Of course, he also raised the other Bill Gatesthe driving force behind Microsoft Corp. and one of the worlds wealthiest people. This material may not be reproduced without permission. As The New York Times reported, the Microsoft co-founder has been the target of widespread misinformation amid the coronavirus pandemic, and one major theory to have emerged about Gates in 2020 is that his father, William Gates Sr., ranthe reproductive health non-profit organization Planned Parenthood. That study was headlined, Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus.. He encourages young scholars to pursue legal education. She has written for read more. Senator from 1983 to 1989. https://twitter.com/BenHill4NV/status/1247276721180532736. Chemtrails: A List of the Dangers and Deceptions of Atmospheric Spraying, How the Insurance Industry Can Help If the ATMs Stop Working, A Business Continuity Plan for producers, distributors and retailers of essential goods, Financial Reset: The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Section One: Protocols for Advising Leadership, Section Two: Advising Leadership about the Background of the Event, Section Three: Contacting Leadership to Advise, Section Four: Training to Advise Leadership, The Event Origins and Context for Leaders, 6 Signs You Are Experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul (and Why Its a Good Thing), 30 Years of Breast Screening: 1.3 Million Wrongly Treated, Thousands Of Vaxxed Canadian Children Dying Suddenly As MSM Looks Away. And so its fascinating. Most big websites do this too. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1935). In a lengthy interview on May 9, 2003 with Bill Moyers, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates reveals the inspiration for his funding of pro-abortion population control measures. Gates co-founded the law firm Shidler McBroom & Gates in 1964, which later became a part of Preston Gates & Ellis LLP (PGE). SeaTac International Airport opened that year and celebrated jet travel, but Gates stayed put. Bill Gates' Father Was the Head of 'Planned Parenthood' and Inspired In his 94 years, Bill created a towering legacy as a lawyer, philanthropist, and activist. Copyright A.D. 2018 Catholic Stand | Powered by Astra, Eugenics in America: The Legacy of Sanger and Gates, A Catholic Approach to the Suicide Epidemic. One person who knows something about vigorous public service is former Seattle Mayor Norman Rice, 72, 74. Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives on Twitter: "Bill Gates is one of William Gates Sr. Worked With Planned Parenthood and the Rockefeller Another well-known vignette underscores the two Bills dynamic. China was testing some things but now they have so few cases that that testing needs to move to other locations, Gates said. It isn't easy being Planned Parenthood. This research concerns depopulation programs, communist and socialist programs, mind control or behavioural modification experiments and the notoriously controversial experiments of Alfred Kinsey. They wholly accepted her message because it seemed to promise prosperity and social acceptance. He is a good man with a big heart. Gates, an attorney, founded the notable law and lobbying firm Preston Gates & Ellis. What hes most passionate about now is the general movement to improve public education, he said, particularly pre-kindergarten early learning. Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood's documented blueprint for But, is there any truth to the rumors that suggest Bill Gates' father was in charge of Planned Parenthood and hadlinks to the eugenics movement? William Gates Sr., a guiding hand of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Wait. The research is published in the journal Nature. In fact, Gates and Gates' Foundation Warren Buffet are listed among the biggest donors to the point that Planned Parenthood's Biggest Donors gave . Moderna manufactures drugs around messenger RNA molecules that carry instructions to reprogram cells in the body to operate differently and beneficially. This was verified in a 2003 interview with PBS' Bill Moyers, which was scrubbed from the internet, so is it wrong to ask why? 79 percentof Planned Parenthoodssurgical abortion facilitiesare located in or within walking distance of predominately African-American and Latino communities. Modernas other partner is the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Last aired April 2010. The New Eastern Outlook journal reported: Gates Foundation money is backing vaccine development on every front. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve this result in a generation. Home Eugenics in America: The Legacy of Sanger and Gates, Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with Gods design. Im 87 now and I still serve on committees.. I say ironic because the Rockefellers have been notorious in their funding of controversial research, dubbed by some as genocidal. Gates met with Fauci in 2017 to discuss research opportunities in global health. In 2010, Fauci was named to the Leadership Council of the Decade of Vaccines Collaboration, which the World Health Organization, Faucis agency NIAID, UNICEF, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation convened. . The more we dig into those connected to William H. Gates Sr., the more that word (eugenics) keeps on popping up! Bethania Palma is a journalist from the Los Angeles area who started her career as a daily newspaper reporter and has covered everything from crime to government to national politics. More than Giving up Chocolate*. (He has been married to Mimi Gardner Gates, former director of the Seattle Art Museum, since 1996.) From Margaret Sanger to Bill and Melinda Gates, Abortion is Racist Bill Gates Sr., father of Microsoft co-founder, dies at 94 Our home and native land! Then he revealed that, for a time, his father, William H. Gates, Sr. was the head of Planned Parenthood. He was 94. If it is successful, a second trial would feature closer to hundreds of people. It was used to fund the. Bill Gates was born to powerful parents: Bill Gates Sr., an attorney, and Mary Maxwell Gates, a prominent Seattle busines woman who helped her son launch Microsoft. Independent journalism investigating today's national and international issues. A prominent banker and lawyer, William H. Gates Sr. was also deeply involved with politics and "philanthropy". Bill Gates Sr., 1925-2020 | Washington Examiner By 1949, Sanger had hoodwinked black Americas best and brightest into believing birth controls life-saving benefits., [Black leadership] certainly wanted to decrease maternal and infant mortality and improve the communitys overall health. Mary lives in Buffalo, NY where she is a passionate fan of the Bills. Bill Gates. Notable about the Fauci-Gates Moderna coronavirus vaccine, mRNA-1273, is that it has been rolled out in a matter of weeks, not years, and on February 24 went directly to Faucis NIH for tests on human guinea pigs, not on mice as normal. Rice, president of the Seattle Foundation, portrays Gates as a quintessential lawyer, always prepared, and able to crystallize complex matters into their essence quickly. El padre de Bill Gates estaba en la junta de Planned Parenthood Shutterstock Durante aos se ha rumoreado que Bill Gates tena una fuerte conexin con Planned Parenthood debido a su padre, el fallecido William Gates Sr.Ha habido especulaciones de larga data de que William diriga la organizacin, lo cual no es cierto. Mark Suzman is the chief executive officer of the Gates Foundation, a position he's held since February 2020. Why is Bill Gates so focused on abortion and contraception - LifeSite It's no secret that Gates' father, William Gates Sr., worked on the board of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood and United Way, and as a regent of the . Did Bill Gates' Father 'Run' Planned Parenthood and Teach His Son to org), Clearly, according to African-American pro-life leader, Dr. Alveda King, Abortion is racism.. There may be no other university with a family of that importance. Some may view Gates as the father of the co-founder of Microsoft or the husband of UW Regent and Seattle civic activist Mary Gates. Fauci later said that people would not have to change their daily activities as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak: It is time to #firefauci Mr. President. William H. Gates, Sr. | Military Wiki | Fandom People have learned, once you meet the father, you arent surprised what the son has delivered.. Asked to recall his proudest legal achievement, he pointed to a probate case. Bill Gates father, William Gates Sr., worked on the board of Planned Parenthood, along with other charities. By Stuart Glascock | Photos by Dan LaMont | June 2013 issue. Source says it's from 2001. It targets global health, global development and United States education. Wrestling with a slippery political football, Gates sunk his teeth into a hard-charging campaign to preserve taxation on estates, commonly known as the Death Tax. When I sit quietly to consider a difficult issue or tough choice, the voice that I always hear is Bills.. As NBC News reports, William Gates Sr. was a trustee of the organization and worked on the board of Planned Parenthood prior to his death in September 2020. The immense impact of Bill Gates Sr. - UW Magazine Birth Control and Racial Betterment (February, 1919), The Negro Project: Margaret Sangers Eugenic Plan for Black America, So youve got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero. The Truth About Bill Gates' Connection To Planned Parenthood - TheList.com But, what is the Fabian Society? It's no secret that Gates' father, William Gates Sr., worked on the board of Planned Parenthood. Like eugenicist father, like eugenicist son. Bill Gates Sr. guides the vision and strategic direction of the foundation and serves as an advocate for the foundation's key issues. These people and many more just like them, only accept sterile vaccines, eat NON GMO FOODS, and isolate themselves from the very poison they endorse for the rest of us. Going into a Phase One trial within three months of getting the sequence is unquestionably the world indoor record. Bill Gates Sr., father of Microsoft co-founder, dies at 94 - WOWT Therefore, it's safe to assume that any online theories relating to his association with Planned Parenthood were likely inspired by his work in this field. The biggest lesson I learned from my dad, she said, is to have a passion for all that you do. His youngest daughter, Libby Armintrout, also embraces the familys passion for the UW; she is a board member of the UW Carlson Leadership and Public