KARLO: So for us, what I think our role is, is to give people a chance to take a longer look at issues. BARRY: It was how do you get a point across to the news media when local government has failed in their duty? Read the full article about rural newspapers by Heather Chapman at The Rural Blog. Sadly, children living in rural communities feel the affects of poverty more than their elder counterparts. PDF Rural and Community Development in Nigeria: an Assessment Addressing Disparities in Rural Health Care - US News & World Report But weve come through that. Its hard to predict. LIGHT: Yeah, I mean, I would say that right now print is very, very strong. We call that financial promiscuity, which is make sure that you dont get all of your money from one source. Dozens of jobs at regional radio and TV stations have been similarly affected. Im like, look, the default human state is error. The rural public library is gaining enormous importance in rural communities. NELSON: I want to ask a different question of Jeff Light. LIGHT: Quickly trying to figure out in the heat of battle what to do. I mean, this is a problem with live television, as Grant has brought up, right? The learning curve was steep and lesson No.1 was that it was more than just media folk who contributed to The Bridge, and the publication offered its community more than just local news. NELSON: Listeners, wed also like to invite you in on this conversation. You know, were not going to defray our attention by focusing too much on other medium other media or other ways of delivering the content. 2 Additionally, nonfatal prescription opioid overdoses are concentrated in states with large rural populations. However, both these areas are home to a much lower proportion of high-skilled export jobs than city centres, where 66 per cent of service exporting jobs are high skilled. You know, the fabric of the community is directly affected and improved by the amount of local news there is, you know. Database journalists are real people who have real jobs and they can sit there with a spreadsheet or a MySQL database and generate news. NELSON: And do Greg Dawson from NBC 7/39, youve heard this about television probably your entire professional career. I mean, thats how they got into it. And that part of it, of misspeaking or the facts changing as youre reporting the story, DAWSON: has been around forever and will continue to be. And I think that people want a lot of choices. So we take that data, we generate stories about salaries, about budgets, about discrepancies, about graft and fraud and that sort of thing, about a mortgage swindle. And its important, and we want to be accurate, we want to be impartial, we want to be fair, and we want to present people with good information. Just click and send or you can send it to me, editor@uniontrib.com and, you know, were obviously, this is the life blood of what we do. Newspapers are crucial for communities and benefit from reporting on youth and community development initiatives. And I think all of us in this room dont let anything out in our medium without it going through some sort of editorial review. NELSON: Okay. [CDATA[// >