This listing was last updated: March 04, 2023 11:00:03. Detectives found evidence of a massive amount of cleaned up blood in the family room area of the home. 2017, Prosecutor | Clermont County, Ohio, ROLE HEARING SCHEDULED FOR CONVICTED CHILD MURDERER. Bill and his family are always in our thoughts and prayers. A federal lawsuit was filed Monday against three Putnam County deputies and the Putnam County Commission after a Scott Depot man, who was legally carrying a gun in plain view, was . Jasons estranged wife, Angelina Hamrick, was found at the marital residence with their sons and had no explanation about Jasons whereabouts. Daniel J. Authorities are currently searching for him. Judge Richard Ferenc, Judge Victor Haddad. address for Pierce was on Parkway Avenue in Cincinnati. CONVICTED CHILD MURDERER DIES AWAITING DEATH SENTENCE. Please take notice that the Clerk of Courts has updated the Civil Case Classification form. All Rights Reserved. Clermont County Prosecutor Mark J. Tekulve is proud to announce that the conviction was secured through the hard work and dedicated efforts of Assistant Prosecutors Katie Terpstra and Robert Barbato. Kilo Moton | Prosecutor | Clermont County, Ohio Angelina told her boyfriend that she intended to dispose of Jasons body and the other relevant evidence and clean up the crime scene. The prosecuting attorney shall prosecute, on behalf of the state, all complaints, suits and controversies in which the state is a partyand other suits, matters and controversies that the prosecuting attorney is required to prosecute within or outside the county, in the probate court, court of common pleas, and court of appeals. 2023, Clermont County Sheriff. I have concluded that the actions of the Miami Township police officers were not only reasonable and appropriate, but were absolutely necessary to protect their lives and to ensure the safety of the public. (State v. Kyle Johnston, 2020 CR 001004). Bond was initially set at $125,000 c/p/re on December 4, 2020 by Judge Victor M. Haddad, citing considerations of Ohio Constitution Article I, section 9, criminal rule 46, and ORC 2937.222. While seated in the victims vehicle, the defendant and victim got into an argument and the defendant shot the victim in the abdomen using the handgun. Defendant asked what the victim was doing. My office has received numerous inquiries regarding theft allegations from Clermont Senior Services. 348 West Main St., Williamsburg, OH 45176 The Court is responsible for the operation of the Probation Department, which supervises those criminal defendants placed on community control as part of their sentence. On January 11, 2021, the Clermont County Sheriffs Office responded to 28 Church Street for a report of female subject lying unresponsive inside of the apartment. Domestic Relations Courtdeals with divorce, dissolution, annulment, child support, parenting time, parental rights. Clermont County Sheriff, Ohio 12th District Court of Appeals All couples must appear at the courthouse no later than 11:15 a.m. with a valid marriage license. On May 20, 2022, at approximately 5:00 pm, Miami Township Police Officers were dispatched to 947 State Route 28 to conduct a welfare check on Camille Artice Weems. Case Access - Clermont County Courts - Batavia, Ohio Please plan accordingly if you are filing a Notice of Appeal in the near future. Clermont County Sheriffs Office Case Access - Clermont County Courts - Batavia, Ohio New Hours effective October 5, 2020: 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Crawford was indicted on February 23, 2021 and was charged with 2 counts of Murder (Unclassified Felony), 1 count of Tampering with Evidence (Felony 3), and 1 count of Carrying Concealed Weapon (Felony 4). EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2018, the Court is amending its Local Rules Appendix A-Security for Costs. Moton was indicted on April 13, 2021 and was facing 3 counts of Murder, 1 count of Kidnapping, 1 count of Felonious Assault, 1 count of Endangering Children, 2 counts of Domestic Violence, and 2 counts of Theft., Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 at 1:13pm The increased costs are: COURT COSTS SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER 1, 2018-PDF. Contact the Clermont County Sheriffs Office at 513-732-7510 and/or Sgt. 270 East Main Street, Batavia, Ohio, 45103 Phone 513.732.7394 Domestic Relations Courtdeals with divorce, dissolution, annulment, child support, parenting time, parental rights.. Juvenile Courtdeals with delinquent or unruly children, child neglect or . Retiring Judge Thomas Herman has given an interview on his years of service to Clermont County. The Prosecutors Office will seek the maximum sentence allowable under the law. Counsel are urged to review the regulations in that chapter. Press Releases | Prosecutor | Clermont County, Ohio Mediation by Zoom or other electronic means will only be permitted in special circumstances and with prior approval of the Assigned Judge. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2, 2020, PLEASE ALLOW A MINIMUM OF 72 HOURS (3 BUSINESS DAYS) FROM THE DATE YOUR REQUEST IS ACCEPTED FOR THIS OFFICE TO RESPOND. After an investigation, Crawford was initially charged in Clermont County Municipal Court and held on $500,000 cash or professional bond. The report covers trials through October of 2014. In addition to the individual Local Rules, counsel and other interested . PLEASE NOTE:The Common Pleas Court has added material concerning the use of technology in courtroom presentations and for remote access to this web site. BCI concluded its investigation on July 1, 2022, and submitted its summary to my office. PLEASE NOTE: Due to mandatory health and security screenings at the entrance to the Courthouse, please arrive early for any court proceeding that you must attend. They then placed Marcus in a playpen in an upstairs closet. Criminal Offense and Arrest Reports | Clermont County Sheriff UPDATED: January 23, 2023 Prosecutor Mark Tekulve, again, offers his condolences to the family of Kendra Hoskins. On November 21, 1990, Webb murdered his three year old son, Mikey, at their home in Goshen Township. I wish to thank all of law enforcement who daily put their lives on the line in order to keep us safe. On July 1, 2021, the Grand Jury of Clermont County indicted four individuals relating to the death of Goshen Township resident, Amanda Philpot, 26. Visiting Judge Week of March 6, 2023 The identity of the deceased is not being released at this time pending notification to the next of kin. People entering the Courthouse will no longer be required to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status. He was scheduled to be executed July 19, 2023. The directory contains information regarding offense reportsfiled within thelast 3 months, and also displays information regarding offense reports in which an arrest was made within thelast 3 months. Find the latest information on Concealed Carry in Ohio including; forms, hours for applications, information from the Attorney General and more. Additional judges opinions are being posted on the Courts web site as they become available for the benefit of the practicing bar. After receiving information regarding the location of missing person, Amanda Philpot, Miami Township Police Department responded to a location in Brown County, Ohio ultimately locating and discovering she was deceased. If you have comments, suggestions, improvements to the new site, or an error correction, please submit themby clicking here. Race: Black To see the complete interview, please click HERE. Please take notice that the Court has updated its reported civil jury verdicts for reference by counsel and parties. The son of the original 911 caller advised detectives that his girlfriend was shot as they were driving on Golden Meadow, near the intersection of Bach Grove Ct. in Batavia Township, by an occupant of a second vehicle also driving on Golden Meadow. In addition to the individual Local Rules, counsel and other interested parties may download a complete set of Local Rules in PDF format. Marcus was a child with autism being fostered by David and Liz Carroll. Road Patrol Deputies arrived on the scene at 6:51pm and located an adult female lying unresponsive in the driveway of the residence. Please prepare your filing procedures accordingly. Persons wishing to submit a written statement concerning this hearing may send such statement to the Ohio Parole Board, Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, 4545 Fisher Road, Suite D, Columbus, OH 43228. The defendant was able to post the reduced bond amount on February 23, 2021 through a surety bond, and was released from jail. Please click for the Appointed Counsel Application Formin PDF format. Narcotics Hotline 513.625.2806 ELKINS, W.Va. - A Randolph County grand jury returned 35 indictments against 32 people, on Monday, on a variety of charges. Formed in 1801 even before Ohio became a state, the Common Pleas Court serves the people of Clermont County as the constitutionally created general jurisdiction trial court for