Attner, R. and Plunkett, W. (1994) Introduction to management, 5th edition, California: Wadsworth, Inc. Murphy, M. (2019) Does anyone actually like autocratic leaders? Since organisation is key to a well-operated business, autocratic leadership can prove useful in situations where the organisation could advance within the company. This procedure often leads to the consistent delivery of projects and has a significant impact on the employees performance and productivity. That means leaders using this style tend to be busier than other leaders. Subordinates are expected to comply with orders from their supervisors, who in turn are expected to comply with orders from their superiors. Definitions of autocratic leadership style. Do you have to be born with the correct qualities or can you be taught to be a good leader? - good style for meetings. If the leader offers questionable ethics, however, and refuses to create fairness, then there is no one who can really hold that person accountable. Because of poor coordination, low job satisfaction, low motivation, etc. Employees, in turn, learn discipline and consistency from their leader. By the autocratic leadership principle, people who work in an autocratic organization or under an autocratic leader must accept the order, instruction, and command of the leader. For that reason, some entities using this structure create an inheritance chain which allows another person to step into the leadership role right away. Advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership style. An autocratic leader focuses less on collecting input from team members and tends to make executive decisions that others are expected to follow. So, there are. Management & Leadership Styles | Autocratic, Democratic, Paternalistic, Laissez- Faire and More Two Teachers 16K subscribers Subscribe 224 Share Save 27K views 3 years ago Business Studies Videos. That means a decision is made on the timetable of the leader and no one else. Since autocratic leadership ensures clearly defined structures, it clearly states what to do and how to do it. The advantages and disadvantages of the autocratic leadership style show that it can be effective when an organization requires quick, accurate decisions from an experienced leader. These types of interactions do not create a sustainable working relationship, which ultimately creates productivity problems as workers experience lower morale levels. As in an autocratic organization, a single leader is involved in decision-making, he makes decisions based on his own logic and judgment. Autocratic leadership is characterized by being highly structured and rigid style. 5. Their expertise and experience can solve short-term issues. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Paternalistic managers give more attention to the social needs and views of their workers. A clear chain of command is important in certain environments, like the military. 3. If an autocratic leader is put in charge of an inexperienced team, theyll be able to get the job done by outlining specific instructions to follow.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Autocracy - Bscholarly Although they set their rules and regulations to control the team, they also play a significant role in eradicating employee stress. Autocracy has many benefits as well as some drawbacks. Autocratic style leads to frustration, low morale and conflict among subordinates. And when it comes to long-term issues, autocratic leaders know how to direct traffic through the hierarchies. It reduces the amount of group input received. For example: When quick decisions are needed in a company (e.g. Likewise, this style is also very effective when astringent synchronisation of processes is essential to productivity. Autocratic executives can affect more productive project completion since they spread information swiftly throughout a company. An autocratic leader is well-equipped to deal with a crisis situation. All the standard operating procedures are also followed. 3. Let's explore whether an autocratic leadership style is the right one for you: Benefits of Autocratic Leadership Style. West Yorkshire, Although an autocratic leader can have a challenging personality, most employees prefer to work in an environment where there are clear expectations set for them.
What Are the Pros and Cons of Autocratic Leadership? | SB But it becomes ineffective in large and diversified organizations. Now that weve discussed several advantages of the autocratic leadership style, here come some disadvantages: One of the biggest disadvantages of exercising autocratic leadership is that it can result in low employee morale. Do you have a team of inexperienced employees? Experienced, skilled workers tend to do better in an environment where their leader asks for their input in decision-making or even leaves decision-making entirely up to them. Managers with this type of leadership style, keep a close eye on what is happening in their organisations. As such people working under autocratic leaders are supposed to accept the guidance or orders of their leader without any disagreement. They may also feel that the leadership does not care about their needs and desires which is unproductive for organisations.
