Jack Armstrong's son continues to struggle with his mental health issues. Throughout its broadcast span, the program offered radio premiums that usually related to the adventures in which Jack and his friends were involved. Remember, if you want to grow up to be big and strong like Jack we were like 'What do you mean? When his girlfriend finishes college, the two plan to travel and teach English in southeast Asia. Jack Armstrong, (John C. Larsh) died at his home in High Point, North Carolina, on March 23, 2008. Play a sample episode from October 14, 1940: One of my favorite series on OTRcaught tail end of series on the radio as a child. or click here to save the Mp3 file to your computer, Jack 000000 Ep002 Jacktotakelinetopelican.mp3, Jack 000000 Ep003 Jackgetslinetopelican.mp3, Jack 340104 Ep0004 Rescuesallpelicancrew.mp3, Jack 400927 Ep1515 Easter Island Adventure.mp3, Jack 400930 Ep1516 Uncle Jim's Office Is Ransacked.mp3, Jack 401001 Ep1517 Trailing Dirk To The Airport.mp3, Jack 401002 Ep1518 Plotting To Steal The Chart.mp3, Jack 401003 Ep1519 Dirk And Blackbeard Steal A Letter.mp3, Jack 401007 Ep1521 Flight To San Francisco.mp3, Jack 401008 Ep1522 Strange Visitor On The Schooner.mp3, Jack 401009 Ep1523 Mysterious Token From Prof Loring.mp3, Jack 401010 Ep1524 Jack And Billy Escape From The Police.mp3, Jack 401011 Ep1525 Betty Hears Footsteps.mp3, Jack 401014 Ep1526 Blackbeard Becomes An Ally.mp3, Jack 401017 Ep1529 Jack Is Swept Overboard.mp3, Jack 401018 Ep1530 Fire Breaks Out On The Spindrift.mp3, Jack 401028 Ep1536 Arriving In The Philippines.mp3, Jack 401029 Ep1537 Warning Of The Power Of The Ring.mp3, Jack 401104 Ep1541 Close To The Breakers.mp3, Jack 401105 Ep1542 Spindrift Rescued Yates Escapes.mp3, Jack 401108 Ep1545 Jack And Billy Trail Yates.mp3, Jack 401113 Ep1548 Hostile Moros Attack The Vintas.mp3, Jack 401114 Ep1549 Protected By The Magic Ring.mp3, Jack 401115 Ep1550 Hostile Moros Attack The Village.mp3, Jack 401118 Ep1551 Spindrift Arrives In Manila.mp3, Jack 401119 Ep1552 Suprise Visit To The Black Shark.mp3, Jack 401120 Ep1553 Suspicious Message From Uncle Jim.mp3, Jack 401121 Ep1554 Searching For Uncle Jim.mp3, Jack 401122 Ep1555 Uncle Jim Outsmarts Blackbeard.mp3, Jack 401125 Ep1556 Back To The Spindrift.mp3, Jack 401126 Ep1557 Dr Shupato Finds The Chart And Ring.mp3, Jack 401127 Ep1558 A Henchman Escapes With The Ring.mp3, Jack 401128 Ep1559 Jack And Billy Are Captured.mp3, Jack 401129 Ep1560 Jack And Billy Turn The Tables.mp3, Jack 401202 Ep1561 Pursued Into The Jungle.mp3, Jack 401203 Ep1562 Car Stalls In The Stream.mp3, Jack 401204 Ep1563 On To The Land Of The Headhunters.mp3, Jack 401205 Ep1564 Negritos With Poison Arrows Watch.mp3, Jack 401206 Ep1565 Car Is Blocked By Landslide.mp3, Jack 401209 Ep1566 Slide Sends Car Down Mountainside.mp3, Jack 401210 Ep1567 Blackbeard Is Climbing Down.mp3, Jack 401211 Ep1568 Jack Billy And Michelle Persue.mp3, Jack 401212 Ep1569 Into An Abandoned Mine.mp3, Jack 401213 Ep1570 Escaping Through Tunnels.mp3, Jack 401216 Ep1571 Jack Waylays Luzaro And Shupato.mp3, Jack 401217 Ep1572 Into Headhunter Country.mp3, Jack 401218 Ep1573 On The Trail Of Sgt Romero.mp3, Jack 401219 Ep1574 Surrounded By Headhunters.mp3, Jack 401220 Ep1575 Trapped In The Cave Of The Mummies.mp3, Jack 401223 Ep1576 A Stowaway On The Spindrift.mp3, Jack 401224 Ep1577 Escape From Manila Bay.mp3, Jack 401225 Ep1578 Stalked By The Black Shark.mp3, Jack 401226 Ep1579 Fighting Off The Typhoon To Escape.mp3, Jack 401227 Ep1580 The Spindrifts Sail Is Destroyed.mp3, Jack 401230 Ep1581 Safe Arrival In The Sulu Sea.mp3, Jack 401231 Ep1582 Preparing To Dive For The U 235.mp3, Jack 410101 Ep1583 Diving To Search For The Ship.mp3, Jack 410102 Ep1584 