NCLX-5 for Water Heaters using PEX Tubing, 180 F Element, NCLX-5LX for Water Heaters using PEX Tubing, 180 F Element, NCLX-A for Water Heaters using PEX Tubing, 180 F Element. Bronze MNPT x FNPT 125# 210F Relief Valve, Cash Acme FWL 1/2 in. Model # 23883-0045. The Cash Acme FVMX Series combination temperature and pressure relief valves are designed to offer high capacity protection for domestic and commercial water heating devices. Iron body construction. Wilkins Cross Reference Guide PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES . Ferguson Enterprises, LLC. CROSS REFERENCE LIST - Zurn proof:pdf Cash Acme offers an extensive line of temperature and pressure (T&P) relief valve products, including robust high capacity commercial products, compact residential models, and agricultural products. Undo, All Filters Removed The NCLX incorporates an inert thermal element coating that provides effective isolation from mineral deposits (liming). %PDF-1.6 % It features a bronze body, stainless steel spring, furnished with silicone seat disc and EP diaphragm, as well as a test lever. Brass MNPT x FNPT 150# 210 Relief Valve Part # C232760150 Item # 4663546 Mfr. 334 0 obj <>stream 1" cash acme t&p relief valve: 24521: 1.25"Sweat HG115 w/Chks LF: FW-1/2: 1/2" FW Relief Valve . We've got your back. The NCLX features include a cast bronze body, brass and stainless steel internal parts, silicone seat disc and stainless steel spring. Capacity 13 SCFM at 2" Hg. 2-1/2 in. Relief Valves ASME Rated, CSA Listed.,, Select a Store for Accurate Local Pricing, How To Improve Water Heater Efficiency With A Tank Booster, Best Pull-Down Kitchen Faucets That Won't Break The Bank, Drinking Fountains & Bottle Filling Stations, How to Grow Your HVAC Business With Smart Home Installation Services, Tips to Prepare Contractors for Cold Weather, Guide to MaP Toilet Testing for Low Flow Toilets, Benefits of Claiming Your Business on Google, 5 Common Trenching & Excavation Safety Hazards, 4 Tips to Minimize the Dangers of Dust Inhalation, 24/7 Commercial Water Heater Express Response, Cash Acme F Series 3/4 in. WILKINS WATTS CONBRACO CASH-ACME HONEYWELL-BRAUKMANN CLA-VAL FNW BEECO 600XL U5B, 25AUB EB-24U 1201 PRV-F 600XLL U5 E 600XLDM 5M3-Z6 38-PV-PRD-200, PRXL CRD P R V Page 1 of 1. Terms of Site Use| | xmp.did:59252676-0b62-4b14-aa83-1f2d7aae66ce Zurn Wilkins Cross Reference Guide RELIEF VALVES TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES . The FVX Series Valves are fully automatic with the valves resetting after either temperature or pressure relief. Bronze FNPT 50# Relief Valve, Cash Acme F-82 2 in. Product Details Tech Specs Resources & Downloads Where to Buy The F-82 ASME Safety Relief Valve has a factory pressure relief settings from 30 to 150 psi. "Pop" type opening action. from application/x-indesign to application/pdf Copyright 2023Zurn Industries, LLC. The 1/2" size is CSA only. Copyright CASH ACME, Brass, MNPT, Safety Relief Valve - Grainger % Flo-Thru Cross Reference Guide. Available with dust cover. Stainless Steel. Lead Free versions of most valve models are also available. Copyright Build Your Spec in Under 5 Minutes Learn More Bronze MNPT x FNPT 150# 210F Relief Valve, Cash Acme F Series 1/2 x 3/8 in. Just give us a call. Manufacturer Cross Reference. CASH ACME Temperature & Pressure Relief Valves: Temperature and pressure (T&P) relief valves are used as a safety device on pressurized water heaters and cylinders. 2023 TUHUU8fvuhh\OU FWC is 25 to 175 psi. Part # Terms of Sale| S(bMI zeIIebpC=!aJ&igMN:xsg7r2]?bjX]lseIYuPvt<9 vylssh!Qg^1~NFBWD4t* $"cgc`[mK% #@h5w4V f { F~v0,a^ ]^70uD+F8U(, Pressure Relief Safety Valve Equivalent Cross Reference Table, Global Supply Line Pressure Relief Safety Valve Equivalent Cross Reference Table. <> M&M Control Distributes the finest names in the industry including Cash Acme, Blue-White Industries, Mamac Systems, Cash Valve, Blue White, Powers Process Controls, Hedland, H O Trerice, Siemens, Pyromation, Keckley, Marsh Gauges, Bellofram. Cash Acme is an industry leader in producing Temperature & Pressure (T&P) Relief Valves for water heaters or hot water storage tanks. *i(bFmeTF-b=siF.L=,Y8WjLPEMr"6{&;4&}E-T7Azh>Pl~vNs d'IlWT wR"t^7qI^=S4EJn`e:`:l. Cash Acme offers an extensive range of temperature and pressure relief valves, with models that are perfect for home, business or industrial applications. Product Cross-reference Tool - Watts The Cash Acme line includes specialized 1/2" models and high capacity . References & Tools. UNSPSC. Used in saturated water applications, but NOT TO BE USED in steam applications. 