the administration of justice within the county borders. PLEASE NOTE: The Court has issued a stay of foreclosure and sheriffs sale proceedings. To obtain information regarding thecourt disposition ofarrestees referenced in the above directory, you may visit. Both bonds did include reporting probation conditions. Thomas is in the North Central Regional Jail on $107,012 bail. Mediation Week of March 6, 2023. Investigations 513.732.7545 I appreciate the diligence of the Attorney Generals Office in responding to our request for assistance. Putnam County | - Charleston Gazette-Mail On December 23, 2020, a different judge, reduced Johnstons bond to $50,000. The prosecuting attorney shall prosecute, on behalf of the state, all complaints, suits and controversies in which the state is a partyand other suits, matters and controversies that the prosecuting attorney is required to prosecute within or outside the county, in the probate court, court of common pleas, and court of appeals. Hamrick was found guilty of one count of Aggravated Murder with a gun specification. Anyone is welcome to use this diagram to get to the correct government building, including the Clermont County Courthouse, in a timely manner. The group returned to Defendant and the victims house around 2 am. 2023, Prosecutor | Clermont County, Ohio. In conjunction with the attorney general, the prosecuting attorney shall prosecute in the supreme court cases arising in the prosecuting attorneys county.. We miss you Bill. Clermont County Prosecutor Mark J. Tekulve commented, My thoughts go out to Megans family. A warrant for his arrest has been issued. Finally, she was able to convince Defendant to call for help. Welcome to the case management system for the Clermont County Municipal Court and Common Pleas Courts. The Clermont County Prosecutors Office is comprised of the Criminal Division, both Municipal and Common Pleas, the Civil Division, the Appellate Division, and the Juvenile Court Division. Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 at 4:37pm The Board of County Commissioners today awarded a bid not to exceed $460,290 to Ford Development Corp. of Cincinnati for the State Route 132 Water Service Connection Project in Stonelick Township and the Village of Owensville. Batavia, Ohio 45103-9777 Defendant removed his .38 semi-automatic pistol from an end table and shot the stereo. Today, there are two Adult Probation Departments in Clermont County serving Common Pleas and Municipal Courts. This compilation will be updated from time to time as recent verdicts are reported and added to this spreadsheet. Any appointment made prior to September 8, 2022 will be reimbursed at the old rate of $60 for In Court and $50 for Out of Court. Effective May 1, 2014, the fee for filing an appeal to the 12th District Court of Appeals has been raised to $225.00 for all cases, criminal and civil. Please direct any questions you have on your particular case to the Court Mediator. Investigations 513.732.7545 NOTE: Please make sure you complete the Public Record Request Form, (see attached link below) or which is also available at The . Detectives from the Clermont County Sheriffs office discovered Megan Applegate, with visible injuries, deceased. Four Defendants. Amanda Philpot | Prosecutor | Clermont County, Ohio The investigation has revealed that this was not a random act of violence. CLERMONT MAN CONVICTED OF MURDERING WIFE FOUND SUITABLE FOR RELEASE ON PAROLE. Webbs wife and infant son were rescued by firefighters. Judge ofthe Court of Common Pleas, Clermont County, Ohio . The May 2, 2013 amendments are available here. PLEASE NOTE: Any new Appointed Counsel appointment made as of September 8, 2022 will be reimbursed at a rate of $75/hour for both in and out of court. Katrina Barker. In addition, the Court presides over the Clermont County Grand Jury, which has the power to hand down indictments in criminal cases. The reports will be posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Bill and his family are always in our thoughts and prayers. My office referred the Williamsburg question to the Auditor of State in May 2022. The Common Pleas Adult Probation Department provides services to felony cases. Clermont County Jail Detainee Name, Prisoner ID Number 4470 State Route 222, Batavia, OH, 45103-9777 Sending Money You can contact Keefe Supermarket at this telephone number 513-732-7540. People entering the Courthouse will no longer be required wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status. A complete version of the Local Rules as amended is available here. Instead of taking Marcus on a weekend trip to a family reunion in Kentucky, the Carrolls wrapped Marcus in a blanket from neck to ankles and put tape around him to prevent his escape. Authorities are offering a $5,000.00 reward for information leading to the arrest of Jaydon Maurice Pierce. 