Thanks to this video from Heerema Fabrication Group, we get a humerous reminder to be safe on the job and stay aware to avoid getting hurt. A routine fire in Texas turned into a local disaster when the fertilizer stored on the site exploded. Be safe, drive smart. '75 feet, 2.8 inches,' says the physicist. Funny Safety Training spun on his heel and marched briskly back up the aisle in search of his Please, Get in touch with your inner creative with our downloadable resources. For further Safety Tips and Visual Safety Resources, please visit our parent company at: 2023 Creative Safety Publishing | All Rights Reserved, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, We Are Now Offering Convergence Safety Training Videos, The 6 Pillars of Effective Safety Training, Prevent Slips and Falls with Anti-Slip Floor Tape, 6 Reasons to Invest in a Visual Workplace, Rules for Exit Routes OSHA Standards 1910.36 and 1910.37, Accident Investigation Root Cause Analysis, PPE for Winter Thats Also Flame-Resistant, October Is National Work And Family Month, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Audits, Analysis, and Assessments The Trilogy, Keeping Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Clean. Giraffes and the topic in question- now thats what we call thinking outside the box. Finally, there is a correlation between happy staff, higher productivity and employee engagement, meaning the benefits of using humor at work reach far beyond your safety talks: they create a happy workforce. Join now and take advantage of all the benefits that NSC Membership can offer you. Download and use it multiple times. Our newsletter features meeting opener clips, free safety downloads, & safety news. 'Sir,' the usher announced, 'If you don't get up from there, I'm They might not even realize they are learning something, but when the moment arises, the information will be there for them to recall. And again louder, 'Like a hand grenade, remember? Get your team up and attem with a game of Safety Charades! had implemented proper safety procedures, but research has shown that around
Office Safety Training Powerpoints | Atlantic Training Blog List of Famous Safety Slogans & Safety Quotes. -keep lids on chemical containers when not in use. Pleasant thoughts generate more But given all the blood spatter, we had to draw the not-safe-for-work line somewhere pun absolutely intended on that. Hence, being safe and healthy at the workplace is imperative. Wear your seat belt and simply DON'T drink and drive! Below, we look at some fresh approaches to safety and inspiration for your next briefing. A young girls hand shot into the air.
Deer Hunting ClipartClipart gallery consists of high . Top download It also gave us Shake Hands With Danger Caterpillars short-film featuring re-enactments of numerous accident scenarios and the theme song of the same name.
20 Free Funny PowerPoint Templates With Fun & Vibrant Designs 2023 2013: West Fertilizer Company explosion. 6 Funny Safety Moment Ideas To Shake Up Your Toolbox Talks, Tips To Make Your Safety Talk Funny and Effective, Hilarious Workplace Safety Video Training, Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, 8 Key January Safety Topics + Top Winter Safety Tips, 100+ Short Workplace Safety Topics from [A-Z] Free Download, 100 + Safety Topics For Daily Toolbox Talk 2023, 9 Safety Culture Leadership Quotes Everyone Should Read, Safety Culture Perception Surveys: The Complete Guide, Successful Safety Incentive Programs Examples [A-Z Guide], LTIR Calculation: All About Lost Time Incident Rate, counter short attention spans is with humor, leads to better learning outcomes and knowledge recall, improve the safety culture at your workplace, 10 Handpicked Safety Meeting Topics For Manufacturing, Improving Safety Culture In The Workplace, 8 December Safety Topics For A Safer Holiday Season At Work, 11 Handpicked Safety Meeting Topics for Manufacturing, 8 Safety Leaders Youll Want To Follow In 2021, 100 + Safety Topics For Daily Toolbox Talk 2022, Fall Prevention Equipment For Construction Safety: Full Guide , The 7 Hottest August Safety Topics + Download Links, 7 July Safety Topics Your Employees Should Hear (Download), 8 September Safety Topics Your Staff Should Be Aware Of. Its been proven that gamified learning releases dopamine which creates a happy workforce and enjoyment. The fun aspect doesnt take away from the severity and importance of what theyre saying, but by delivering it in a funny manner, everyone is listening! Select from these invigorating templates and ensure if something wrong happens, everyone knows what to do. While resistance welding or brazing, the operators must use safety shields and goggles, depending on the job, to protect their eyes and face from any hazard. Share appropriate measures and steps to be taken in such situations. For simulation License: All 1 2 | Free. These videos can be great tools for your safety training process. Bride Reads Out Affair Texts At Wedding Instead Of Her Vows. [rsnippet name="sitename" multi-site="true"] Copyright 2020.
