After work, Callie came home where she saw Arizona having a little dance party with Sofia, and Arizona told her about her good day. She argued Sofia's life was in Seattle. He then went away to do other work and left her alone to give her some time.
'Grey's Anatomy': Arizona Loses Her Leg, April And Jackson "Then great, stick out your leg and I will go grab a bone saw and let's even the score!" At the end of the day, Arizona allowed Callie, who was ready to go back to Mark's place, to sit next to her on the couch to watch American Bake Off together. she and Leah worked together on a girl with a broken femur, which required Callie consulting. She told him her name and instructed him not to move, as he could injure himself even more. Emma asked for more information about Callie, and Arizona told her that Callie is great, but not that great as they're divorced now. Callie was dismayed to learn that Arizona didn't want children. Later, when Arizona noticed Teddy staring mooningly at Owen, Arizona declared that the two of them were going to be friends, going so far as to claim that, "I'm an awesome friend." Arizona is one of the "Seattle Grace Five". This would mean the hospital had to pay the awards for the doctors itself, but since there wasn't enough money to do so, the hospital would go bankrupt.[12].
Plane Crash | Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki | Fandom Arizona was shocked to learn Carina had never lost a mom, while Carina was shocked to learn Arizona had lost more than one. She then gave him some remarks about the prosthetic and he told her he'd do something about it. Also, several board members were out and Callie and Arizona couldn't be in the same room together, complicating things even more. Professional Information He took a look at her residual limb, commenting that it was healing well as there was no scar tissue. When Callie confessed she told Bailey she could flee from the wedding, Arizona thought it was a reference to their marriage and was a little offended. She quickly discharged Charlotte and went to tell Richard that she crashed instead of flew. Callie later came to apologize, she brought up that Penny was moving to New York after winning the Preminger Grant. At the end of the day, Callie did show up at the therapist's office, but only to tell Arizona that she was not going to therapy with her yet. Arizona then gave Callie her lawyer's card and stated they would only talk through her. Arizona was later annoyed when Eliza moved one of her surgeries, and accused Eliza of turning everybody against her, but Eliza defended herself by saying that people were simply afraid of change. Arizona then confessed she couldn't stand the way everyone stared at her, and the way everyone talked and judged her, including April. Arizona had to bribe her in order to get her to go to school. She met Carina at a bar. [13], Soon after her miscarriage, Arizona met a woman named Lauren Boswell at the coffee cart when she accidentally took Lauren's coffee. Following her request to go to Callie, she and the others were sedated and put on a plane to Seattle, where Callie started taking care of the infected leg. Arizona is one of the "Grey Sloan Seven". She stared in a way that made Arizona feel really good. SweetheartThe In GuyArizona HuntMrs. Callie and Arizona later reconciled and they moved back in together. After Callie was informed that both she and the hospital were being sued by Travis Reed, a board meeting was called. While the Chief in Boise recommended amputation, Arizona interfered and told Owen she gave no one permission to cut off her leg. Arizona agreed to continue to work with her without telling anyone else. Callie was angry and told her that the wedding would be all about Bailey and not about the leg, which it had been all about for the past five months. Arizona reached out to Nicole once when Nicole attended "Blind School," but Nicole didn't pick up or call back, leaving Arizona to give up trying to initiate contact. Later, she returns to Seattle Grace as an attending under Dr. Robert Stark, the interim Head of Pediatric Surgery. Trying for Another Baby, Counseling, and Separation, You Can Look (But You'd Better Not Touch), No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance), I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me, I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked, Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right, Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story. Arizona and Teddy continued to keep in touch after Teddy moved to Germany, as Arizona learned about Owen double-dipping from her phone conversation with Teddy. Later that day, Arizona met Alex in a supply room and they talked about her cheating. She worked together with Alex Karev and Miranda Bailey on Jackson Prescott, a young boy dear to Bailey. She told him the ortho metaphor she worked out to tell Callie, but Alex wasn't enthusiastic about it and advised her to stick to apologizing for being such a slut. Arizona proposed to have Sofia choose between her astronaut costume and Callie's princess costume, but Callie thought it wasn't worth the fight and told Arizona she could take Sofia to the party at Meredith's. Bailey told Callie to hide, as her presence would mean too much pressure. Arizona walked over to