8:30 AM 4:30 PM Monday-Friday (excluding holidays): Jim Malloni, Chief Administrative Officer. Moton is charged with the murder of Megan Applegate. Copyright 2021 WXIX. Upon Arrival, the officers observed Ms. Weems approaching their vehicles. Weight: 172 The manner and cause of her death are pending toxicology results. Charges filed in death of Clermont County woman after body found in Brown County By Jared Goffinet and Courtney King Published: Jul. He additionally told investigators that she had called him following the murder of Jason on June 28, 2019 and admitted that she had just killed Jason in the marital home. All Rights Reserved. Katrina Barker, 29 of Clarksburg, was indicted on one count of Gross Child Neglect Creating a Substantial Risk of Death or Serious Bodily Injury. Moton is the father of Applegate's two children, but they were not married. The two grant checks were presented by Supreme Court Justice Judith French to the Common Pleas Court in a ceremony on April 25, 2019 in the courtroom of Judge Richard Ferenc. Crawford was indicted on February 23, 2021 and was charged with 2 counts of Murder (Unclassified Felony), 1 count of Tampering with Evidence (Felony 3), and 1 count of Carrying Concealed Weapon (Felony 4). 4470 State Route 222 Sheriff Robert S.Leahy A copy of the updated 2014 form is available here. In conjunction with the attorney general, the prosecuting attorney shall prosecute in the supreme court cases arising in the prosecuting attorneys county.. A week and a half prior to killing his wife, Defendant repeatedly told his probation officer that the victim made him so mad, he could kill her. New Hours effective October 5, 2020: 7:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Within minutes after the shooting, the Miami Township Police Department requested the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations investigate this Officer-Involved Critical Incident. This site has been created as a public service for our citizens and others who are interested in our operations. Amy ultimately confessed to her involvement in the case, causing Liz to admit they had left Marcus in the closet. The investigation has revealed that this was not a random act of violence. On April 15, 2021, Clermont County Prosecutor Mark J. Tekulve announced ten indictments against Kilo Nigel Moton (08/12/1969) of Cincinnati, Ohio. David and Liz then faked Marcus disappearance, causing a massive search and rescue operation. Four people indicted after woman's body found in Brown County - FOX19 Clermont County Prosecuting Attorney, Mark J. Tekulve, announces that Michael Webb, convicted in 1991 for the murder of his three year old son Mikey, died Monday on death row awaiting execution. He was arrested in connection with an outstanding warrant for abduction in 2020 from the Springfield Township Police Department. Inmate Information 513.732.7540. Defendants wife then turned to him and stated, If youre so tough, why dont you just shoot me too. Defendant proceeded to shoot his wife in the head from two feet away. Webbs two teenage daughters were in the house but were able to escape the fire. You will need to send an email to even if you had an account in the past. Clermont County Probate Court Working in conjunction with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (ATF), the reward has The Clermont County Coroners Office responded and transported the deceased to the Hamilton County Coroners Office for an autopsy. Today, Clermont County Prosecutor Mark J. Tekulve announced that a Clermont County Grand Jury returned a direct indictment against Charlie B. Theaderman, age 47, of Union Township, Ohio. Federal Grand Jury A Indictments Announced- September, WANTED/Reward $10,000 The video can be accessed by clicking HERE. The amended version of Local Rule 11 will be effective November 24, 2014. At arraignment in front of Judge McBride, Crawford entered a not guilty plea and bond was set at $250,000 cash/professional/real estate (Case No. Marion County Indictments: murder, sex and drug charges by: Aaron Williams. In the Read more. 4470 State Route 222 A pre-trial conference is scheduled for March 08, 2021 at 8:00 am. Completed forms should be returned promptly to Court Administrator Diana