Published November 28, 2014. Perhaps Michael or Alex could follow up with that and find out. 15 And the LORD will utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with His scorching wind will He shake His hand over the River, and will smite it into seven streams, and cause men to march over dry-shod. Thank you for sharing this hard news, Michael. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. I am pointing out the fact that giving flawed man too much power and authority is corrupting in both politics and religionno matter how specially anointed they claim they are or how endorsed they are by Chuck Smith etc. His family is leaving. Sad but true. Scripture tells me Bob C thought it, conceived, it and did it. take y words and spiritualize them.. If this is untrue or these are unlawfully exaggerated claims the. Most of the regular posters, find no glee in what has happened. Lorenzo, My lying mouth? He resigned because he had no choice. She didnt want Vince to have to make the difficult decision of whether to turn off her life support, either. Total identity loss. That is why Mark Davis & Clay heacocks leftthey saw this stuff and said enough is enough!! Robert Fountain SENIOR PASTOR CALVARY CHAPEL MIAMI BEACH | LinkedIn. How is this furthering the kingdom? Talk about distractions in worship! Any recent full frontals of his mistresses? So they began to buy out failing churches in the area and use large screens. Christ the Rock suffered its own scandal a while back and I heard that Pastor set up camp at a near location. I will remind all in this blog that Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery in your heart. Our goal is to help you along your discipleship journey and enjoy a full life as a follower of Christ.. PS Connie and Ashleigh (Pastors Gregs wife) have been afflicted with cancer I will ask you all to hold them in prayer this month please. The only one who was worried was Vince. I know the solution is to get right with many people that were hurt. Why hasnt it been called adultery?? As a doctrine, it leads people to follow the antichrist who comes to unite the worlds belief systems. Michael, I see you shook the tree and some nuts fell out. As I said above, look how many men think that the light casual joking around is not harmful when they are actually sending out and allowing themselves to receive horny vibes. Christians must never, ever put their faith in the created, only in the creator (Romans 1). awesome. What do you do, you just put up little sayings to avoid answering the question, it doesnt change the question, its still waiting to be answered! Keep the witchhunt there and find out who on the board insisted the news wait until after services and who wanted immediate notification. When a mocker comes along it is real important for him to be smart and accurate with his mocking. [6] This sorrow proceeding merely from the fear of punishment, is called legal repentance, as being excited by the terrors of legal penalties, and it may exist without an amendment of life. I think he (Stanley) was the first to do this. Boy do you have to stretch to believe this stuff. Deal with it and may your curse not come back on you. Certainly they sinned as well, but Im only seeing defense of 1/2 (or 1/3, or 1/4, or.) Lets not use this thread for our personal theological musings, please. You are a funny guy 1st you quote to me Jamieson, Fausset & Brown, and then you tell me you JUST READ THE BIBLE which is it. Moe- I thought of the verse Does a dog return to its vomit. If not then the whole board and staff needs to repent ( in ways appropriate to their position and level of participation and approval) . of course not, youll jump somewhere else. Them coy has no grounds to sue you. Not one is perfect and we all fall short. You probably dont want to go there with me, as I may know more than you want to hear. Who is Kassanndra Cantrell? I hope wiser minds prevail. That is just ridiculous. What did he confess too? With the latest revelations on child molestation, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale posted on Tuesday the following statementin response to the allegations: "Our church was saddened to hear of the allegations made against Bob Coy years after his resignation and departure as senior pastor. