Shouldnt we do those things apart from any benefit to us because theyre the right thing to do? Jesus in. There is no need to be a weak, anaemic Christian. The benefits of reading the Bible include this incredible joy that we receive only from Him. Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good. Jesus modeled this for us. But Peter asked essentially the same thing and the Lord did not rebuke him. This gift encourages action through intercessory prayer and serves as a witness of Gods eternal knowledge to the world. Real knowledge, Sanford says, is from God the Father (James 1:16-18), Gods Son Jesus Christ (John 14:6), and Gods Holy Spirit (1 John 2:20-27).. If you are caught in the chains of addiction (from alcohol to shopping or absolutely anything), you can break those chains by leaning into The Father and giving them to Him. The Importance of Wisdom and How to Become Wiser - Life, Hope & Truth I also plan to become addicted to alcohol and drugs. But they overlook the clear biblical truth that new life in Christ always manifests itself in the fruit of godliness. The proper . To me, this has become one of the most important benefits of reading the Bible. For one thing, she would use the words in a humorous way, so that you had to know the meaning of the word to understand the joke. The more intimate your relationship with Jesus, the better youre your life will become. ), and paste them into a notebook. How can the fallen person know if hes saved? Reading the news too much? familiarity with each individual and his or her mannerisms (Genesis 18:19; Deuteronomy 34:10; Isaiah 48:8; Psalms 1:6; 37:18). He is likea treeplanted bystreams of waterthat yields its fruit in its season,and itsleaf does not wither.In all that he does, he prospers.. 3:5, 22; Deuteronomy 1:39; Isaiah 7:15), an ability that little ones lack. is beneath the surface. The Biblical Benefits of Adding Knowledge In Your Life Of all of the benefits of reading the Bible, this is one of the most personal. Our vision is to bring revival to Israel, the Church, and the nations through a deeper understanding and revelation of the power of covenant. Seek counsel from God-fearing people that already possess Gods wisdom. In 1981, I read the two-volume autobiography of C. H. Spurgeon. Why? He was a faithful pastor in England for many years. If you need more convincing on why you should embrace this wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, please read Proverbs, chapters 8 and 9. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. Through God's words we gain an understanding that God is the one who gives the gift of knowledge- that is an understanding or awareness of something. For them, clear thinking held the key to success The original Hebrew word emphasizes accuracy and the ability to sense what When we put on the armor of God, through reading scripture, we become enabled to battle and are strengthened through God and His Word. Author and spiritual coach David Sanford wrote, Good knowledge is what God wants us to know, believe, and heed. (John 17:17). To carry out the work of the Holy Spirit, Believers must be willing to surrender to walking by the Spirit and not by the flesh. While Peter ponders the vision, God imparts another word of knowledge to him through a voice. But to say that those in verse 9 are not truly saved, you must say that they were never really purified from their former sins; they only claimed to be purified, perhaps through baptism. Millions of people know about Him who do not really know Him. From Living the Proverbs by Charles R. Swindoll, copyright 2012. In the present, growing in godliness will give us the joy of being useful and fruitful to the Lord, so that we dont waste our lives. Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge are Spirits. Knowledge forever pursues the truth. These are just a few benefits of Bible study, friend, but there are many more (keep an eye out for more in an upcoming post)! And I saw that wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness. Before we see how having wisdom, knowledge, and understanding will benefit you, let us look at how some people in the Bible already enjoyed these benefits. Paul said, everything that was written in the past was written to teach us (Romans 15:4). Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. Idolatry grows in spiritual ignorance, but God does not want people to be ignorant about Him. 3. My ninth-grade English teacher pulled off a phenomenal feat: she motivated a bunch of teenagers, who at first couldnt care less about expanding their vocabularies, to learn 120 vocabulary words. In verses 1-4, Peter sets before us the resources that God has graciously provided for us: He has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness through knowing Christ and through His precious and magnificent promises. The world encourages knowledge of all things, but not all knowledge is good. Please refer to the image below these scriptures for a summary. So the first benefit of growing in godliness is fruitfulness in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Psa 86:17. The Christian attitude should be life-long learningThe more I learn, the more I realize how much I needto learn. The heart attitudes of humility and love should guide all intellectual pursuits and engagement. Understanding is a fountain of life to one who has it,But the discipline of fools is folly. When we should rest, how to pray and fast. How wonderful! 5. Effective written communication skills to . A disciple does not dabble in learning. For Permission to Quote Information visit The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. There is a theoretical and an experiential knowledge of God, and it is the experiential knowledge of Him which is so vital. Please share this article so that more people can benefit from having wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. About. As we begin to understand what is important to God, it also shapes our understanding of what is important for His kingdom and what He wants us to do. And then, according to verse sixteen above, when you increase in knowledge, multiplication and increase in all of the other areas of your life are inevitable. Tools. But God also offers plenty of opportunities to gain knowledge about Him. Our bodies are the temples (tabernacles) of God (1 Corinthians 6:19), and when and as we really know God we shall share His hatred of sin and we shall deal with it look up 2 Corinthians 7:1. As we get to know God, our delight increases in His gifts, His service, His house, but most of all, in Himself! Well, go back to the fifth verse in this twenty fourth chapter of Proverbs and you will see. Christians cannot trust their deceitful hearts to point them in the direction of good knowledge, and Satan always tries to trick people (Jeremiah 17:9; John 10:10). In John 3:16, we are told, For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life., We also saw that wisdom and understanding dwell in the heart and mind. It increases our knowledge of God. Church leaders like John Calvin and Martin Luther promoted education so people could understand Gods Word. 5 Promising Benefits of Personal Bible Study What Does the Bible Say about Knowledge? - Bible Study Tools Quality time together strengthens friendships and relationships. I had read about wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in the Bible but never given it much thought previously. Good comes to those who are adding the knowledge of God to their life continually. Believers who are cultivating the godly qualities listed in verses 5-7 are walking closely with the Lord. Required fields are marked *. A word of knowledge is when God supernaturally imparts comprehension of a current or past situation to you that you would not otherwise know. Mans thoughts need to be filled with the knowledge of his will (Colossians 1:9). Knowledge is important to know God and what He expects of us. It is a beautiful attribute for anyone. A wise man is strong,And a man of knowledge increases power. I plan to live so selfishly and with such disregard for others that I will shred all of my relationships. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 2. In Jesus mighty name, I have prayed, Amen. No doubt His growth in wisdom as a child was based on the spiritual training He had at home (Luke 2:52). Whoever gives thought to the wordwill discover good,and blessed is hewho trusts in theLord. Believers need to know the tactics of the enemySatans wicked schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11). Indeed, thoughts without God are hostile to Him and a reason for sinful pride (1 Corinthians 8:1b). In light of all this knowledge of the Holy One, which is also understanding, we see that Wisdom is Jesus Christ, who is God. Check your email for your free Books of the Bible Overview! The word of knowledge is a spiritual gift given to Believers by the Holy Spirit. Amazing Ways to Benefit from Having Wisdom and Knowledge You cant find that anywhere but by reading scripture. Benefits in the Bible (27 instances) - Knowing Jesus Knowledge is neither ethically nor morally neutral. But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered. Sheand her husband Bob live in Southern California. Believers can ask God for more knowledge (Psalm 119:66). God tells us plainly He that wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30). What Is Knowledge In The Bible Yoga Kali In many contexts, it denotes the ability to discern, based on past experience, the difference between two things (Genesis We absolutely need our pastor sowing the Word of God into us continually, so that our knowledge of God is always increasing. God also empowered the artisans to teach others how to do these beautiful works while building the Tabernacle. Ill be reading the Bible, curled up with my pup, and a cup of coffee! In light of these great benefits, be diligent to grow in godliness. Lesson 4: The Benefits of Growing in Godliness (2 Peter 1:8-11) - Bible Its all in there. But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Daniel 11:32b KJV. Being strengthened by the Father to face whatever life has before you. 1 Peter 3:7ESV / 203 helpful votes HelpfulNot Helpful If He had not chosen us and called us, we would still be lost in our sins. (. My prayer is that you will search them out as you continually seek to add knowledge in your life. The Bible actually says to let them be an ornament to grace your neck. Thats why Paul said, I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil (Romans 16:19). God says to love Him with our whole being, including the mind. In short, what motivation is there to be diligent to grow in godliness? Even if you are already a believer, rereading the words reminds us that He gave His only son for us to live in Him. Bible study gives us wisdom and understanding. Paul warned, knowledge puffs up while love builds up.. John Calvin observes (Calvins Commentaries [Baker], on 2 Peter 1:8, p. 374), For the knowledge of Christ is an efficacious thing and a living root, which brings forth fruit. In other words, if God has opened your eyes to the glory of the gospel of Christ (2 Cor. As promised, here is a suggested prayer for you to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ and obtain everlasting life: I acknowledge that I am a sinner. However, God has blessed Believers with a word of knowledge for a couple of specific reasons within that purpose. As they practice these things, it will safeguard them from stumbling in the sense of falling away from the faith. While there are numerous ways that reading the Bible brings us closer to God and benefits us daily. Promises that He will be our rock, our refuge and stronghold. What motivates you to keep at it? May the Therefore, we must align ourselves with the Word and our spiritual assignments. Understanding, Whelchel says, is the ability to translate meaning from the facts. Paul desired that believers love would keep on abounding and growing in knowledge and discernment (Philippians 1:9). Most evangelicals think that if you prayed to receive Christ, you are eternally secure and should never doubt that fact. Have you returned to God by receiving Christ as your own personal Saviour? The words of a mans mouth are deep waters;The fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook. He who gets wisdom loves his own soul;He who keeps understanding will find good. I also find that writing scripture helps me to memorize more of the Bible and draws me to Him in a deeper way. The highest good is not helping people, it is not attaining great wealth, it not attaining tremendous knowledge. Knowledge and understanding help believers identify, avoid, and rebuke false teaching (2 Thessalonians 3:14; 2 John 1:10; 1 Timothy 5:19-20; 6:3-5). God has intellect (Romans 11:34), and His universe was created with truth and logic. How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver. What, then, is the good that comes by knowing God? They are seeking to know Him better and to please Him every day. Nor can it be exchanged for articles of fine gold. Therefore in some cases, we shall refer to all the three and in other instances only two, or one of them depending on the scripture reference. Nearly any situation that you face, you will find instructions on how to respond. Education has been an important factor in church history. Therefore knowledge is emphasized in the Bible as the highest priority. My soul melts away for sorrow;strengthen me according to your word!. How can we know whether our lives are truly fruitful for Gods kingdom? Far too many people are skipping the church services where their answers are being revealed by their pastor as he ministers from gods Word. If the Holy Spirit has imparted a word of knowledge to you, know that God has and will continue to equip you with all the spiritual tools necessary to carry out your spiritual assignment. People of faith could learn from Old Testament saints mistakes. And the object was taken up into heaven again.Acts 10:9-16, His vision was an impartation of knowledge. 106 Powerful Affirmations towards Your Desired Life, How to Know The Power of The Lords Prayer, The Wonderful Secrets to the Best Life in Jesus, Powerful Scriptures on Gods Will You Want to Know, Wonderful Ways to Stand Fast as a Child of God, Embrace the Most Fascinating Help You Will Ever Need.
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