Owens. Additional details will be provided as they develop. Webb planned to kill his wife and children in order to collect insurance money and be with his mistress. Police say the autopsy did not show any signs of trauma on Philpot. Officers directed Ms. Weems to drop the weapon, but she refused to do so and instead advanced toward police officers. Clermont County Sheriffs Office Start of main content Indictment From the Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost Clermont County Grand Jury indicts Jacob Bumpass in connection with 2010 Covington Kentucky Missing Persons Paige Johnson Menu Contact Us 4470 State Route 222 Phone 513.732.7500 Connect With Us! Zachary Abbott, 29 of Elkins, was indicted on felony counts of burglary and destruction of property and misdemeanor domestic battery. You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
. Attorneys are free to download and print this map to assist their clients. Pierce has been identified by witnesses as being involved in the murder of Casey Moss, in Amelia, Ohio, on January 17, 2023. The position of Clermont County Prosecuting Attorney is authorized by ORC Chapter 309. The CQE petition process was created in a recent amendment to ORC 2953.25. Information regarding court procedures and practices can be found by clicking on Links and accessing the Local Rules on the Clermont County Law Library website. Eye Color: Brown. Kentucky Supreme Court Clermont County Public Defender Effective April 23, 2021, court ordered mediations will be conducted in person in the Courthouse with appropriate safety protocols in effect. Nick Crouch at 513-781-2256 with and information as to the whereabouts of Jaydon Maurice Pierce., Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 at 6:46am Last known 2023, Clermont County Sheriff. On April 29, 2021, after a three week jury trial held before Judge Jerry McBride, Angelina Hamrick was found guilty of killing her estranged husband, Jason Hamrick. 513.732.7390 (fax), Judge Haddad Week of March 6, 2023 The listing below is all the inmates currently in custody in the Clermont County Jail. CAUTION, Jaydon Maurice Pierce Warrant on Indictments have been issued for each defendant. This chapter authorizes the county prosecuting attorney to: inquire into the commission of crimes within the county. The Clerk of Courts office is open 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday except for holidays, and it is located at 270 Main Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103. All new foreclosure cases filed will require the submission of a Property Description Approval Form (available here) which must be reviewed by the Auditors Office Tax Map Department before filing the complaint with the Clerk. FULL LIST: Harrison County grand jury indicts 64 people on variety of 513.732.7500, Civil Process 513.732.7543 2023, Prosecutor | Clermont County, Ohio. On March 23, 2021, another bond review was scheduled due to the defendant testing positive for methamphetamine while on reporting bond. F:513.732.6344 When they returned more than thirty hours later, Marcus was deceased. The victim was air-lifted to the hospital where she was eventually taken off of life support. List of grand jury indictments - WAGM-TV The Prosecutors Office currently employs: Clermont County Prosecutor Mark J. Tekulve Announces Murder Indictment against Kilo Nigel Moton, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Stephanie Ross, April 15, 2021 (513) 732-7263. News and Announcements | Common Pleas Court of Clermont County Clermont County Bar Association @ClermontSheriff, Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021 at 9:12am Deputies found Applegate on Jan. 11 at an apartment located at 28 Church St. in Amelia. Judge Miles Week of March 6, 2023 The jury verdicts report is available HERE. The return of an indictment is a method of informing a defendant of alleged violations of federal law, which must be proven in a court of . The Clermont County Prosecutors Office is comprised of the Criminal Division, both Municipal and Common Pleas, the Civil Division, the Appellate Division, and the Juvenile Court Division. The indictments are as follows: James J. Thompson, Milford, Ohio Tampering with Evidence, Gross Abuse of a Corpse, Permitting Drug Abuse, Jeffrey C. Payne, Loveland, Ohio Tampering with Evidence, Gross Abuse of a Corpse, Charles Andre Dion Lykins, Loveland, Ohio Tampering with Evidence, Gross Abuse of a Corpse, Michael Anthony Young, Goshen, Ohio Tampering with Evidence, Gross Abuse of a Corpse. The directory