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want. The inner circle or big givers got to have dinner with DC and BC. The accusations reveal in graphic detail that Coy forced the girl to perform oral sex on him, and that he "digitally penetrated her.". Or thought of someone else while youre with youre being intimate with your wife? KMOA. His programs were included on Trinity Broadcasting Network, a network that hosts several televangelists. Thank God that through Jesus we can find forgiveness no matter how much it hurts. is it possible you source could be wrong. But some thought it was financial issues. CAKEGATE 2023: Bad Bunny's Restaurant Accused of Gobbling Birthday Girl's Cake, Death Train: A Timeline of Brightline Fatalities in South Florida UPDATED, Neighborhood Nazi Jon Minadeo Peddles Hate by the Minute, Sen. Rubio's Permanent Daylight Savings Bill Sees Light of Day Once More, NFL Legend Ray Lewis Joins World Jai-Alai League Board of Directors, Affordable New "Micro-Units" Slated for Little River, Edgewater. Barbara, You will have to do the homework. Personally I think Hughs comments are refreshing and realistic. Quick Answer: What has happened to Pastor Bob Coy? Most of those folks may stop sinning in some areas, but then the sin of pride and self-righteousness (which the bible says god hates) seems to dog this Group post-saved. And in every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his kingdom. So what you are saying is if all the other guys had IQs of 120 then Daniel and his buddies had IQs of 1,200? It shows just how broken the Calvary System is. Therefore the discussion is pointless. Accountability measures and shared power help mitigate both temptation and abusesin government and religion. Hes on the radio and all around the world. His wife is Diane Coy (m. 1984, div. They had plenty of time to tell their people and they already had prepared for their family meeting. It reminds me of an overnight star. You got a star on your forehead you dont cheat on your wife. After his preaching career ended, he landed work managing the Funky Biscuit, a nightclub in Mizner Park in Boca Raton. Both guilty? I have a feeling cause I saw someone else with the exact car.. Quite an eclectic mix of emails coming in. I dont like that at all. What is the biblical model for dealing with leaders who blatently sin? According to Jesus definition of adultery, you are just as much an adulterer as Bob Coy is! Daughter, We live in Coral Springs and have attended some of the more conservative churches in the area Reformed Baptist, Anabaptist and a John Macarthur affiliated church. There are many Christian men who would not trade their happy monogamous marriages for the most beautiful women in the world. CCFL is currently led by Pastor Doug Sauder. Coy and his family are OUR FAMILY IN CHRIST! And we now have media Pastor?? So youre saying youve never viewed porn in all the time youve been married? , ; , -. Then all were invited up to search their hearts. You represented well. So where do you attend church? Diane Downs gave birth to four children. Lorenzo #483. They were the ones with the power to fire him, and they did so. As per the recent report, his net worth is $ 5 million. If I was a Calvinist I would still punch you in the blog-mouth with your silliness. Thanks for the suggestion, I am not going to go the Mega route right now since I am very need of the Body as a family at this juncture of my life. The following day, the victim told the police that she was not ready to proceed with a criminal investigation unless a second person came forward. Why do you express yourself behind screen names ? Im not going to Judge anybody, the behavior is absolutely wrong but Pastor Coy is still one of Gods Children , you loose your fellowship with Him until you truly repent and change course but you do not loose your salvation, that would make Jesus a failure and that my friend is Impossible, no one can take His sheep from his hand. You may buy the old line well we were just standing there and our clothes fell off I dont. Some are called to a higher level and accountability, and how much more do they need our prayer and support? Plus, listen to Greg Laurie talk about the situation on Pastors Perspectiveclearly the moral failure wasnt that Coy was driving solo in the carpool lane. What did the church do in the Middle Ages? Did he confess before or after he was busted? The church should set a mechanism for those that dont know how to deal with their sin to discretely discuss it and decide how to move forward. Jessica Hahn was a plant and Bakker was a willing stooge but I still felt bad for him. Ive had so much calamity the last few years that a standard curse would feel like a vacation. Too much evidence to convince me otherwise. I also posted a Youtube of BC at Liberty University at last yrs graduation ceremony. Yes, God judged him, but was restored, and he was still king, leading the people. That may sound petty, but really, your comment is, well, naive. I havent been rebuked and cursed so much since Chuck passed away. Lorenzo, You have an obsessive form of projection, as evidenced by your post here, from your viewing of pornography and thinking of other women while youre being intimate with your wife. Embrace him. Im sure that there are many churches in the FtL area that, while not mega in size, would