Service Office and an active volunteer and contributor. Dr. Fauci, supports Hillary Clinton: pic.twitter.com/25qiVvklCH, HRHPrincessPR (@HRHPrincessPR) March 20, 2020, Fauci and fellow Coronavirus response team member Deborah Birx Have Democrat and Globalist Elite Friends Including Gates and Nancy Pelosi, https://twitter.com/4EverAPatriot/status/1242542867551150080, FAUCI and HILLARY! While it is uncertain that Modernas answer is the solution, Fauci notes that the only surefire way to stop an outbreak is to develop a vaccine. The trip took them to parts of Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria that were ravaged by HIV/AIDS. Zabin, who served with Gates Sr. on the national board of Planned Parenthood, was instrumental in getting the Gates Foundation grant for Johns Hopkins. And the fact is that health leads parents to decide, Okay, we dont need to have as many children because the chance of having the less children being able to survive to be adults and take care of us, means we dont have to have 7 or 8 children. Now that was amazing. A prominent banker and lawyer, William H. Gates Sr. was also deeply involved with politics and philanthropy. Cookies (He has been married to Mimi Gardner Gates, former director of the Seattle Art Museum, since 1996.) Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates Sr., was the head of eugenics group Planned Parenthood. ONLY salvation for Mankind in general. It remains, even if well-intentioned, the activities of Bill and Melinda Gates, like Margaret Sanger, are in direct opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Church. He called it interesting, engaging and ultimately quite gratifying.. Bill Gates Sr., Who Guided Billionaire Son's Philanthropy, Dies at 94 The article does not mention that both Bill Gates and his father spent vast sums of money on promoting tyrannical gun control laws here in Washington State. All Rights Reserved. He presided over the Seattle/King County and Washington bar associations. I repeat, FAUCI and HILLARY! He was president of the Seattle/King County Bar Association and the Washington State Bar Association and a director of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, the King County United Way and Planned Parenthood. Bill Gates Recalls When His Father Ran Planned Parenthood Now The End Begins 16.2K subscribers Subscribe 150 13K views 1 year ago In a lengthy interview on May 9, 2003 with Bill Moyers,. THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF POLIO IS THE POLIO VACCINE!!! Melinda Gates (shown), the billionaire wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, announced at the recent Global Family Planning Summit in London that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will. Gates and his late wife, three-term Regent Mary Maxwell Gates, '50, brought up three children: Kristianne, Bill and Libby. Fauci identified as man third from the left pic.twitter.com/l1NYyqHSAq, Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) April 6, 2020. . Sanger lost control of The Negro Project to other members of her Federation before her vision was completely achieved. Same reasoning. And they actually feed off of each other. No one will enter the 2020 | Truth and Conspiracy | All Rights Reserved. The more one looks into the Fabians, the more treasonous, and evil they appear. Do some research people and inform yourselves of the fallacy of so called Science! Fauci is pushing the talking point that things will never go back to normal in our society until we have the ability to mass-vaccinate people, echoing Bill Gates assertion that mass gatherings in our culture may not come back at all before mass-vaccinations. At the UW, he excelled at undergraduate studies and law school, met and romanced his wife, embarked on a career, rose to the Board of Regents, and raised record sums to benefit students and faculty. Past recipients include luminaries such as Linda Buck, 75, 2004 Nobel Prize winning scientist for her research into the human sense of smell; world-renowned architect Steven Holl, 71; bioengineering pioneers Wayne Quinton, 59, and Donald Baker, 60, who revolutionized the field of medical instruments; and Beverly Cleary, 39, one of the most beloved childrens authors of our time. Well if you improve health, arent you just dooming people to deal with such a lack of resources where they wont be educated or they wont have enough food? The United Nations is a Luciferian Cult Controlled By the Knights William Gates Sr. Modernas chief medical adviser, Tal Zaks, argued, I dont think proving this in an animal model is on the critical path to getting this to a clinical trial, Add to this the fact that the Gates Foundation and related entities such as CEPI constitute the largest funders of the public-private entity known as WHO, and that its current director, Tedros Adhanom, the first WHO director in history not a medical doctor, worked for years on HIV with the Gates Foundation when Tedros was a government minister in Ethiopia, and we see that there is practically no area of the current coronavirus pandemic where the footprints of the omnipresent Gates are not to be found. Chief Executive Officer. Head of NIAID is Dr Anthony Fauci, the person at the center of the Trump Administration virus emergency response. Microsoft created by IBM to avoid anti-trust laws. Gates