PPT - Oil Field Safety PowerPoint Presentation, free download - SlideServe - never mix chemicals unless instructed to do so. They break up the monotony. How to use superhero in a sentence. Perfect for quick briefings, choose a Safety Moment of the Day to highlight the importance of a particular topic or technique. Perfect ahead of a First Aid or CPR training piece, this classic clip from The Office U.S. highlights the shambles that office safety training can become! Advertisement. It is a no-brainer.
Funny PowerPoint Presentations That Scream 'Laugh Out Loud' For Days Share yours for free! Alive at 25 (4 Hour National Safety Council Course) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Arc Flash Safety. fact, a legal requirement. Funny Ladder Picture Crazy Ladder Balancing We Fear for These Electricians on Their Ladders On the Roof - A Brief Funny Tale Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Training by Canada & Associates Safety Training, LLC. Funny Presentation templates Presentations do not have to be boring, so download one of these free Funny templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint and give your audience a memorable experience. Include the procedures necessary during a crisis, set clear roles and responsibilities, and establish instructions for local emergency response. ul.nav ul.nav {margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 1.2em; padding-left: 1.2em; line-height: 24px; COLOR: #ffffff;}
Download Emergency Response Plan For Work Place Safety. What's your name?' Man Working Without Safety Funny Picture. Unfortunately, training classes and videos can also be extremely boring and dry when presented to employees. Humor is a powerful agent for positive change. The big takeaway? A bus carrying five passengers was hit by a car in Boston, Safety Managers: persons who write a 10,000 word document, What do you get if you put 100 Safety Managers in your, A police protection officer was visiting a primary school in, The cap of Bert's tooth fell out so he phoned his dentist, Doctor. li.nav {text-indent: -8px; list-style-type: square; font-family: arial, helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 12px; color: #ffffff;}
Struggling with disengaged employees? testimonies that visuals do attract people and advertising using visuals are 6: Designated driver = helpful. Who knew the subject of geography could actually be so much fun? Aerial Work Platform & Scissors Lift Safety. the cop barked. Unsafe Act or Unsafe Condition. You be the judge. How do you practice making people smile?
Ladder Safety PPT - CompSource Mutual Assemble all possibilities of health and safety tips and highlight work areas that in particular require attention. Funny Template For PPT Presentation Make hay while the sun shines! A 3-minute animated video that highlights the effects of a poor nights sleep on worker performance, safety, and their response to hazards. Leapfrogging From Compliance to Culture in Oklahoma. Theres nothing wrong with adding some fun to your safety training. DuPont has been a recognized and respected brand for more than two centuries. Studies have shown time and time again that our attention spans are depleting rapidly, and one of the best ways to keep staff engaged to counter short attention spans is with humor. Slides: 40.
How to Be Seriously Funny in Your Safety Presentations Aimed at Years 1-6, the PowerPoint features simple, easy-to-understand illustrations to help deliver important messages in a clear yet friendly way. An estimate of 2 million men and women die every year due to work-related accidents and diseases. Certainly, learning by pictures truly creates a huge impact on the mind. same job. Showing all 11 results Back Safety PowerPoint Presentation Funny warning labels google_ad_client = "pub-4572730101251088";
Download Work Safety Planning PowerPoint Template. This is one of the best safety PowerPoint presentations we have seen in a long time.
