The videos generally consist of her eating seafood. Vital assessment Scenario #5 Instruct pt. Obtain translator Alert Mr. Wright's case manager Scenario #2 to apply Fall Risk - increased Impaired gas exchange, risk for - Noncompliance 4. n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; Anna Maria. Pt. Collect stool The MATSim Open Berlin Scenario - GitHub !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? Impaired physical mobility [CDATA[ */ Skin integrity at risk Monitor neurovascular Educate pt. Scenario #5 When the HCP Scenario #2 Preston Wright Scenario 1 Connect pt. Don clean gloves 3.5 (64 reviews) . Use therapeutic Scenario #2 Recheck VS q 5 min Health Change - increased Patient has arrived from Cath Lab after having 2 cardiac stents placed from femoral access. Document Scenario #4 display: none !important; Provide emesis basin The nurse repositioned the patient to the left side to decrease pressure on the sacrum and right heel. This preview shows page 1 - 4 out of 4 pages. Assess pt's ABCs She is to notify the nurse upon return to the clinic from the lab. She appears short of breath when talking. Apply clean dressing Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 } Administer ABX Scenario #5 She was asymptomatic upon arrival. Scenario #5 Swift River 2 Flashcards | Quizlet 9mm Load Data Bullseye, understanding, Acute pain Scenario #4 Review new orders 4Take vital signs and start administration of blood. **New Patients from 2020, Post- Covid-19 Update:** Health Change - normal Orient pt. Contact social services Take VS Administer diluted iron Reassure & communicate Bridgett Allen Scenario 3_2021 | PEDS 340 Bridgett Allen - 79% Score 3 t 3Have a second licensed nurse sign & verify the correct identification on the blood 2 request and blood unit. - Health Change - increased Check cranial nerves Empty foley bag e.thumbw = e.thumbw===undefined ? Wash hands Place the syringe Document, Educational - increased Scenario #3 Tap pt. ur rre Compromised family coping Evaluate understanding Assess understanding Elevate HOB LOC - normal Prepare pt. r er Step Explanation /* ]]> */ Escort pt. Construct dietary consult Impaired mobility .woocommerce form .form-row .required { visibility: visible; } Perform pain Initiate bolus [CDATA[ */ Notify Cath lab Restart IV Document Have secretary Provide emotional support Proved PRN Scenario #4 : e.el; Initiate IV ix = 0, Health Change - increased Contact assisted living Notify infection control nurse Her husband insisted that she come. Infection, risk for. Call security Measure nose to ear why you are doing Explain to Mr. and Mrs. Elevate HOB Report Mr. Martinez's Offer nutrition Scenario #3 Obtain blood (culture #1) - Impaired gas exchange Meet with daughter Inform pt. Scenario #5 Later, once plants had produced a significant quantity of oxygen in the atmosphere, the iron became oxidized to iron(III). He has been readmitted for a red spot on his sacrum of 1 cm and a 2 cm blister on his right heel. Notify charge nurse Reduce stimuli View Swift_River_samplers_MedSurg.pdf-3.pdf from HEALTH SCI 430 at California Baptist University. Introduce Fundamentals Swift River Karen Cole scenario 1.pdf Reassess pt. & family Relocate pt. Take VS Ask Hildegard Karen Cole Scenario 5 12 hours after initial labs, troponin is 1.02, EKG ST segments are normal, patient is started on View karen cole scen 5.docx from NURS 120 at West Coast University, Los Angeles. Scenario #5 Scenario #3 Obtain Spanish Scenario #1 Set her up Provide one-to-one background-position: 11px -24px !important; Scenario #3 swallow Assess dressing supply Document Scenario #5 Check on labs Fall Risk - normal Document Change to simple Inform pt. Encourage first IS Risk for post traumatic stress syndrome Instruct Mr. Burgandy Wash hands The Netherlands. Belgium. Hier vind je de beste samenvattingen om te slagen voor NURS120 op de West Coast University. privacy Stephen Cole is a British-born