Trapped In The Captains Cabin.mp3, Jack 410103 Ep1585 Conclusion Escape With The Uranium.mp3, Jack 410106 Ep1586 A Clue To Prof Loring.mp3, Jack 410107 Ep1587 Spice Peddler Has An Unusual Watch.mp3, Jack 410108 Ep1588 Yates The Traitor Returns.mp3, Jack 410109 Ep1589 Yates Searches The Spindrift.mp3, Jack 410110 Ep1590 Michelle Is Kidnapped.mp3, Jack 410113 Ep1591 The Journey Up The Jungle Trail.mp3, Jack 410114 Ep1592 Tribesmen Converge.mp3, Jack 410115 Ep1593 Tribesmen Have Hostile Chief.mp3, Jack 410116 Ep1594 The Chief And The Talking Horse.mp3, Jack 410117 Ep1595 Who Is The Moro Peddler.mp3, Jack 410120 Ep1596 The Magic Horse Speaks Again.mp3, Jack 410121 Ep1597 Malua Leads The Search For Rifles.mp3, Jack 410122 Ep1598 Jack And Billy Decieve Persuers.mp3, Jack 410123 Ep1599 Attacked By The Tamarou.mp3, Jack 410124 Ep1600 A Flashlight In The Darkness.mp3, Jack 410127 Ep1601 Yates Captuers Betty And Billy.mp3, Jack 410128 Ep1602 Michelle Is Sent For Help.mp3, Jack 410129 Ep1603 Climbing Toward The Guarded Cave.mp3, Jack 410130 Ep1604 Leading The Moro Into A Trap.mp3, Jack 410131 Ep1605 A Sentry At The Entrance To Cave.mp3, Jack 410203 Ep1606 Into The Secret Tunnel.mp3, Jack 410204 Ep1607 Jack And Billy Meet A Stranger.mp3, Jack 410205 Ep1608 Finding Lt Rawlings In The Cave.mp3, Jack 410206 Ep1609 Trapped In The Cave By Karangs Men.mp3, Jack 410305 Ep1628 Up The River After Prof Loring.mp3, Jack 410306 Ep1629 Jack Rescues Whisper.mp3, Jack 410307 Ep1630 The Vinta Is Stopped By The Current.mp3, Jack 410310 Ep1631 A Hail Of Stones And Arrows.mp3, Jack 410311 Ep1632 Planning To Confront The Medicine Man.mp3, Jack 410312 Ep1633 Planning To Enter The Temple Of Kalana.mp3, Jack 410313 Ep1634 Entering The Temple Of Kalana.mp3, Jack 410314 Ep1635 The Medicine Man Finds The Radio.mp3, Jack 410317 Ep1636 Moro Messenger Brings Tidings.mp3, Jack 410318 Ep1637 Finding Prof Loring At Last.mp3, Jack 410507 Ep0167 Adventure of the Uranium Deposit.mp3, Jack 430807 Counterfeit Ration Stamps Are Stolen.mp3, Jack 000000 Ep002 Jacktotakelinetopelican, Jack 400927 Ep1515 Easter Island Adventure, Jack 400930 Ep1516 Uncle Jim's Office Is Ransacked, Jack 401001 Ep1517 Trailing Dirk To The Airport, Jack 401002 Ep1518 Plotting To Steal The Chart, Jack 401003 Ep1519 Dirk And Blackbeard Steal A Letter, Jack 401007 Ep1521 Flight To San Francisco, Jack 401008 Ep1522 Strange Visitor On The Schooner, Jack 401009 Ep1523 Mysterious Token From Prof Loring, Jack 401010 Ep1524 Jack And Billy Escape From The Police, Jack 401014 Ep1526 Blackbeard Becomes An Ally, Jack 401017 Ep1529 Jack Is Swept Overboard, Jack 401018 Ep1530 Fire Breaks Out On The Spindrift, Jack 401028 Ep1536 Arriving In The Philippines, Jack 401029 Ep1537 Warning Of The Power Of The Ring, Jack 401105 Ep1542 Spindrift Rescued Yates Escapes, Jack 401108 Ep1545 Jack And Billy Trail Yates, Jack 401113 Ep1548 Hostile Moros Attack The Vintas, Jack 401114 Ep1549 Protected By The Magic Ring, Jack 401115 Ep1550 Hostile Moros Attack The Village, Jack 401118 Ep1551 Spindrift Arrives In Manila, Jack 401119 Ep1552 Suprise Visit To The Black Shark, Jack 401120 Ep1553 Suspicious Message From Uncle Jim, Jack 401121 Ep1554 Searching For Uncle Jim, Jack 401122 Ep1555 Uncle Jim Outsmarts Blackbeard, Jack 401126 Ep1557 Dr Shupato Finds The Chart And Ring, Jack 401127 Ep1558 A Henchman Escapes With The Ring, Jack 401128 Ep1559 Jack And Billy Are Captured, Jack 401129 Ep1560 Jack And Billy Turn The Tables, Jack 401202 Ep1561 Pursued Into The Jungle, Jack 401203 Ep1562 Car Stalls In The Stream, Jack 401204 Ep1563 On To The Land Of The Headhunters, Jack 401205 Ep1564 Negritos With Poison Arrows Watch, Jack 401206 Ep1565 Car Is Blocked By Landslide, Jack 401209 