likely just a Few know that this project is continued on an international scale by the enormous wealth of Bill Gates and other capitalists. His father ran a small town furniture store. As a side note, in 2010, William H. Gates Sr. was also the face of a socialist (communist)-styled State Income Tax Initiative (Initiative 1098), in Washington State. A lot of anti-Americanism in this photo pic.twitter.com/ey2AJotxbh, Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) April 7, 2020. Worked With Planned Parenthood and the Rockefeller-Financed Eugenics Movement ! Bill Gates' Father William Dead at 94: 'He Was Everything I - Peoplemag But when the University of Washington selected him Alumnus Summa Laude Dignatus for 2013, it tugged mightily at the octogenarians heartstrings. Anything to do with reproductive health., William Henry Gates Sr. and Mimi Gardner Gates have indoctrinated their children from a very young age into becoming depopulationists. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "Whatever The Question, Love Is The Answer". We also have a screening effort to look at all the ideas for Therapeutics because the number being proposed is very large and only the most promising should be tried in patients. The foundations mission to help all people lead healthy and productive lives is well aligned with Modernas mission to deliver on the promise of transformative mRNA science to bring new medicines to patients, Moderna CEO Stphane Bancel said in a statement. Therefore, it's safe to assume that any online theories relating to his association with Planned Parenthoodwere likely inspired by his work in this field. After a 15-year run, Gates alone holds the honorary title of UW Regent Emeritus.. Gates is working on multiple Coronavirus vaccine projects. Anyone who believes this nonsense calling itself news and information is a gullible twit. Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. Any of you who genuinely believe anything written on here should be receiving proper care and treatment instead of reading this mind-numbing gish gallop and digging yourselves deeper into your schizophrenic, delusional hole. True patriot love in all thy sons command. Please use discernment! Gates Foundations $20 million funding could potentially grow into a total $100 million commitmentincluding the HIV antibody projecttoward development of additional mRNA-based treatments for various infectious diseases, Moderna said. bill gates grandmother planned parenthood - nautilusva.com Bill Gates' Parents: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com The Gates Family, Eugenics and COVID-19 - Prepare For Change We are taking into account those with the greatest need at the foundation of this effort, to ensure that, if realized, this exceptional public health achievement will be made accessible to all.. As did Sanger, Gates believes in the eugenist Thomas Malthuss idea that the sustainability of the worlds resources is completely dependent upon maintaining population control. And maybe the most interesting thing I learned is that, as you improve health in a society, population growth goes down. Gates now co-chairs the merged foundation, the worlds largest, with its $36.4 billion endowment. Although it may appear outlandish, this isn't the only Bill Gates-related conspiracy theory to have gained traction in recent years. Bill Gates, Eugenics, Vaccines, and Planned Parenthood - Dean W. Arnold And they call us the deplorables. It does not appear to infect people, unlike SARS-CoV which infected more than 8,000 people and killed 774. In 1998, Gates retired from PGE. At the dinner table my parents are very good at sharing the things that they were doing. She is committed to the pro-life cause and serves as the chairperson of the Respect Life committee at her parish. [Quoting author Richard Conniff] They werent sinister characters but environmentalists, peace activists, fitness buffs, healthy-living enthusiasts, inventors and family menwho saw the quest for a better gene pool as of a piece with their broader dream of human advancement.. The Gates Foundation has contributed US$2.24 billion to the Global Fund to date, and pledged US$760 million for the Global Funds Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022., Fauci Holds Numerous Patents That Present More Potential Conflicts of Interest For Him In The Medical Field, As Many of these Patents Directly Pertain To HIV Treatment, Here Is A List of Patents Held Or Pending Patent Applications Filed By Anthony S. Fauci. ", Some shared a post from an apocalyptic blog called Tricentennial, which carried the incendiary headline, "BILL GATES FATHER RAN PLANNED PARENTHOOD, HIS MOTHER CREATED MICROSOFT, TOGETHER THEY TRAINED THEIR SON TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL OF EUGENICS.". We do not want word to go our that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members. (Green, 4). Well if you improve health, arent you just dooming people to deal with such a lack of resources where they wont be educated or they wont have enough food? @PatriotsSoapbox sends me this labeled version of the photo of Fauci with the elites including Soros and David Rockefeller (designer of the China First economy) from 2001. A prominent attorney in the Pacific Northwest, the elder Gates was also a philanthropist. Therefore, it's safe to assume that any online theories relating to his association with Planned Parenthood were likely inspired by his work in this field. William Henry Gates Sr. - Philanthropic People Sickening and I have lost all respect for the gates family. Gerberding begs to differ, saying Gates distinguished himself through public service. The university conferred upon Evans the ASLD tribute in 2007. Rather unsurprisingly, a fact-check conducted by Snopes concluded that no evidence has been found to back up any claims that Bill Gates' fatherembraced eugenics or was in charge of Planned Parenthood throughout his life. 13 Feb 2023 01:16:27 "O Canada! Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. Pingback: A closer look at Bill Gates: promoting eugenics, friendship with Jeffrey Epstein Wake Up Sheeple! For example, Fabians pride themselves on infiltrating the most key and privileged positions in American society (UK and Canada as well), to flood the society with subversive pro-socialist, communist, and globalist propaganda, in a long-term effort to get the God-fearing, freedom-living American people, to abolish the Constitution of the United States of America on their own; and replace it, with a global system of oligarchical collectivism (a new world order). https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/feb/14/australia. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines. Please email: In a 2003 interview with PBS' Bill Moyers, Gates admitted that his family's involvement in reproductive issues through the years has been extensive. Bill Gates Sr. at 90: A giant impact on technology - GeekWire The Eugenics Movement was a potent political force in early 20th century America. By most accounts, that father-son relationship has been characterized as one of deep, mutual respect. Importantly, Gates Sr. served on the board of Planned Parenthood (PP) during the group's infancy a re-branded organisation birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. Deborah Birx Sits on the Board of The Global Fund, which is heavily funded by Bill Gates organizational network, as journalist Jordan Schactel discovered. But Faucis NIAID actually funded a study on Bat Coronavirus, which was a project that included scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese lab at the center of controversy over their bat research. Second of all Fauci doesnt want it prescribed here but its fine if Spain does? There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy: one is religion; the other is nationalism.A scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government.. Gates died peacefully Monday at his beach . In fact, he has always lived in the shadow of Mount Rainier. Here is what Gates said regarding Chloroquine in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session: There are a lot of therapeutic drugs being examined. William H. Gates II, a lawyer and philanthropist best known as the father of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, has died at 94. Bill Gates Sr., 1925-2020. by Philip Terzian, Contributor. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. One of the original members of this crusade was Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. He has always been concerned, Gerberding said, with society and its capacity to provide fairness to everybody., He is a good man with a big heart. His oldest daughter, UW Regent Kristi Blake, 75, said her respect for her father ballooned when she served with him on the UWs governing board. In a 2003 interview with PBS' Bill Moyers, Gates admitted that his family's involvement in reproductive issues through the years has been extensive. ", The Truth About Bill Gates' Connection To Planned Parenthood. Fauci was a presenter at the 2001 Andrew Carnegie Medals ceremony, where he hobnobbed with George Soros, Bill Gates father, David Rockefeller, and other globalist masters of the universe. Friendsand bridge club palsfor decades, both also served as regents. Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. Um, You might wanna see this right away.. MILITARY INSIDER: Their Tactics Arent Working Anymore, Excess Deaths Among Young Adults Soar to Record High. In the era before Roe v. Wade, he sat on the board of Margret Sangers Planned Parenthood. Bill Gates and depopulation by vaccine | Cairns News But the Gates and Rockefellers are old friends and partners in the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). September 17, 2020 11:00 PM. Shocking! Historian Exposes Bill Gates' Ties To Nazis and More As NBC News reports, William Gates Sr. was a trustee of the organization and worked on the board of Planned Parenthood prior to his death in September 2020. The reform of inheritance tax is also analyzed here by experts including representatives of HM Treasury and the Irish Revenue. https://fabians.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2003/09/CommunitiesInControl.pdf, Isnt that strange? Decolonizing the Vaccine and the Rise of Holistic Healing (OPINION) Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates Sr., has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. Bill. Their tactics for combating climate change and addressing global health issues would make Margaret Sanger proud. Stuart Glascock is a Seattle freelance writer and regular contributor to Columns.