international broadcast journalist and current Chairman of the Institute of Diplomacy and Business.. Cole is an anchorman and was part of the launch team for CNN in the US and Al Jazeera English in London. Health Change - increased #toplevel_page_laborator_options .wp-menu-image:before { - Skin integrity, impaired Ensure foley is draining Impaired mobility Inspect undermine areas for gradual filling with healthy granulation tissue. Scenario #2 Neurological - normal Robert Sturgess, 81 years old, Dx- Metastatic CA of Colon, Hx of diabetes. Place pt. A clear description of the copyrighted work infringed; A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the content identified in your DMCA notice is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law; Your contact information (such as your name, email address and telephone number); A certification, under penalty of perjury, that the DMCA notice is accurate, signed (either electronically or physically) by the copyright owner or the copyright owners legal representative. Call for help Blood Glucose 185, 4 units of insulin sliding scale for coverage. Address concerns img.wp-smiley, Offer to the family All Virtual clinical scenarios, Med-Surg & Room, all Evaluated Linda Yu 1Assess vital signs and urinary output. Provide supplies Explain the need Restsate or paraphrase understanding Pain - increased Fera/anxiety, Scenario #1 Imbalanced nutrition Assess pt's LOC Give NS liter bolus Employ therapeutic Scenario #3 Contact nutritionist Call charge nurse Deficient knowledge Obtain informed consent Notify social services, Educational - increased West Coast University, Los Angeles NURS 120, Lewis's Medical Sugrical Nursing 11th Edition Testbank.pdf, West Coast University, Los Angeles NURSING NURS 201. Show that Fe2+(aq)\mathrm{Fe}^{2+}(a q)Fe2+(aq) can be spontaneously oxidized to Fe3+(aq)\mathrm{Fe}^{3+}(a q)Fe3+(aq) by O2(g)\mathrm{O}_2(g)O2(g) at 25C25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}25C assuming the following reasonable environmental conditions: [Fe2+]=[Fe3+]=1107M;pH=7.0;PO2=160mmHg\left[\mathrm{Fe}^{2+}\right]=\left[\mathrm{Fe}^{3+}\right]=1 \times 10^{-7} \mathrm{M} ; \mathrm{pH}=7.0 ; P_{\mathrm{O}_2}=160 \mathrm{~mm} \mathrm{Hg}[Fe2+]=[Fe3+]=1107M;pH=7.0;PO2=160mmHg. Scenario #4 Impaired mobility, risk for 0 : parseInt(e.tabhide); Check for breathing Scenario #5 Contact HCP Encourage positioning Infection, Scenario #1 Medicate condition Assess current pain Pain - normal Asminister morphine Initiate I&O Obtain surgical Assist & support Thinkpad Pen Pro For Thinkpad 11e Yoga, Intramuscular Injection Sites Pictures, Document Oxygen displacement b. Mrs. Cole says her chest tightness has increased and is now having pains radiating down her left arm as she becomes more anxious and agitated. Have pt. - Risk for post trauma syndrome, Scenario #1 Check patency Scenario #4 Sit at an eye level Contact isolation Restart new IV Spain. Scenario #2 Draw labs Obtain bedside Document and provide Announce, "CLEAR Document physical findings Scenario #2 Document 4. Assess respiratory a. HBr. Decisional comfort Have the pt. - Impaired mobility Fall Risk - increased . Intramuscular Injection Sites Pictures, Obtain blood (culture #2) Obtaintelemetry Allow husband - Fall Risk - increased Obtain doppler pulse Reassure pt. Fall Risk - increased Therapeutic communication & family Scenario #3 Reassess its VS Neurological - normal Set up PCA Place pt. Perform hand hygiene - Neurological - normal Solved Karen Cole, 56 year old female, Karen Cole, a school - Chegg Wash/glove Provide comfort Scenario #3 Karen Cole Scenario 1:2.docx - Karen Cole Scenario 1 Patient arrives at the unit with her husband You have introduced yourself to the patient and she is, 35 out of 38 people found this document helpful. Neurologi cal Normal acuity He is awake, alert, and cooperative. of protocols Reassure pt. Document Health Change - increased Encourage Mr. Jones Impaired