Autocratic Leadership: Characteristics, Pros, Cons, and Tips Employees feel motivated and devote their maximum effort when they feel valued for their presence and contribution. Though autocratic leadership style is often criticised, it is true that many historic autocratic leaders have been innovators who unleashed revolutions in different fields. In this type of leadership, the rules and procedures that teams use are quite rigid. Some people dont like the idea of coming up with new ideas. List of the Advantages of the Autocratic Leadership Style 1. It is an easy way to cut through administrative red tape to ensure better communication to all workers.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Autocratic Government December 28, 2021 by Raj Verdhan. They may sometimes ask their team members to provide feedback, however, the feedback is highly unlikely to change the decisions. Check out Harappas, Autocratic Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages. Over time, this makes employee morale begin to sink. In the permissive version, the autocratic leader still makes the final decision, but extends some flexibility to their direct reports in how tasks are completed. Autocratic leaders are able to handle a crisis situation easily because they are the ones who are in charge. The foundation of the autocratic leadership style is one built on mistrust. Be able to think creatively to provide a vision for the company and solve problems Be calm under pressure and make clear decisions Possess excellent two-way communication skills Have the desire to achieve great things If the results an autocratic leader achieves do not meet corporate expectations, then it can be difficult to correct the issue. Communication is the systematic process of passing information from one person to another. That makes it almost impossible for leaders to leave the workplace, as workers can become so dependent on their decision-making abilities that nothing gets done if the leader is not present for some reason. And what are autocratic leadership pros and cons? Moreover, the instructions will go straight to the employees. Managers are interested in how happy workers feel and in many ways they act as a father figure (pater means father in Latin). Benefits of autocratic leadership Here are some of the pros of an autocratic leadership approach. Every leadership style comes with some benefits and weaknesses. Such strict discipline ensures timely work completion of the organization. This can be beneficial for organizations that need to maintain a strong sense of control and predictability.
Autocracy Pros and Cons of Autocracy: Are There Reasons to Get a Grip? It motivates staff by appealing to their personal desires and on instrumental economic transactions.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each leadership style The advantages and disadvantages below refer to autocracy in general, including the two types of autocracy as discussed above. And, you know discipline is the key to achieving something. Therefore, they may not contribute to the team efforts as they should.
Advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership style It creates a lack of feedback.
Autocratic leadership - Definition, Components, Advantage What Is Autocratic Leadership? - University of Phoenix The free reign approach can prove an effective type of leadership when the team has achieved identity and cohesion, resulting in motivated and resourceful team members. When there is an autocratic leadership established within an organization, there are fewer levels of administration that must be kept informed of each decision. Resulting in taking ideas and not implementing them. The autocratic style provides fast crisis management benefits. Inexperienced employees need a detailed layout and instructions to complete taskstraits an autocratic leader is known for.
Leadership Styles and Factors in Effective Staff Motivation Taylor Coft The lack of flexibility in environments headed by autocratic leaders can drive creative and motivated employees away. As with other leadership styles, there are autocratic leadership advantages and disadvantages that can have a significant impact on a leader's employees . The autocratic style provides fast crisis management benefits. Under autocratic leaders, subordinates would fear due to demands and expectations. ? Boston Spa,
The Styles of Leadership: A Critical Review - IISTE Autocratic leaders cant make trust a priority because they are forced to make the rules be the priority. Every crisis or decision lies on their shoulders. Autocratic - cause frustration and resentment because the system is so dependent on the leader and because of the non-participation if workers . They are bound to follow whatever the leaders ask them. In time, this may result in fewer errors, which can provide a boost to revenues. That creates a positive impact on the work environment, which leads to more accurate work and consistent production. Strict compliance becomes necessary. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages to consider with the autocratic leadership style. For long-term issues, the autocratic leader can direct traffic in specific ways with more efficiency than a C-Suite, creating solutions that can quickly move an organization out of a troublesome state. This is yet another of the several, advantages of autocratic leadership style. They even need guidance and instruction on how to, to do the given jobs. Autocratic leadership eliminates this issue because the command goes straight to the workers involved. Did you know that autocratic leadership is great when it comes to handling crises? send our content editing team a message here, 11 Office Closed Due to Inclement Weather Messages, 50 Most Asked Nursing Interview Questions with Answers, 20 Best Answers to Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job, 10 Best Answers to Why Do You Want to Be a Manager, 11 Best Answers to What Does Leadership Mean to You Interview Question, 50 Most Asked Front Desk Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Ways to Answer Sell Me This Pen in an Interview, 10 Most Asked Integrity Interview Questions with Answers, 25 Most Asked Confidentiality Interview Questions with Answers, 50 Most Asked Phone Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Answers to What Are Your Interests and Hobbies.