12 Safety Presentation Ideas For Your Workplace - ACUTE Ppt on funny topics Rating: 5,6/10 1252 reviews PowerPoint presentations are a staple of modern business communication, but that doesn't mean they . All About Me - Free Fun and Humor Presentation PPT In his nervousness, he One of the most engaging methods of delivering a briefing that highlights the importance of safety is by being entertaining. Not a member? The key to life is moderation. Heres a slideshow of various workplace safety violations that will make you scratch your head and wonder how these people are still alive by WolfEchoes. No business wants their employees to get hurt on the job. Select the type of cookies you want to accept, 6 Hilarious Workplace Safety Videos Every EHS Professional Will Love & Cherish, ensuring EHS compliance(in a not-so-assured world), data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Homer Simpson's Guide to Workplace Health and Safety, 'Breaking Bad' Habits and Raising Hell in EHS with Lessons from Walter White. 74 Safety PowerPoints from Atlantic Training 50 Audio slide shows from WorkSafeBC 49 PowerPoints from University of Wisconsin Accident investigation Theories of accident causation Aging workforce - safety solutions Arc flash Arsenic health hazards Asbestos Automobile garages Back evaluation of risk Back mechanics Back safety - 1 Back safety - 2 Carbon Monoxide Factsheet - Download for Free, Free OSHA Fact Sheets, InfoSheets and Hazard Alerts, Injury & Illness Recordkeeping Download OSHA Form 300, 300A, and 301, The Big List of Free Safety Training PowerPoint Presentations, Aerial Lift Safety Training by FHM Insurance, Aerial Lifts Training by University of Wisconsin, Arc Flash Safety Training by Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, Arc Flash Safety Training by Murray State University, Arc Flash Energy & Protection Training by EWB Engineering, Electrical Hazards Training by Cooper Bussmann, Arc Flash Analysis Training by Illinois Institute of Technology, Life Threatening Allergies Training by New York State Department of Health, Allergies, Allergens and Food Handlers Training by SSFPA, Sanitation Training by University of Minnesota, Life Threatening Food Allergies in Schools and Educational Programs, Risk Assessment for Food Allergens Training by Food and Drug Administration, Bloodborne Pathogens Training by Bowling Green State University, Bloodborne Pathogens Training by The University of Texas at Arlington, Bloodborne Pathogens Training by Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Bloodborne Pathogen Training by Oakland Community College, Bloodborne Pathogen Awareness Training by North Carolina DHHS, Bloodborne Pathogen Safety Training Powerpoint, Confidentiality Training by Madison County Schools, Confidentiality Training by UCSD Health Sciences, Confidentiality Training by Jacksboro ISD, Training on Confidentiality by Spotsylvania County Schools, Confidentiality and Special Education Training by Madison County Schools, Confidentiality in the Schools Training by Washington County School District, Crisis Management Training Strategies by RIMS, Crisis Management A Leadership Challenge Training by Bloomington Public Schools, Crisis & Risk Management Training by University of Alexandria, Crisis Management Training by Iowa State University, Diversity and Inclusion Training by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Meeting the Challenge of Diversity Training, Cultural Diversity & Cultural Competence Training by Loudon County Schools, Diversity in the Workplace Training by Texas A&M University, Understanding Diversity Training by USCG Auxiliary National Diversity Department, Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Training, Enhancing Relationships Through Cultural Competence Training, Cultural Competence & Culturally Responsive, Cultural Awareness Training by UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations, Delivering and Improving Effective Customer Service Training by WikiSpace, Customer Service Training by McGraw-Hill Companies, Delivering Exceptional Customer Service Training by College of Southern Nevada, Customer Services Standards Training by The State of Michigan, Ethics Training by ServiceMaster Lakeshore, Ethics Training by Eastern Washington University, Business Ethics Fundamentals Training by University of Utah, Developing an Effective Ethics Program Training by Cengage Learning, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Training by Mohave Community College, Sexual Harassment Training by Montana Dept. However, they do have a responsibility to follow the government rules and regulations. It covers a range of important statistics while sharing a range of real-world examples of sleep deprivation, including the impact on their lives both in and out of work. But dont let their long history fool you into thinking that they cant have a little fun. workers' health. Ads Ads Ads Funny Family Quiz How many keys are on a piano? Completely Researched Decks, Documents, Slide Bundles, etc), which included 24427 slides in total in the past 24 hours. Its nice to get a laugh (and once you make them laugh youll be greedy for more), but the laugh is only meant to help sustain your training, so you need to know your limits. in real life. It will help you create protocols and ask your workforce to follow them to the letter. Funny warning signs Besides, you can also take advantage of the smart art given in the template and design a framework for policies and procedures to make safety a top priority. Using Produce ozone gas Biological Hazards 1. The meaning of safety and employers responsibility to prevent injury may vary with different working conditions. You can view it.