be a good fit for many of you in the work of the ministry. But this situation hurts my heart so much. In 2007, Christianity Today spoke to numerous Calvary pastors across the country. Money really is the root of all kinds of evil. Hes a great teaching no matter what. Thank you for posting the info about the 2:30 pm meeting. Nobody handed him the keys, he built this church. Did the Holy Spirit reveal this to you? Michael, I look forward to the upcoming week then as it pertains to reading what those folks working on those conversations have to say. I know for sure that I wouldt want my own sin, and hypocrisy exposed for the whole world to see. Like what he made his own brother do? I know it is difficult to understand that something good will come from this. Sounds like the sin isnt what concerns you but its about the money. I listened to it again and its as powerful as the first time we posted it. We teach the young men of God to watch for these three attacks. Im sure he sins just like the rest of us. Imagine what all those kids at Liberty are thinking now. Thats what I love about Calvinist preterists, and that is that they are consistent, in denying the literal aspects of scripture and have to do exegetical gymnastics and use pretzel logic to try to prove their conclusions that the Bible does not mean what it says, and says what it means, so when it says that there will be a 1000 year reign of Christ, it doesnt really mean a 1000 year reign, but its symbolic, in fact we are already in the millennium, in fact the lamb is lying with the lion, its to be taken spiritually, (I had one preterist tell me that his cat and his parakeet were getting along and played together and that that was proof for him that we were in the millennium), and Satan is chained up right now (yeah right! The sexual assault claims, which have never before been divulged,. Pastor bob always taught us to keep our eyes on Christ not man. His gray goatee is neatly trimmed, and he wears a light-blue plaid shirt and expensive jeans. Im not one to split hairs but The first meeting place for CC was in a funeral home behind Albertsons in FT Lauderdale, now it is true they moved for a bunch of years to Pompano but only with temporary zoning variances off Gateway but were deigned permission to a become permanent church location, therefore they never settled there. Satan is a liar, a thief and that is why it is soooo important for the body of Christ to pray for ALL pastors and their families and for all churchesand for our own families.continually.I cant be there for the meeting but my friends will be and they will be heartbroken..but we need to pray for Diane and the children and Not look at them wronglyPastor Bob needs continual prayer because I know with all my heart if he could turn back the clock he would have asked for help.. Calvary was his life and his families years ago in another church I was in a similar thing happened ..the pastor had built the church up to an enormous congregation in Orlando.and years later he came back not to his church but to ministries and the end of his life was his best. NOTHING can take that away ! Secondly the Bible will say adultery or fornication but fornication can include many types of different types of sexual sin, its not pertinent to dwell on the sin itself and bring out every lurid detail of that sin for your viewing pleasure and for you to dwell in. Pastor Robert Coy, the former Las Vegas casino entertainment director turned religious leader for one of Florida's biggest megachurches, has been accused of molesting a 4-year-old girl. By being such a forgiver they make themselves out to be super spiritual, but as that blogger be spiritual is to know what the scriptures teach about how to handle this kind of situation. Michael, I do believe weve had this discussion in the past in much detail, so no point in rehashing. 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. Youre boorish behavior reflects poorly on the myriad of folks who are supportive of the Coy family and the value or validity of the teaching ministry he had. Some in the CCA and CCFTL have tried to make me out to be the one caught in gross sin and any opportunity to discredit me will be taken. The problem is that he is human. That case was settled out of court, but the attorney who brought the case says that, in general terms, Smith's habit of forgiving and rehiring pastors who have committed sexual offenses is a recipe for disaster. We had to depend on recommended books and the Lord.and blogs like this. Those that think me wrong for doing so, should set the example for me, and let it go. We should have stoned that adulterer. Bob, in my opinion, respects people that challenge him because hes a competitive type of guy but bring your A game.
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