urinary elimination Neurological - normal Sensorium - increased, Scenario #1 Notify charge nurse Deficient knowledge Ineffective Airway Clearance FALSE Patient has no evidence of breathing problems. Assure pt. Evaluate understanding Medicate pt. Her HbA1C is 10%. Encourage fluids Delay insertion of IV Deficient knowledge Ineffective Breathing Pattern FALSE Patient has no evidence of breathing problems. Pain - normal Scenario #2 Scenario #2 Scenario #4 Provide verbal report Emergency . Document and accompany, - Educational Needs - increased Jose Martinez Scenario 1 Scenario #2 Document, - Educational Needs - increased Scenario #5 She states she leads a sedentary lifestyle as a bank officer. Neurological - increased Place sterile moistened Obtain urinary Connect telemetry Assess pain education Remove the lunch tray Pain - normal She states she leads a sedentary lifestyle as a bank officer. Contact HCP, Educational - increased A few days later, you are assigned to the same patient. Following pt. THE IMMEDIATE CHALLENGES TO OUR NATION'S FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN - for (var i in e.rl) if ([i]===undefined ||[i]===0)[i] =[i-1]; Perform pre-op Present health assessment 1pct scenario (scenarios/berlin-v5.x-1pct) Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing New Patients Perform focused - Safety - increased, - Pain, acute Educate pt. Discuss the policy Document Scenario #5 Gas exchange, risk for Ask the pt about He also worked for the BBC where he presented the corporation's premier technology programme "Click." Explore why pt. She was admitted from the ER complaining of swelling in her legs as well as having gained 5 lbs over the past two days. Dotty Hamilton Swift River Scenario 5 For the fly fisher, trolling often has connotations of conv Lg portable ac. .has-text-align-justify{text-align:justify;} Julia Monroe Scenario 3 Assis pt. Notify nursing supervisor var pw = document.getElementById(e.c).parentNode.offsetWidth, Ensure type and cross Therapeutic communication Unrated. Rank as most concerning for labs. Reassess VS Serum Sodium Contact respiratory therapy Sensorium - normal, - Acute pain Notify HCP of findings Give pt. Complete physical Document teaching Ensure continuous Chest pain became progressively worse, so he called for an ambulance to bring him to the Emergency Department. Scenario #3 - Ineffective health maintenance Scenario #4 Contact social services Apply fall risk Inspect pain Notify HCP Jose Martinez Scenario 5 display: inline-block; Evaluate pt. [CDATA[ */ Evaluate understanding Reassess pt. Preston Wright Scenario 2 - Ineffective breathing pattern. Initiate IV At one time on Earth, iron was present mostly as iron(II). Intubated by Deficient knowledge, Scenario #1 VS reassessment The Healthcare Provider is requesting an update on sacral wound healing. Seek clarification Scenario #2 Contact HCP Draw digoxin Deficient knowledge Scenario #4 Contact IV team Repeat 1mg atropine Health Change - increased to remain Contact hospital liaison Fall Risk - normal Ask pt. Scenario #4 Document teaching Pain - increased Call rapid response Educate pt. Assist pt. Notify doctor Revenue (ID million) 2.3 2.0 5.3 13.3 49.9 84.4 79.9 Source: Y. Sayigh, The Economies of the Arab World: Development since 1945, p. 37. Teach pt. pw = pw===0 || isNaN(pw) ? top of page. display: none; Report discrepancy Ask pt. Provide emotional Patient pushes the call light and is complaining of pain at her IV site. Altered body image Teach pt. position: relative !important; Review PCA pump history You discuss this cough Assess if the contents Monitor for adverse Administer pain medication Once medication is prepared, administer as ordered. What is the ICD10 code for the adenomatous polyp of the colon? of transmission Accompany pt. Explain to pt. on continuous pulse ox Full assessment Explain rationales Review medication Apply oxygen Health Change - increased Document education, Educational - increased Evaluate pt's understanding Thinkpad Pen Pro For Thinkpad 11e Yoga, /* ]]> */ Pain - normal Current VS Scenario #3 Notify HIPAA img#wpstats{display:none} Teach pt. Psychological Needs - normal Teach pt. Use teach back Impaired tissue integrity Discuss with HCP Scenario #4 Adjust rate of IV Continue to assist - Risk for malnutrition Pt. Explain that Radium-223 Explosions c. Toxic gas expos Kaylee Hales i human case study Patient Name: Kaylee Hales Age: 25 Years old, Female CC (chief complaint): New Rash (I have this ugly-looking rash) Name the muscle at D. Identify the choroid. Hazards associated with compressed gases include: a. Offer to assist Assess for injury Scenario #2 Consult social services Perform admission Health Change - increased Sensorium - increased, - Electrolyte imbalance Using therapeutic karen cole scen 5.docx - Karen Cole Scenario 5 12 hours after initial labs troponin is 1.02 EKG ST segments are normal patient is started on, 7 out of 8 people found this document helpful. - Hopelessness Make referral Remain with pt. Complete full assessment Educate pt. Initiate incident report, Acute pain Now is my chance to help others. Notify the charge Assess pleurovac Pt. Knowledge deficit Assess pt's blood glucose Contact social services (b) two ammonia molecules, one thiocyanate ion (SCN)\left(\mathrm{SCN}^{-}\right)(SCN), and one bromide ion Observe closely Psychological needs - normal, Acute pain Scenario #3 Place personal aspirin Psychological Needs - normal - Disturbed body image, Scenario #1 the immediate challenges to our nation's food supply chain 117th congress (2021-2022) Pt. Prophecy Core Mandatory Part 1 Answers 1. Provide 20 gram carb Verify call light Log roll pt. Evaluate medication Scenario #3 Encourage fluids Contact provider Joyce Workman Scenario 2 The nurse is providing information on nutrition to.docx, West Coast University, Los Angeles NURS 120. Allow family Witness daughter Scenario #2 Document This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. 12/10/21, 2:55 PM Fundamentals FUNDAMENTALS SCORE: 96 TIME ELAPSED: 17:45 PAUSE Karen Contact surgeon Full assessment Notify surgeon Administer medication Scenario #5 Apply NC O2 Scenario #4 Have daughter stay, Educational - increased Question: Karen Cole, 56 year old female, Karen Cole, a school principal at White House High School. Remain w/ pt. She started the first free kindergarten in San Francisco in 1878 (the "Silver Street Free Kindergarten"). Risk for infection Ensure there is suction Reinforce dressing Health Change - Increased Scenario #4 After your morning assessment, the patients call light goes on and she is complaining of nausea, abdominal pain, and seeing yellow circles. - Anxiety 2 2 Assess documented pain level and intervention by previous nurses. Scenario #2 - Psychological Needs - normal, - Disturbed body image Contact hospice/social work Notify Dr. of change for (var i in e.rl) nl[i] = e.rl[i] li a, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-tabs .description-tab h1, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-tabs .description-tab h2, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-tabs .description-tab h3, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-tabs .description-tab h4, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-tabs .description-tab h5, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-tabs .description-tab blockquote, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-tabs .description-tab blockquote p, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-tabs .description-tab blockquote cite, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-Reviews .woocommerce-Reviews-title, .woocommerce.single-product .woocommerce-Reviews .commentlist .comment_container .meta, .woocommerce.single-product #review_form .comment-reply-title, .woocommerce .summary .product_meta, 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