Ep1566 Slide Sends Car Down Mountainside, Jack 401210 Ep1567 Blackbeard Is Climbing Down, Jack 401211 Ep1568 Jack Billy And Michelle Persue, Jack 401212 Ep1569 Into An Abandoned Mine, Jack 401213 Ep1570 Escaping Through Tunnels, Jack 401216 Ep1571 Jack Waylays Luzaro And Shupato, Jack 401217 Ep1572 Into Headhunter Country, Jack 401218 Ep1573 On The Trail Of Sgt Romero, Jack 401219 Ep1574 Surrounded By Headhunters, Jack 401220 Ep1575 Trapped In The Cave Of The Mummies, Jack 401223 Ep1576 A Stowaway On The Spindrift, Jack 401224 Ep1577 Escape From Manila Bay, Jack 401225 Ep1578 Stalked By The Black Shark, Jack 401226 Ep1579 Fighting Off The Typhoon To Escape, Jack 401227 Ep1580 The Spindrifts Sail Is Destroyed, Jack 401230 Ep1581 Safe Arrival In The Sulu Sea, Jack 401231 Ep1582 Preparing To Dive For The U 235, Jack 410101 Ep1583 Diving To Search For The Ship, Jack 410102 Ep1584 Trapped In The Captains Cabin, Jack 410103 Ep1585 Conclusion Escape With The Uranium, Jack 410107 Ep1587 Spice Peddler Has An Unusual Watch, Jack 410108 Ep1588 Yates The Traitor Returns, Jack 410109 Ep1589 Yates Searches The Spindrift, Jack 410113 Ep1591 The Journey Up The Jungle Trail, Jack 410115 Ep1593 Tribesmen Have Hostile Chief, Jack 410116 Ep1594 The Chief And The Talking Horse, Jack 410117 Ep1595 Who Is The Moro Peddler, Jack 410120 Ep1596 The Magic Horse Speaks Again, Jack 410121 Ep1597 Malua Leads The Search For Rifles, Jack 410122 Ep1598 Jack And Billy Decieve Persuers, Jack 410123 Ep1599 Attacked By The Tamarou, Jack 410124 Ep1600 A Flashlight In The Darkness, Jack 410127 Ep1601 Yates Captuers Betty And Billy, Jack 410128 Ep1602 Michelle Is Sent For Help, Jack 410129 Ep1603 Climbing Toward The Guarded Cave, Jack 410130 Ep1604 Leading The Moro Into A Trap, Jack 410131 Ep1605 A Sentry At The Entrance To Cave, Jack 410203 Ep1606 Into The Secret Tunnel, Jack 410204 Ep1607 Jack And Billy Meet A Stranger, Jack 410205 Ep1608 Finding Lt Rawlings In The Cave, Jack 410206 Ep1609 Trapped In The Cave By Karangs Men, Jack 410305 Ep1628 Up The River After Prof Loring, Jack 410307 Ep1630 The Vinta Is Stopped By The Current, Jack 410310 Ep1631 A Hail Of Stones And Arrows, Jack 410311 Ep1632 Planning To Confront The Medicine Man, Jack 410312 Ep1633 Planning To Enter The Temple Of Kalana, Jack 410313 Ep1634 Entering The Temple Of Kalana, Jack 410314 Ep1635 The Medicine Man Finds The Radio, Jack 410317 Ep1636 Moro Messenger Brings Tidings, Jack 410318 Ep1637 Finding Prof Loring At Last, Jack 410507 Ep0167 Adventure of the Uranium Deposit, Jack 430807 Counterfeit Ration Stamps Are Stolen. "But he's a regular guy, he puts on his pants one leg at a time, tucks his T-shirt into his pyjama pants. "Maybe my wife does that every time I - Armstrong & Getty - Facebook Armstrong and Getty | Premiere Networks "Were like Weve already got two in diapers Ah, what the hell, well go for it. He was an actor and director, known for Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985), Evil Laugh (1986) and Hard Rock Nightmare (1988). To fans, he's a lovable everyman, recognizable by his gravelly Brooklyn twang and his signature calls. Enter your email address to get a new one. Jack Armstrong | Adventure | Old Time Radio Downloads He is a member of famous Sportscaster with the age 58 years of age./b> group. Jack Armstrong is a midwestern boy at heart. "(H)e walked right up to our table," Armstrong said . And that's love. Ive tried to as best as I can, having grown up in the city, having been a basketball guy who in the majority of my businesses dealt with African American folks, be a good a role model and try to help them navigate those challenges, and those life experiences, and be there for them, and support