Bailey, and when she saw the chart, she came up with a possible diagnosis. Arizona decided they'd work it out and accepted him as her roommate. [9], Despite being asked to be a bridesmaid, Arizona didn't want to go to Bailey's wedding because she wouldn't be able to wear high heels, and flats make her feel less feminine and confident. After asking for time to process, Arizona accepted the situation, and she and Callie restarted their relationship. Then Callie appeared, just as the electricity came back on. What season of Grey's anatomy teased Arizona's plane crash? When Mark died 30 days later, Callie went into her bedroom, where Arizona was just sitting in bed, and she told Arizona that she couldn't keep doing things alone. At the wedding, Callie once again brought up that she was doing the research for Arizona. At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. They leaned in for a kiss, but Richard Webber interrupted, discovering their relationship. Back at the hospital, Owen found out the insurance company wasn't going to pay, because with Arizona having taken Alex's place on the plane, there were more attendings on the plane than are normally allowed. When Arizona came to pick up Sofia before Callie had to go to the court for her lawsuit, she told Callie that she was willing to do whatever Callie needed to feel good in the difficult period of being sued. The OB did the ultrasound, but couldn't find a heartbeat. Impressed by Lauren's skills, Callie whispered to Arizona that she was a little bit in love with Lauren, and Arizona awkwardly smiled. Arizona thought she was going crazy, as she felt pain in a part of her that no longer existed, but Owen assured her phantom limb was a very real thing. [20], Some time after the gala, Leah brought Arizona a cup of coffee before the big surgery with Shepherd. When Arizona went to Africa, she and Teddy continued to keep in touch and regularly wrote to each other. [69] Shortly thereafter, Leah called to make sure the girls arrived home safely and ended up visiting Arizona at her apartment. Despite everyone's efforts not to make a big deal out of it, like Alex paying a kid not to ask her about the fake leg, there were some comments about her return and prosthetic, like Bailey mentioning her first surgery was a lot of standing for her first day back. Arizona then put her flat shoe on her prosthetic foot and they left for the wedding, where they waited for Bailey. Wherever they ended up, the skating always stayed the same, which made her feel safe. As she wasn't sure their relationship would survive that, Arizona pointed out there were plenty of ways to make it work if she wanted it to work. Callie argued that Arizona moved a lot in her youth and she turned out fine. She also didn't want her life to get screwed over by something that wasn't even there. Arizona Robbins survived a plane crash that resulted in the amputation of her leg. They say you have two legs, and you are only pretending that one is amputated. At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. When Callie joined Arizona in surgery, she told her wife that it was a good thing for her, as the goal of the research was to get Arizona a leg that's as sensitive and responsive as the leg she lost. Arizona refers to her patients as tiny humans and to their parents as tiny human makers. They later agreed to get drinks. WebThe episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on May 17, 2012. Callie gifted Arizona with a weekend getaway, but continued communicating with Mark as she and Arizona drove. That night, Arizona had a drink at Joe's bar, when Callie came in and told her that she was kicking Arizona out of the apartment right now, not even allowing her to pack up her stuff. However, Arizona had an infection in her leg that she could have died from if she didn't cut off the leg. Jackson and Cristina were waiting for Arizona, because their patient was a boy with asthma. [63], Eliza "ghosted" Arizona, not replying to her messages and moving out of her apartment without saying a word to Arizona about it. Arizona walked April down the aisle and shared a look with Callie, which made her cry once again. [37] The drinking helped to ease her nerves and she and Penny were introduced by Callie. Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Shortly after the crash, Arizona was lying next to the front part of the wreckage and she kept on screaming until Cristina yelled at her to shut up. She recalled he brought her to their house once and shared she was a real screamer, unaware that she was talking about Maggie. Lauren said she looked forward to talking strategy later on that day, charming Arizona again. Eliza then answered, "That name attached to that face? Together with Meredith and Derek, they took Sofia out for trick-or-treating. They also toasted to celebrate Meredith's pregnancy. [41] Arizona was the first one to find out about April's pregnancy after her divorce to Jackson. Protect the things I love." Later, he was putting plaster bandages on Arizona's residuum when Callie came in, thinking Arizona would be ready. When Eliza was in the elevator on her way to Bailey's office, Arizona walked by and asked if she needed help. They discovered they studied under the same surgeon, which made Lauren allow Arizona to do part of the surgery.