5 0 obj Certified ANSI Z21.22 And CSA 4.4; Listed By ASME And CSA. Each pressure relief valve is tested for top plumbing performance, quality and efficiency before it leaves our factory. If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, give us a call at 1-855-ONE-ZURN (1-855-663-9876). Temperature & Pressure (T&P) Relief Valves, FVX/FVMX Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve, Commercial and domestic hot water heating applications. Cash Acme Valves & Regulators 800-876-0036 Phone: 847-356-0566 Fax: 847-356-0747 E-Mail: About CASH ACME: For almost 100 years, Cash Acme has designed and manufactured water pressure, thermostatic, and temperature valves. North Kansas City, MO 64116, Phone: (800) 800-8882 The Cash Acme F-82 Safety Relief Valves are designed for use on hot water service only and are not to be used on steam. Phone: 847-356-0566 Fax: 847-356-0747 E-Mail: The FWOL is available without the lift lever. Cross Reference Guides | Technical Resources | Zurn Cash Acme Pressure Relief Valves & Regulators at The NCLX is available in male inlets and female outlets with several options in shank and element lengths. FVX/FVMX Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve | Cash Acme . Test lever is standard on the FWL-2. Cash Acme Valves & Regulators - M&M Control The Cash Acme FVX Temperature and Pressure Relief valve is designed for commercial and domestic hot water heating applications. Cash Acme 3/4 in. Bronze NCLX Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve 18821-0150 - Cash-Acme 18821-0150 - 3/4" NCLX-5L Domestic T&P Relief Valve ft. warehouse stocked with 35,000 ready-to-ship valves from the worlds most renowned brands. for pricing and availability. DoNotSellorShareMyPersonalInformation| All registered trademarks are fully acknowledged by: M&M Control Service, Inc. M&M Control Service, Inc. does not represent or claim any affiliation, association, connection or approvals with or from any manufacturer unless stated. Relief Valves - Watts B05vw!^^zbyN#p_$|G{L!|~ian)t:>>*~Y 17$H- _o?P~H^vc_$~5Pa Call or E-mail Now %PDF-1.4 Commercial/industrial OEM boilers and hot water heating systems. Bronze 125# Relief Valve Part # C095640125LF Item # 4838368 Mfr. Body Width. Brass 3/4-in Fnpt Pressure Regulator Valve. 3/4" X 1", 1" X 1-1/4", 1-1/4" X 1-1/2", 1-1/2" X 2", and 2" X 2-1/2". Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves - SPECIFICATION NCLX T&P Relief Valve Specifications: BA001 Issue Date January 2008 Cash Acme 2400 7th Avenue SW Cullman, AL 35055-0278 1-877-700-4242 Fax: 1-877-700-4280 A Division of the Reliance Worldwide Corporation . Bronze body, stainless steel spring, furnished with silicone seat disc and EP diaphragm, as well as a test lever. Temperature relief setting is 210F (99C). Bronze FNPT 50# Relief Valve, DoNotSellorShareMyPersonalInformation. Shank MNPT Inlet x FNPT Outlet will work with their water heater. Brass FNPT 150# 210 Relief Valve, Cash Acme F-82 3/4 in. Materials of construction are offered with Iron, Brass, Bronze, Carbon and Stainless Steel depending on your application and diaphragms of various elastomers and metal A: Hi, The Cash Acme 3/4 in. These high-capacity pressure-only relief valves feature bronze bodies, silicone seat discs and stainless steel pressure springs. Hydrant Cross Reference Guides. (!AfJ ..d2 'C1 endstream endobj 335 0 obj <>stream Standard factory set is 125 psi. Bronze 125# Relief Valve, Cash Acme FVMX Series 3/4 in. 2023 All Rights Reserved. Find it at The F-30 and F-82 are capacity certified to ASME Boiler Code Section IV. Copyright Copyright Available set range for FW is 15 to 250 psi. The valve's relief of elevated liquid, gas, or steam pressures prevents damage to the system. for Immediate Service, Pricing, and Delivery, Phone: 847-356-0566 Fax: 847-356-0747 E-Mail:, (Select product name below for more info.). Global Supply Line Pressure Relief Safety Valve Equivalent Cross Reference Table Cash Acme offers an extensive line of temperature and pressure (T&P) relief valve products, including robust high capacity commercial products, compact residential models, and agricultural products.