them.". TORONTO Kevin Armstrong likes to tell people hes already won the lottery twice in his life. They made our lives totally complete. Kevin is 22, Brian, 21, and Tim, 20. A subreddit for listeners of the Armstrong & Getty radio show. The boys are now scattered across the U.S. Kevin moved to San Diego after graduating from Loyola University in Chicago with a bachelors degree in communications. Find Jack Armstrongs Bio details, How old?, How tall, Physical Stats, Romance/Affairs, Family and career upbeen in a relationship with?s. [citation needed]. Sportscaster. His mom worked at a school cafeteria and raised the family alone. She couldnt believe that her husband with whom she had been in a relationship for a considerably long time is leaving her like that. The shows name was later changed to The Game Plan. Their Uncle Jim (Captain Fairfield) was a pilot of the Silver Albatross and led the adventurous group to locations around the world. Customize your Sportsnet lineup for the latest news from your favourite leagues and teams. And theyre very understanding of the fact that were each going to develop into our own type of men, and they are really cool letting us develop our own thought processes, our own perspectives, not pushing anything on us.". Also learn how He earned most of networth at the age of 55 years old? Jack Armstrong. "Maybe my wife does that every time I turn around." -Jack Armstrong http://kste.iheart.com//video-melania-smiles-as-trump-say/ kste.iheart.com VIDEO: Melania Smiles as Trump Says Something, Trump Turns, Melania Frowns This is at the inauguration. Discover Jack Armstrong's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. Throughout its broadcast span, the program offered radio premiums that usually related to the adventures in which Jack and his friends were involved.-WikiPedia Click here to read more about Jack Armstrong. I think about jack's divorce all the time. : r/armstrongandgetty - reddit In 1986, he was MVP of the CCBL all-star game, and received the league's Outstanding Pitcher award. Jack calls the past 22 years a remarkable journey. I have an MP1 with many more. Away from the mic, the 55-year-old and his wife Dena are parents of three adopted sons. He then spent one season each with the Indians, Marlins, and Rangers before retiring. Never fully comfortable: Maple Leafs Kerfoot and the trade he dodged, Canucks commit to re-tooling over re-building with Hronek addition, On a career heater, Nugent-Hopkins four-point night helps Oilers ground Jets, Bertuzzi sets up goal, Bruins stretch winning-streak in win over Rangers, Cooper on benching Stamkos, Kucherov, Point: 'Weren't giving us the best chance to win'. The lyrics were: Have you tried Wheaties? Jack Armstrong, an Air Force colonel whose name was bestowed on the ''All-American boy'' of the 1930's radio series, died Monday after a long illness. Jack and Dena met at Niagara University. '", Jack Armstrong talked about his unique family on a recent afternoon at Scotiabank Arena. Life had its own set of highs and lows, but that day Jack had left a letter for Laura. Brian Armstrong, Kevin Armstrong, Tim Armstrong. He graduated from Ennis High in 1955 and earned his bachelor's degree in Business Administration from The University of Houston. jack armstrong. Many of the adventures provided listeners with the equivalent of a travelogue, providing facts about the lands they were visiting. He and Dena know its frowned upon by some adoption professionals. Jack Armstrong + Sponsored by: Wheaties (Luminous Dragon's Eye Ring premium). NBA analyst Jack Armstrong joined Dustin Nieslon to recap Celtics/Lakers and a look at the Toronto Raptors back on court tonight at home to the Kings. Advertisement