Safety PowerPoints - Department of Labor & Industry Privacy Policy [rsnippet name="termsofservice" multi-site="true"] [rsnippet name="editors" multi-site="true"] [rsnippet name="naver-post" multi-site="true"], Funny PowerPoint Presentations That Scream Laugh Out Loud For Days. This gem out of Australia is the perfect representation of the ever-present EHS risks youre battling on a daily basis. In an interview, he indicated that he would randomly call hundreds of numbers, pretending to be a sociology student, or when he was out in public he would engage with as many people as he could in conversation in order to successfully interact with strangers and get them to smile or laugh. Go There I recommend 2 to 20 participants to give everyone who wants to speak a. Theres nose-picking, a grim reaper, and plenty of chainsaw action to keep your team engaged! For many, the future seems nice and bright. These days, its no secret that environment, health, and safety (EHS), and sustainability professionals wear many hats within an organization. Explain your purpose and open up the communication lines between the administrators and workers. Home, Lucky escapes What are MSDs? This funny PowerPoint presentations free download features a blackboard with white fonts and colorful elements. No, that's not our perspective but it is for this young lady. One perfect example of this is this flight attendant and pilot duo who give the safety briefing (that the passengers have heard plenty of times!) If youre presenting or creating worksheets, feel free to incorporate relevant memes to keep everyone entertained. H2S The Basics Training by Simon Whittaker, Hazard Communication Training Program by MIOSHA, Hazard Communication Training by Maine Department of Labor, Hazardous Materials Control & Management Training by NOAA, GHS for Hazard Communication Training by Utah State University, Hazard Communication Training by Oklahoma State University, HAZMAT Warning, the music might be a bit much for some. You can view it, SlideTeam has published a new blog titled "Top 7 Product List Templates with Samples and Examples". A. Share the updated training courses with your employees using these well-structured template designs. In this video, our safety guides with amazing 1970s-era mustaches, Ron and Lamar, address a common workplace hazard working with electrical components and all the no-nos that come along with it. The real Patch Adams knew that making people smile isnt always easy. Create options on scraps of paper for teams to choose from, and have the team guess which rule theyre following or breaking! considerable agony. a flying piece of debris. If you want to make your students happy, then you might as well revamp the true meaning of homework. Oh wait, we forgot how presentations rule the day in the professional world too. Lab Safety Rules 10- Chemical safety: -never touch, taste or smell a chemical unless instructed to do so. Therefore, you can utilize this template to draft safety guidelines for your construction business. But not all accidents are their fault because the employees have a prominent part to play. So take advantage of this design to create an effective risk roadmap for your business. However, there is a growing number of videos circulating around the web that offer anything but a boring approach to safety. Perhaps our favorite part in regards to this cautionary tale is that its listed on IMDb, complete with a compelling summary which we just had to share: A cautionary training film for those who operate and repair heavy equipment. Research indicates that the following three ideas are proven to Our safety resources give you the knowledge and stories you need to manage human factorsand wont find anywhere else. It is a medium length, so is good for initial and refresher training. It covers a range of workplace hazards such as ladders, spills, poor footwear, and trips, and is a catchy song that will leave your team humming all day long! Quickly and easily find all the Funny video content you want to tickle your Funny bone directly from your browser toolbar.
