. Once you have the cleaner, you will need to follow the instructions on the label. This can be caused by a variety of different things, such as a dirty fuel filter or a clogged fuel line. You should also check the water level in the battery and make sure that it is full. has a plunger on the end, that hits an engine "control rack" that rack is linked to the control rack of the inj. Another thing that you can do is check the fuel lines. Sometimes, if a battery is fully discharged and just allowed to sit for a long time, it wont return to life. If the wires of your Kubota tractor are defective or have no voltage, you will likely have a hard time trying to start your Kubota 3-cylinder diesel engine. First of all, you will need to check the connections on the starter motor. Engine Dies When Pto Is EngagedThe engine has to be able to power the Change the oil and filter and put the glow plugs back in. Immediately recoils . It won't get anywhere close to starting. As you may recall, this is where combustion takes place. I don't know how to tell if the fuel stop solenoid is working. 3. Unlike corporate website companies who write articles from an office overlooking a major city, the authors on this website live in small towns and regularly use many of the tips and recommendations provided in their own garden and lawn care. And yes, if you are using a digital multimeter, consider selecting the beep mode. Injection pump problems will also prevent successful engine starts. JavaScript is disabled. It could be that there is an object lodged into the system that prevents the proper functioning of these switches, or they could just be failing due to age. These valves are found in the cylinder head of your Kubota tractor and are responsible for controlling the flow of gases in your engine. However, this can vary depending on the model of the starter solenoid. If you find that your Kubota tractor won't start, check the battery and rule out problems there. I know that it is frustrating but walking through these steps will likely help you to zero in on the issue. However, if these items do not bog down and you still hear the clicking noise, then you will still need an SW-3. If the fuel pump is not working properly, it can prevent the engine from getting the fuel it needs to run. With that out of the way, choosing a tractor can be overwhelming, especially if you are purchasing it for the first time. For almost a Month I could not start the Kubota Tractor, come to find out after testing every switch and. When your engine cranks but won't start or run, it could mean your engine is having trouble producing a spark, getting fuel, or creating compression. This tractor has optional two wheel drive and four wheel drive models that weigh 2340 pounds. B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab, The glow plug light won't on but once in awhile. Then let us know what you find. Kubota L3301 fails to start | Tractor Forum Established in 2009, we are the largest online community of Kubota tractor and equipment owners. I checked the glow plugs with a voltmeter and they are all fine. Those molecules are then mixed with air, and change from a liquid to a gaseous state, also known as vaporization (source). If a return line has a crack or a break in it, excess air can escape from the line, diminishing the pressure inside the engine that is required to convert the diesel fuel to power for the tractor. Having said that, there is nothing to worry about if the engine valves of your Kubota 3-cylinder diesel engine go bad. I am thinking it is something wrong with the fuel being I did pull the air filter and did check it.