is updated during regular business hours. Inmate Information 513.732.7540. Narcotics Hotline 513.625.2806 Inmate Information 513.732.7540. The Clermont County Common Pleas Court will regularly post the biweekly report of the Grand Jury in PDF format. Its unclear why there is a two-day gap between what the witness is alleged to have seen and when the call came into the Sheriffs Office. Marion County Indictments: murder, sex and drug charges - According to court documents, a witness said Moton and Applegate got into an argument on Jan. 9, and that they saw Moton on top of Applegate until she was no longer moving. Municipal Court | Clermont County, Ohio Amelia man charged in woman's murder | The Clermont Sun To obtain information regarding thecourt disposition ofarrestees referenced in the above directory, you may visit and click on the Case Access link for court case information. Please review notices elsewhere on this web site for updated information. CLARKSBURG, W.Va. - The September term of the Harrison County grand jury returned indictments against 64 people this week. For assistance please call 513.732.7265, Common Pleas Courtdeals with adult felonies, major civil cases (both injury and contract), foreclosures, real estate, injunctions. Though a fan was placed in the closet, the temperature inside rose to well over 100 degrees. Moton is the father of Applegates two children, but they were not married. David Carroll pleaded guilty less than a week later to Murder and Gross Abuse of a Corpse. Terpstra and Barbato spent countless hours over 18 months preparing for this case. Clermont County Calendar | Clermont County Ohio Government You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
. I want to thank Sheriff Leahy and his investigators for their great work on this case. The prosecuting attorney shall prosecute, on behalf of the state, all complaints, suits and controversies in which the state is a partyand other suits, matters and controversies that the prosecuting attorney is required to prosecute within or outside the county, in the probate court, court of common pleas, and court of appeals. 4470 State Route 222 We sincerely hope you enjoy visiting our web site, and we welcome any comments you may have. The Court has appellate jurisdiction over the decisions of some state and local administrative agencies, boards, and commissions. The Court of Common Pleas is a general jurisdiction consisting of four divisions: Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and Appellate. Kilo Moton, 51, was charged with one count of murder in the death of Mary Applegate, 36. Angelina Hamricks boyfriend told investigators that Angelina had been planning the murder of her husband in order to obtain custody of her children. Clermont County Prosecutor Mark J. Tekulve Announces Murder Indictment against Cody Crawford. Date of Birth: June 29, 2000 While in Georgia, the defendant was arrested on warrants from that State. Sex: Male Theaderman was indicted today, September 15, 2022 on a total of 40 counts, including 7 Rapes, and 20 counts of filming a minor engaging in sexual acts. Crawford is currently in the Clermont County Jail. If convicted of all counts, the defendant faces a maximum possible prison sentence of life with the possibility of parole after forty-two (42) years. Her sentencing will be scheduled for a future date. Jim Malloni, Chief Administrative Officer, {{inmate.BookingDttm | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}, {{charge.courtDttm | date:'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm a'}}. Roads may also be icy. On Jan. 12, the Clermont County Sheriff's Office sent out a "BOLO . The indictments are as follows: James J. Thompson, Milford, Ohio Tampering with Evidence, Gross Abuse of a Corpse, Permitting Drug Abuse On June 5, 1993, Defendant and his wife went to a wedding reception with some friends. The link to the FAQs is here. Ms. Hamrick is facing up to life in prison. Moton is currently held in the Hamilton County Jail on other charges. clermont county indictment list, News, Obituaries, classifieds, and Sports, Bethel officials release independent review of police department, Clermont Sun Public Notices for March 2, 2023, Communities convene to share input on solar farms, USDA Announces Revenue Based Disaster and Pandemic Assistance Programs, Alzheimers Association Greater Cincinnati Chapter Invites Families to Join Area Support Groups for Caregiver Support. Detectives learned that Theaderman had been forcing a minor female to engage in many different sexual acts.