Read More. How did you manage that? Sleep, health, concentration, age, drugs etc. Accelerate the resumption of normal operations by employing this emergency response plan template. google_ad_type = "text_image";
Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter, The New Leaf. The template already includes certain safety tips. That good mood and stress relief are also hugely responsible for success in teaching. Bureau of Workers' Compensation . Accidents google_color_bg = "lightyellow";
Be Careful! Each slide delivers focused talking points that can be presented in any meeting as a one-minute opener or to launch a more extensive discussion. While slips, trips, and falls are no laughing matter when they really happen in one of your facilities, we can all agree that watching people stumble can be funny. Due to the negligence of 7 employees, more than 5 lakh people were exposed to the lethal methyl isocyanate. Safety at work Download Templates Of Welder Wearing Shield And Gloves At Work For Health Safety. Life is either positive or negative. 2 - The Idea of the "Large Ripple" - Behavioral Safety Meeting. google_color_url = "008000";
Which bandwagon are you on? Further, 160 people were injured and around 150 buildings collapsed due to the blast. So, also check out our post: 'Breaking Bad' Habits and Raising Hell in EHS with Lessons from Walter White. The year 1980 didnt just give us the Miracle on Ice, the long-anticipated release of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, or the revival of the preppy look. However, a reaper turns up and shows the consequences of not listening in the toolbox chat! Have you ever tried studying for an exam when you have 16. Pick this template to provide a ground for exchanging ideas and data related to the broad field of health and safety in your organization. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA - the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Jason Peck, is an award-winning English humorist, actor and comedian based in Chicago, IL. Isolation - NA.
49 Safety Moment ideas | funny pictures, bones funny, darwin awards Therefore, practice makes perfect, and over the years, you realize theyre not as bad as many perceive them to be.
PowerPoints Safety Awakenings nervous, young and new employee was selected to extinguish a 'controlled Planning a birthday party has [] Or, show a funny video to get your point across. Almost all the buildings in the neighborhood flattened, further injuring 36 people due to the blast. Free Safety Training Power Points Aerial Lift PowerPoints Asbestos PowerPoints Bloodborne Pathogens PowerPoints Confined Spaces PowerPoints Construction PowerPoints Luckily for the practice used a shovel to separate him from the electricity. There are so many opportunities to laugh, and it really sets the tone for a great safety training session. We focus on eliminating the leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths. Check our safety moment of the day examples for more information on how to structure your talk. It is a 14 slide PPT starting with a definition of what Manual Handling includes in various workplaces. But don't let their long history fool you into thinking that they can't have a little fun. in a way that keeps the whole plane entertained. Free Downloads: Funny Safety Ppt. We can only wonder what this college student received for his unique descriptions. Man On Hanging Vehicle Funny Safety Image. Our favorite memorable safety slogans include:A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.When you gamble with safety, you bet your life. Falling on objects can be brutal, wear your hard hat to protect your noodle.Feel free to make up an acronym, quote, or rhyme to keep the topic at the forefront of their minds. It may be time to call in "The Bobs." 2. Contact us to discuss your environment, health, safety and sustainability needs today. Veuillez choisir votre rgion
Shoot self, Therefore, to help you create a successful safety program, we are sharing five security tips. This free PowerPoint covers ladder safety in construction. Use this theme to talk about education, writing or to present the exercises to your students in an original and funny way. Workplace safety covers a broad range of topics, including but not limited to: Overall, workplace safety is an essential aspect of any workplace, and it is the responsibility of employers and employees to ensure that safety protocols are followed and maintained to prevent accidents and injuries.