Jack was a Veteran and served in the U.S. States Army during the Korean War. There are the highs and there are the lows, and everything in between, and every parent can relate to that, every parent goes through it. I love my kids, theyre my kids. Gale later served as President of the Ad Council. [1] The show won the Best of Sacramento award numerous years in a row and is available as a podcast now. Filenames of old time radio shows which are dated as yy-mm-dd. golden age of radio. He and his wife Laura have two young sons, as well as two dogs, two cats, a horse, innumerable goats and several . An error has occurred while trying to update your details. 28 Audio CDs. The second was being raised by Jack and Dena Armstrong. Kevin is 22, Brian, 21, and Tim, 20. They were married in the university chapel. 6 rivalries that will define the Toronto Raptors' season, Dont hold your breath for NBA in Montreal, When submitting content, please abide by our, Grizzlies' Clarke out indefinitely with torn Achilles, Ja Morant says he'll get help after video shows apparent gun, NBA opens investigation after Ja Morant appears to hold gun on social media, Raptors need VanVleet to return to top form with tough stretch approaching, Randle scores 43, Knicks to Heat to win eighth straight, Booker, Durant, Okogie lead Suns to road romp over Bulls, NBA Roundup: Bridges scores 38 points, Nets rally to stun Celtics, {* backButton *} We will upbeen in a relationship with? +Sponsored by: Wheaties (Luminous Dragon's Eye Ring premium). Jackson Armstrong was a Top-40 disc jockey of the 1960s through the 1980s, and an oldies DJ until 2006. Armstrong says that 20%-30% of the players in his era - 1988 through 1994 - were juicing in a big way. @HelloooJack. Jack is married to wife Dena Armstrong. JACK ARMSTRONG, 'ALL-AMERICAN BOY,' WAS RADIO HERO By GEORGE KUNZ, GEORGE KUNZ NEWS BOOK REVIEWER Mar 5, 1995 0 Support this work for $1 a month I have become resigned to a world of change,. And thats love. Jack Armstrong was born on 7 March, 1965 in Englewood, New Jersey, United States, is an American baseball player. "Jack Armstrong, Jack Armstrong, Jack Armstrong, Jack Armstrong the Alllllllllll American Boy" was your archetypal teenage athlete who encountered not so average adventures. Jack Armstrong is a midwestern boy at heart. . "He plays records on a record player, he drives a 1951 (yellow Pontiac Chieftain), he dresses however he likes to dress. "But he knows what he wants and he's very strong in his opinions.". Free sample downloads! "I couldnt love a biological son or daughter any more than I love my kids. Discover Jack Armstrong's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. The program's best-known announcer was legendary Chicago voice Franklyn MacCormack, who delivered his commercials with the help of an a cappella quintet. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Pending. The show was created by writer Robert Hardy Andrews. We're not like that like. Brian and Tim are African American. At 58 years of age. We recommend you to check the complete list of Famous People born on 7 March. We use cookies to improve your experience. Adoption Ontarios website lists a Bill of Rights for transracially adopted kids that include rights such as: "Every child is entitled to parents who know that she will experience life differently than they do. + Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy was a radio adventure series which maintained its popularity from 1933 to 1951. 0. There isnt enough recent news in your lineup. But it's an amazing gift to have, and it's an amazing gift to give.". The next lines read the name of the girl with whom Jack had moved in, and the name was shocking to her.