Autocratic Leadership Guide: Definition, Qualities, Pros & Cons Leaders are of different types. - increases employee satisfaction and motivation. Strong sense of control and direction: Autocratic leaders provide clear direction and expectations for their team members, which can create a sense of order and stability. Succession planning can be defined asa business strategy organizations use to pass leadership roles down to another employee or group of employees. They prefer to set their objectives, plan of action, processes and methods independently. Some employees dont like the idea of being asked to make an important decision about the future of the company. Autocratic Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages: Advantages: It allows for fast decisions to be made: - An autocratic leadership includes fewer levels of administration levels that are to be informed. In the paternalistic form, the core characteristics of this leadership style are used, with an added emphasis on worker wellbeing as part of the experience. Humans are by nature different from each other; still, experts try to categorize them into various segments. 1. Managers deal with their employees in different ways. When the leader is the only person in the organization who makes decisions and determines the companys strategy, they can easily feel overwhelmed. As such, in autocratic leadership, faster decisions can be made. It also creates hardships for the leader because they may get blamed for the actions of a worker when that worker was told to do something completely different.
Management & Leadership Styles | Autocratic, Democratic - YouTube If there isnt enough time to develop personal skills or learn something new, then autocratic leaders are still able to get the job done. Most autocratic leaders do not consider the opinions or abilities of their staff members while making decisions. So, there are advantages of the autocratic leadership style for the employees, too. Because of the too much rigidity in the structure, and low growth opportunities, most of the experienced employees tend to leave the autocratic organizations. What leads to a successful working relationship is an ability of workers to have trust in their leaders, and vice-versa. It can also mean workers personal needs are neglected, causing them to feel like their supervisor does not care about them as individuals. He has the sole authority to command, direct, and instruct all the team members. There is no gray area for employee performance in this type of environment, which can be comforting for employees. Also, graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University with a BA in Business & Management Studies and completed a DTLLS (Diploma in Teaching in the Life-Long Learning Sector) from London South Bank University. A military leader who cannot make executive decisions can cause a security breach during critical operations, and military personnel who do not receive clear, direct orders from their leaders can become confused and fail to act when necessary. One of the greatest advantages to working with an autocratic leader is that the employee always knows whats expected and what will happen if they fail to perform as expected. But, the results always lead to corporate success. 3. An autocratic leadership style is similar to an authoritarian leadership style. Over time, however, this leadership style creates mistrust within the workplace. If they face a decision in the work they are doing, they are almost forced to go to the leader for advice on what to do instead of making the decision on their own. Organisational continuity is threatened in the absence of the leader . How Procedures Can Improve Efficiency, available at: (accessed 06 April 2021). The manager respects employees' insight and asks them to help make the best decision, and the team respects the leader's ability to ultimately make the right call after considering their viewpoints. They arent required to wait for the feedback from senior managers or consult with a leadership team. Dependent on the leader: Organizational success is entirely dependent on the leader and their ideas, which can endanger the stability of the organization. It improves productivity. This system leaves the employees stress-free. Autocratic leaders are often charged with information movement. That means workers tend to not take ownership of the work they do because there is no incentive to do so. 7. This approach derives from the views of Taylor as to how to motivate workers and relates to McGregor's theory X view of workers. When a company crisis occurs, a leader with authoritative traits can begin to call the shots to make immediate changes. This can lead to burnout. Decisions can be made faster with this leadership style. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. 1. Although their primary aim should be to achieve business goals, as leaders, it is also their responsibility to add value to employees.
Autocratic Leadership Style: Obstacle to Success in Academic Libraries Communication is the systematic process of passing information from one person to another. This leadership style can produce authoritative short-term results. Autocratic leaders dont deal with the hassle of multiple leadership levels. Many autocratic leaders turn into severe micromanagers, making it difficult for workers to do their job because theyre always forced to report on what they are doing at any given moment. It is one of the biggest, advantages of the autocratic leadership style, Faster decision-making and quick information-sharing can help boost the teams productivity. Autocratic leadership eradicates this confusion as the command goes straight to the people involved. However, there are some advantages of autocratic leadership as well.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership - LetsLearnFinance